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Where should competitors inject?


Jan 3, 2021
I realize that glute injections wind up blurring striations in your glutes so you should avoid them if you're a competitor.

So where would be the best places to inject for a competitor? What sites should be rotated?

Also, are there any drawbacks to injecting HGH/slin subQ in the stomach or should they be elsewhere too to prevent any pockets of water in the lower abdomen?
I realize that glute injections wind up blurring striations in your glutes so you should avoid them if you're a competitor.

So where would be the best places to inject for a competitor? What sites should be rotated?

Also, are there any drawbacks to injecting HGH/slin subQ in the stomach or should they be elsewhere too to prevent any pockets of water in the lower abdomen?
Who told you injecting in glutes blurs striations? Who even cares about striated glutes anyways if the rest of body is show ready? I inject GH in shoulders. There is many places to do injections, just rotate the areas.
I realize that glute injections wind up blurring striations in your glutes so you should avoid them if you're a competitor.

So where would be the best places to inject for a competitor? What sites should be rotated?

Also, are there any drawbacks to injecting HGH/slin subQ in the stomach or should they be elsewhere too to prevent any pockets of water in the lower abdomen?
I dont think its blurring striations, but people just use it as a excuse because could not get lean enough. May cause some inflammation, thats why many cut out injection last few days before stage.
Avoid lumbs, massage and rotate between two places in glutes, lats and quads (careful here) is my go too places for gear.
GH i inject shoulders, chest, quads or biceps. Dont think about, just do whats easy. Sometimes in my stomach to. Insulin always SubQ in stomach. Never had any issues with pockets of water because of that and dont know why it should be or any reason for that?
Milos is not a judge though. Glute striations absolutely matter in this day and age.

However, I have not experienced any loss of striations as long as I rotate sites (1cc a day, 10 sites).
No it does not. Overall mass, symmetry and being lean enough wins shows whether you have striated glutes or not. I think you guys mistake being lean in that area versus striations.
No one is saying a glute injection blurs sights. Does a lat inject blur that site? Or a side delt?

At the same time, u don’t wanna only have one site that you hammer the shit out of until there is obvious scar tissue. Moral of the story? Rotate sites. Personally, I have a big scar tissue knot in my R glute and only my R glute from years of only twisting that way to inject and not rotating.
I recommend everywhere possible to rotate lol...and there definetly is a correlation with glute injects blurring lines. Look at peoples delts etc. Its best to lay off glutes for most of prep IMO and in my experience.
I recommend everywhere possible to rotate lol...and there definetly is a correlation with glute injects blurring lines. Look at peoples delts etc. Its best to lay off glutes for most of prep IMO and in my experience.

I'd originally heard the idea from Beef Stu and Bleu Taylor that it blurs lines in the glutes. I just wasn't sure where would be best to inject instead.

I'm thinking medial delts, lats, and traps if I could reach it. Quads has been crippling for me in the past. I also can't reach rear delts.

Was just curious to everyone else's perspective
Long head of the triceps, rear delts, and upper/mid glutes (where your posing trunks can cover) are IMO, the best places as you get nearer to the show.

You could also stop all injects 10 days out or so, and cruise in on orals. I've just not gotten as good a look on stage day using orals only, so I'll typically add the injects morning of, before second coat of tanner.

Best spot to inject water based peptides is upper, inner adductors. Sounds crazy, but you don't want scar tissue in visible places!
Long head of the triceps, rear delts, and upper/mid glutes (where your posing trunks can cover) are IMO, the best places as you get nearer to the show.

You could also stop all injects 10 days out or so, and cruise in on orals. I've just not gotten as good a look on stage day using orals only, so I'll typically add the injects morning of, before second coat of tanner.

Best spot to inject water based peptides is upper, inner adductors. Sounds crazy, but you don't want scar tissue in visible places!

Great comment. I appreciate you.

Two questions though.

1. How in the hell do you reach your rear delts?
2. Any example of where to inject in the upper inner adductors? (Actual question not trying to ask weird shit)
Great comment. I appreciate you.

