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Use of Expired HGH


Apr 11, 2010
I have 2 vials left of HGH and was wondering if it's SAFE to use after expiration which was just under 3 years ago (expiration was April 2020). It's been stored properly (fridge), and I realize that EFFECTIVENESS might be diminished but I'm primarily concerned about SAFETY.

Generally speaking, I don't believe peptide-based (VS say oil-based) compounds pose much, if any, risk a few years after the fact if stored properly; but I'm curious if anyone knows or has experience in this regard with HGH (which I would think is one of the more common "hidden treasures" in fridge. :cool:
I have seen no studies on such thins. But as i tend to be a risk taker i would probably use them.
Talked to a friend who feels I'd be G2G. 2+ IUs in the system so I'll update if anything unusual and hopefully report back positive effectiveness. Using it for very different reasons than in the past; but after having been on it for years, and then taking a *near 6 year hiatus from it, (*minus a month or two for an injury about 3 years back), I have a 'virgin system'. :D
Glad I paid for top quality! No welts; typical mild, natural increase in energy was present; PLUS the ***appetite suppression*** (which for ME is THE MOST RELIABLE indication the GH is still good).

***NOTE: Most who read this & have basic knowledge of HGH are likely thinking WTF!?! I won't write an essay here (just do a forum search on my OLD posts to dig that up!), but in a nutshell: HGH has been one of only a HANDFUL of substances I've EVER taken to effectively suppress my VORACIOUS baseline hunger levels.

Although VERY MUCH improved, I still need to take on a daily basis: nicotine OR phentermine (for hunger suppression) AND often some caffeine (for energy). Thus, given that I was slightly hungry before pinning the GH, (and now, 2+ hrs later, my hunger is GONE WITHOUT any nicotine, phentermine, or caffeine, etc.), the old HGH seems to be performing quite well to say the least.
Glad I paid for top quality! No welts; typical mild, natural increase in energy was present; PLUS the ***appetite suppression*** (which for ME is THE MOST RELIABLE indication the GH is still good).

***NOTE: Most who read this & have basic knowledge of HGH are likely thinking WTF!?! I won't write an essay here (just do a forum search on my OLD posts to dig that up!), but in a nutshell: HGH has been one of only a HANDFUL of substances I've EVER taken to effectively suppress my VORACIOUS baseline hunger levels.

Although VERY MUCH improved, I still need to take on a daily basis: nicotine OR phentermine (for hunger suppression) AND often some caffeine (for energy). Thus, given that I was slightly hungry before pinning the GH, (and now, 2+ hrs later, my hunger is GONE WITHOUT any nicotine, phentermine, or caffeine, etc.), the old HGH seems to be performing quite well to say the least.
Weird. I have never seen anyone say hgh caused Appetite suppression.
Weird. I have never seen anyone say hgh caused Appetite suppression.
Not the first time I've been told that and I was pleasantly surprised as well. Only thing I can think of is that it's more of a normalization (which in MY case = hunger suppression). Ever since I could remember (early childhood), I've had voraciously high hunger levels. So from THAT standpoint, the HGH massively suppresses my hunger; but if you were to just look at it from a standpoint of the total number of calories I'm consuming in a day based on given level of training/activity, that number (with the GH) would be RIGHT in line with normal (VS a "low" or "suppressed" amount).

NO DOUBT this GH is still very potent!!! MANY effects confirming this for ME:

1. GREATLY *Suppressed Hunger (BOTH in the form of DECREASED hunger AND INCREASED satiety)
*As stated above, "suppressed" relative to MY high hunger & low satiety; but the end result (how much food consumed in a day given my level of activity) would not be low/"suppressed" but instead normal.
And as someone who still counts calories & weighs everything that crosses the lips with a gram scale, this one is pretty quantifiable (yesterday was not only my LOWEST intake in the previous 5 weeks but also achieved EFFORTLESSLY).

2. Increased body temperature (I'd TOTALLY forgotten about this one but there were 2 unmistakable indicators that were NOT flukes, especially this time of year where Winter temps have already 'set in' VS the Spring/Fall that tend to have much more massive fluctuations):
a) Being able to comfortably walk BAREFOOT around my house for 30+ minutes WITHOUT socks/slippers, (which simply DOES NOT happen this time of year, given that I have NO heat & ALL flooring).
b) Woke up sweating a few times (from being too hot) shortly after going to bed (until I finally dialed back the # of layers... to literally HALF of what I'm normally covered in - i.e. instead of: 2 coats, 2 thermal sleeping bags, and 2 blankets, it was JUST 2 coats & 1 thermal sleeping bag).

3. Sleep effects
a) POTENT cues to fall asleep, (now that I've cured my sleep issues - going on 5+ years now), my biggest 'downfall' is IGNORING my body's cues that's it's time for sleep & instead staying up late on the computer. The GH potently (and pleasantly) gave a stronger release of whatever hormones are involved in making one feel sleepy that I had NO desires to fight the urge and went right to bed
b) N/A to length of time to fall asleep and to quality of sleep, since unlike in the past, both of these are pretty unmatched & incredible since having cured my horrific sleep issues (going on over 5 years now!)
c) Waking up at 4 AM feeling STARVED & COLD - since I now REGULARLY sleep through the night (going on 5+ years), this was definite confirmation I wasn't imagining #'s 1 & 2 (i.e. me actually waking before sunrise for these reasons = definite indicators and sure signs the GH HAD worked BUT had now finally wore off!

