Guys, using Gh Off-season for first time. Was haphazard in my past regarding how I used it but this time want to be absolutely perfect with it now. Have
read and heard you have to be careful how you take it around meals. Based
on my meal schedule as follows, WHERE/WHAT TIME WOULD YOU TAKE IT ?
Keep in mind I cannot take before bed at home as my wife does not approve of my "supplements" so would be taken at my business sometime during day,
after 6am but before 530pm (I work a long day).
4am - first breakfast at home
5am - train in gym till 6am
6am - leave gym, 10ius slin, Vitargo Shake head to business
8am - go home briefly 2nd breakfast at home
11am - first lunch
130pm - second lunch
430pm - Musclemilk shake
530pm ------------head home-------------
8pm - dinner at home
So again, where would you fit it in ? Planning 4ius a day.
Thanks! Worldspan
read and heard you have to be careful how you take it around meals. Based
on my meal schedule as follows, WHERE/WHAT TIME WOULD YOU TAKE IT ?
Keep in mind I cannot take before bed at home as my wife does not approve of my "supplements" so would be taken at my business sometime during day,
after 6am but before 530pm (I work a long day).
4am - first breakfast at home
5am - train in gym till 6am
6am - leave gym, 10ius slin, Vitargo Shake head to business
8am - go home briefly 2nd breakfast at home
11am - first lunch
130pm - second lunch
430pm - Musclemilk shake
530pm ------------head home-------------
8pm - dinner at home
So again, where would you fit it in ? Planning 4ius a day.
Thanks! Worldspan