Two questions though.

1. How in the hell do you reach your rear delts?
2. Any example of where to inject in the upper inner adductors? (Actual question not trying to ask weird shit)
Sure thing!

For rear delts, you need to use a wall. Face the wall, and lean into it onto the elbow/arm that's holding your shot. Your biceps will be smashed against your chest. Then, you'll have the range and stability to get the pin into the rear delt. Or, have your wife do it!

I have stretch marks in the uppermost inner area of my adductors, and thats the spot for gh, mt2, hcg, anything water based really. (Its basically your crotch area, right where the adductors connect)
Long head of the triceps, rear delts, and upper/mid glutes (where your posing trunks can cover) are IMO, the best places as you get nearer to the show.

You could also stop all injects 10 days out or so, and cruise in on orals. I've just not gotten as good a look on stage day using orals only, so I'll typically add the injects morning of, before second coat of tanner.

Best spot to inject water based peptides is upper, inner adductors. Sounds crazy, but you don't want scar tissue in visible places!
In my opinion, something else your doing it hurting your look...you absolutely do not need injects day of... or even week of, at all, in most cases. Ive had people cut injects out 7 days out...some even 14-18 days out
In my opinion, something else your doing it hurting your look...you absolutely do not need injects day of... or even week of, at all, in most cases. Ive had people cut injects out 7 days out...some even 14-18 days out
You beat me to it. Injecting the day of the show or days before even will only hurt the look.

Anything else is placebo or all in the head IMO. But guys will still do it. 🤷‍♂️
In my opinion, something else your doing it hurting your look...you absolutely do not need injects day of... or even week of, at all, in most cases. Ive had people cut injects out 7 days out...some even 14-18 days out
Are there any sites in particular you prefer for your clients to rotate?

I'd assume rear-delts would be a yes, and glutes would definitely be a no.

If you had to choose 3 sites, what would they be? Speaking for competitors of course. Unless it just doesn't matter aside from avoiding glutes.
Sure thing!

For rear delts, you need to use a wall. Face the wall, and lean into it onto the elbow/arm that's holding your shot. Your biceps will be smashed against your chest. Then, you'll have the range and stability to get the pin into the rear delt. Or, have your wife do it!

I have stretch marks in the uppermost inner area of my adductors, and thats the spot for gh, mt2, hcg, anything water based really. (Its basically your crotch area, right where the adductors connect)
I know this is sounding ridiculous, but could you provide a more specific example of where to inject adductors? I injected forearms today for my GH and insulin and am not fully sure if I injected the correct site due to having a bit of PIP. It is virgin muscle though so perhaps it‘ll subside after a week of repeated injections. Trying to step away from subQ injections in the stomach.

Not asking for a picture of you specifically, but could you provide a photo example of where to inject the adductors? I literally was looking at my crotch for half an hour today trying to locate a good spot to inject inner upper adductors and pussied out as none of it seems comfortable
Sure thing!

For rear delts, you need to use a wall. Face the wall, and lean into it onto the elbow/arm that's holding your shot. Your biceps will be smashed against your chest. Then, you'll have the range and stability to get the pin into the rear delt. Or, have your wife do it!

I have stretch marks in the uppermost inner area of my adductors, and thats the spot for gh, mt2, hcg, anything water based really. (Its basically your crotch area, right where the adductors connect)

Idk about growth and other peptides.. but with all this crazy interest for weight loss drugs a lot of these study’s have looked into injection sites and whether they are all created equal (as in anything sub Q is the same) and they have found that for THOSE drugs, stomach area is better.

No idea if you care or if it matter enough. Just throwing that out there.
No it does not. Overall mass, symmetry and being lean enough wins shows whether you have striated glutes or not. I think you guys mistake being lean in that area versus striations.
I didn’t say it wins shows. I said it matters. Put two clones on a stage, one with striated glutes one without. The one with striated glutes will win.

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