4. Other - if all goes as planned, I'll let the cat out of the bag sooner or later on the specifics, (which is basically the reason I've turned back to using the GH in the first place). Right now, given the massive fluctuations my body has been experiencing in this regard, I DO NOT have much to go on and cannot even semi-quantify the results (such as with a number of total calories eaten or in the case of increased body temperature: having X number of layers on at a given temperature). So far, this one is PURELY subjective; but with that being said, yesterday morning/early afternoon, prior to taking the GH, I'd been experiencing a pretty big "down" (in terms of the ups/downs of my health in this regard); thought I'd imagined feeling slightly better (about 3-4 hrs post-pinning), but by 6-8 hrs post-pinning, it was undeniably better (to the point of: the best I'd felt in weeks). Always very possible it was just another down-to-up; but given the level of "stagnation" in my health, it was one heck of a potent "up". Small bit of wear off this AM, but unlike the hunger & cold body temperature that were totally back to baseline by morning, the effects in this regard were definitely more lasting. The ups/downs typically do not last more than a few days, so IF the GH is indeed 'the missing link' as I'm suspecting, it won't be long before I share further details. Until then, I'm sorry for keeping everyone in the dark but the emotional pain & trauma this 'health issue' has caused me is among the greatest I've ever experienced and in the midst of still being so far from normal, it's hard for me to talk about it other than vaguely. If for some reason the GH does not prove to be the magic bullet / missing link, then I'll be sure to post back once a solution is found.

Time to drop a MUCH overdue kudos in the sponsor section!!!
Re: to #4 above: to help heal injuries from an accident.

To fully appreciate the specifics (of how HGH has REALLY helped thus far), some unique background info is needed; (
but for those who want to cut to the chase first and then go back if needed, skip to #7):

1. For nearly a decade now, I've been going for stem cell treatment(s): AT LEAST 1x year and many times more than 1x year (my LIFE'S PASSION is rather extreme in terms of physical demands on the body, so MINIMUM 1x/year is a given).

2. My doc is perfectionist – SIMPLY THE BEST – and whether it's been a chronic injury (even as OLD as childhood in a few cases) OR an acute injury that renders me barely able to walk or move, his treatments had NEVER FAILED to get me back to TOP FORM… after a SINGLE treatment... and in record time (TOP FORM by end of Week #4 post op).

3. While there were a SHIT TON of tendons/ligaments that were injured/sprained in the recent accident, NOTHING was serious (per the MRI / US); and as such, my doc felt I'd be BACK to PRE-accident form in the *normal 4 weeks (*apparently I've been an anomaly in this regard, as he said that my recovery at 3-4 week mark is typically what the vast majority are experiencing at the 5-6 week mark).

4. Again, I've been going to this doc for about a decade now. He RARELY so much as slightly miscalculates, let alone had ever been "wrong". And (not counting my most recent stem cell...), my recovery for ALL OTHER stem cells had been TEXTBOOK CONSISTENT: ALL areas treated healed in full & BACK TO TOP FORM by end of Week #4 (REGARDLESS of whether the stem cell was for chronic build-up type issues OR acute/new injuries)

5. Needless to say, when my healing this time was *EXPONENTIALLY OFF, I knew deep down that SOMETHING was NOT RIGHT (and I'm NOT taking about anything to do with my AMAZING doc or his technique… in FACT, the recovery following the stem cell treatment I had just weeks PRIOR TO my accident was one of THE FASTEST and most miraculously to date, (in terms of the INSANE TRAINING VOLUME I threw down just weeks after a stem cell treatment).

  • Total mileage per WEEK (by MID-Week 5 post-op) was ~30+% LESS THAN total mileage normally logged in SINGLE DAY (by END of Week 4 post-op)
  • Total # of hours logged in an ENTIRE WEEK (by MID-Week 5 post-op) was ~60+% LESS THAN total # of hours normally logged in a SINGLE DAY (by END of Week 4 post-op)
6. The reason for NOT increasing activity level, (which was basically the same on Day 11 post-op as at the end of Week 5), was due to one injured region of my body that had experienced VERY SLOW HEALING, followed by complete stagnation (something that has NEVER happened); all other treated regions had healed in the near instant & full fashion.

