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guys that hide use from gf or wife


New member
Kilo Klub Member
Nov 19, 2009
what do you explain is in the fridge?
if they see the gear ur caught

Always tell the truth. I only lie to my wife and the police. Jack Nicholson

If ur doing more than trt u don't admit to that. Geez you better hope an ex girlfriend doesn't tell LE. That's risky.
Hide all of it. If you piss off said GF and she tells LE you are in deep shit. Especially in a dept when alot of LE use AAS. They like to do bust to take the heat off of them. Happens more than you would like to know.
If you cant trust your GF not to tell LE then you shouldn't be with her bro. Just pin right in front of her a few times she'll get over it! Mine complained for a little bit then I made the valid argument that she paid 5k for the boobs on her chest so why cant I make my chest bigger.
"Babe, <pointing finger> this is GH, my insulin, over here is my peptides, test, etc. etc."

Why hide any of it?

Reading this aloud to my wife got an LOL.

GFs are one thing, but your wife has to know. WHEN she does find it, the next thing out of her mouth will be, "What else are you hiding from me?"

My wife always jokes that she knew what she was getting into long before she said "I Do".
Reading this aloud to my wife got an LOL.

GFs are one thing, but your wife has to know. WHEN she does find it, the next thing out of her mouth will be, "What else are you hiding from me?"

My wife always jokes that she knew what she was getting into long before she said "I Do".

yeah, well i had my wife take my gear to the police and try to screw me over for custody of my children. only thing was is she only found 30 dbol. my other shit was at my friends house. thats why you dont tell people shit. you tell your friend that works out at the gym with you but thats it. if i wasnt married, i wouldnt care to tell anyone.
The first rule of Fight Club is: You Do Not talk about Fight Club.
The second rule of Fight Club is: You DO NOT Talk About Fight Club.
The first rule of Fight Club is: You Do Not talk about Fight Club.
The second rule of Fight Club is: You DO NOT Talk About Fight Club.

No doubt brother. My wife is very understanding and we have a great relationship. However, there are some things that many women in particular can't or don't want to understand when it comes to something like this. I feel that it's completely unnecessary to stress her out about something that I chose to do to my body. We have enough of life's stress to deal with on a daily basis. Why proactively compound it?

Also, it's probably different for those folks that were already using when they first met their ladies. You got a, 'what you see is what you get', pass from the beginning. For many of us however, our AAS usage began after meeting/marrying our wives. I believe that constitutes a bit it of a different story.
my point is, test you can hide, gh , you need to keep in fridge, so how can you hide gh use? wtf do you tell her it is?

and while i agree with someday telling a gf b4 you decide if shes wife material,(maybe) a new gf may stumble on it b4 i decide she needs to know and boom, either she flips or is gone...........

still, women tend to make mountains out of ending an 18 yr rel now, and i dont plan on telling the next one, been down this road
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"Babe, <pointing finger> this is GH, my insulin, over here is my peptides, test, etc. etc."

Why hide any of it?

LOL - Why? :banghead:

Because Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.....

You never know a person's true colors until you piss them off.

Many people have learned the hard way. Lots of relatively recent posts on the matter. Nasty shit bro, let me tell you.

Why provide people with ammunition which they might use to shoot you with?

Original Poster: Tell her its all legal and scripted from a doc for a medical condition you have. If that doesnt work for whatever reason or she doesnt believe you, tell her that you have gotten rid of all the shit and that you will never use it again. Find a better place for your goodies and make SURE this time that she doesnt find it.
like where? a buddies fridge? lol , hey, mind holding this illegal stuff for me? oh, your using gh too? (count them now)
my point is, test you can hide, gh , you need to keep in fridge, so how can you hide gh use? wtf do you tell her it is?

and while i agree with someday telling a gf b4 you decide if shes wife material,(maybe) a new gf may stumble on it b4 i decide she needs to know and boom, either she flips or is gone...........

still, women tend to make mountains out of ending an 18 yr rel now, and i dont plan on telling the next one, been down this road

Put it in a old vitamin bottle, put cotton balls on top of it and pills on top of the cotton. A lot of work to keep re-setting up after each use but easy to hide from the wifey.


id need 50 bottles,lol, i got em in tupperware now
I was gonna say.....

I hid mine in the light panel/ plate for about 5 years until I finally decided to tell my wife about my use. Also, behind the veggie drawers in a ziploc baggie. If u ever have the time, get behind the fridge and see if there is a way to access the cold box, say thru the fan or lights.
Just make sure that you keep cluttering up the main fridge with protienshakes,premade food, yogurt and your milk and shit like tha. And then suggest that you get another fridge for the garage or basement for you to keep all your stuff in and she'll love the idea and then you're set. But for your gh and peptides you can just empty out a few yogurt containers(in a flavor she hates just in case)and put that kinda stuff in there and then put real yogurt and shit infront of your stuff. That might work.
I was gonna say.....

I hid mine in the light panel/ plate for about 5 years until I finally decided to tell my wife about my use. Also, behind the veggie drawers in a ziploc baggie. If u ever have the time, get behind the fridge and see if there is a way to access the cold box, say thru the fan or lights.

Just make sure that you keep cluttering up the main fridge with protienshakes,premade food, yogurt and your milk and shit like tha. And then suggest that you get another fridge for the garage or basement for you to keep all your stuff in and she'll love the idea and then you're set. But for your gh and peptides you can just empty out a few yogurt containers(in a flavor she hates just in case)and put that kinda stuff in there and then put real yogurt and shit infront of your stuff. That might work.

yeah, till she sees the expiration date and decides to chuck it, good idea on the clutter method tho ,lol
Yeah, Hide it

AN ex-girlfriend can be a very dangerous adversary(man I just can't spell)

My worry is my kids. They are still on the cusp of knowing if they saw it. Tooyoung What if they tell their friends? Mom, Mr Triathloncoach has needles and he takes steroids. And hehas guns. Yikes. I'd have to do a South Park Chef and make sweet love to this kids mom. ;)
yeah, till she sees the expiration date and decides to chuck it, good idea on the clutter method tho ,lol

Ah all you have to do is actually eat that yogurt and keep getting new ones. Just make sure you get the ones with the expiration date on the lid so all you need to do is switch that every few weeks....that reminds me....

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