7. After racking my brain for answers, it suddenly dawned on me: HGH!!!
*ALL new/acute injuries I'd ever sustained since having been going for regular stem cell treatments, (*MINUS the most recent stem cell), I'd been on the HGH. This time around, (thanks to me), the HGH was a bit late to the party (i.e. accident was 2+ months ago, stem cell was 1+ month ago, and I just started taking the HGH Saturday)

8. What I reported above (in my previous post under item #4) was *almost text book consistent with the subsequent 4 days, (*with the pleasant exception noted in red):
  • ~4 hour mark (post administration) = EVER SO SLIGHT ***improvement (where you'd half wonder if you imagined it)
  • ~6 – 6.5 hr mark (post administration) = MASSIVE undeniable ***improvement (i.e. feeling NORMAL; ALL LINGERING MILD soreness AND/OR stiffness (neither of which I've EVER experienced post-stem cell) = GONE!)
  • ***In terms of what I can actually feel: ALL IMPROVEMENTS TO DATE HAVE BEEN IN ONLY THOSE AREAS TREATED BY THE STEM CELL THAT HAD BEEN SUPER SLOW TO HEAL (followed by the stagnation)
  • Something I would NOT have been able to report on the other day but is unmistakably occurring: there is, without any shadow of a doubt, a build-up effect for the better - i.e. the benefits retained in the "wear-off" period; (and interestingly in more ways than one – i.e. in my healing as well as the utter annihilation of my high hunger & poor satiety).
Been an exhausting week, so I will post my ***5 day log shortly, which is hopefully just a small preview of even more amazing things to come... cuz when new DVDs arrive, it'll be a bit more than "just" HGH reigning down hellfire on the slow healing! :)

***As for the log being only 5 days (should've been ~20 IF adhering to the dosage I'd posted originally...):
  • Due to the sensational results experienced after the first dose, and the GREAT NUMBER of areas still injured, the first of my remaining 2 vials was dosed @ 4 IUs/day (SQ in the abdomen, possibly IM when pinning in the quad since almost no fat there... sorry, didn't keep track of SQ (abs) VS possible IM pinning (quad)... but will going forward)
  • As for the final 20 IUs... don't try this at home kiddos, unless you have qualified friends in high places to consult with! ;) All used up in a single, intraarticular shot! Needless to say, when taken in this fashion, the initial healing benefits are typically not felt for a few days at least.
5 Day HGH Log

Dosing: ~2+ IUs, 2x/day ("Day 1" = just one shot since I didn't pin until afternoon; and in terms of the 2+ IUs: I would pull the plunger a few ticks over what would give me a 2 IU does, to ensure I was NOT under; resulting in all 20 IUs being utilized in 5 calendar days)

"Problem Spots": shall refer to the ~35-40% of total spots treated by the stem cell that subjectively have: a) been exponentially slower to heal compared to MY typically healing response to the stem cell for the past ~decade; AND b) seemed to have stagnated altogether in terms of the healing and in some regards even worsen (such as STIFFENING that is starting to set in which NEVER should happen with stem cell).

Day 1:
Baseline (after not having taken HGH in several years):
the Problem Spots felt crappy from the time I got up and for much of the day; nothing felt serious, but ALL of them were acting up at once while merely walking around the house / NOT engaging in anything that was remotely challenging. There was also some STIFFNESS too, which had been a FIRST and is NOT supposed to happen like this 5 Weeks after stem cell.

2+ IUs HGH, Mid-Afternoon

~4 Hours Post-HGH:
first improvements noticed all day after getting up from sitting at the desk; improvements SO SLIGHT, I half wondered if the HGH was responsible OR if it was just another low-to-high in this abnormally SLOW/STAGNATED healing process.

~6-6.5 hrs Post-HGH: ALL TRACES of soreness / stiffness in the Problem Spots were GONE. In disbelief, I even gently moved in such a way that would still often trigger mild/moderate soreness and NOTHING.

Day 2:
~14 hrs Post-HGH:
The HGH had definitely worn off by the next morning but I didn't feel as crappy as the previous day.

2+ IUs HGH, Late Morning

~3.5 hrs Post-HGH:
This was actually the LOW POINT of the day in terms of how the Problem Spots felt (likely given the "lag effect" – i.e. early morning = still felt good (relatively speaking) due to previous day's dose; mid-afternoon = good effects had worn off further & the positive effects from the most recent dose had not yet kicked in)

~6 to 6.5 Hours Post-HGH: Feeling pretty down, half thinking I'd imagined things from the previous day, I almost couldn't believe how I felt (NORMAL!) upon stepping out of my vehicle, after having been out running errands for much of the day. It was such a night and day difference for the better, from how it felt even just a few hours prior, that the excitement didn't fully sink in until after I'd remained on my feet for a good hour at least, unloading the vehicle and doing other things.

Day 3:
2+ IUs HGH, VERY EARLY Morning
[After catching up on some things most of the night, I'd pinned my first dose (calendar Day 3) a few hours after midnight and then easily / near instantly went to sleep.]

~6 to 6.5 Hours Post-HGH: Got up and out of bed the next morning feeling fantastic/NORMAL and couldn't help but smile at the amazing consistency in the results and the timing (of when the HGH has kicked in for me): with NO CLOCKS in view of where I sleep, I didn't even have a clue what time it was until AFTER getting out of bed, (realizing how awesome I felt), and THEN heading in to my home office (with the computer clock); couldn't believe that I was right in the magic 6 to 6.5 window from last dose.

~14 Hours Post-HGH: Headed out for a SHORT walk. The HGH had definitely worn off by this point but the Problem Spots felt noticeably (and progressively) better than the previous "wear-off" periods. In fact, just getting through a walk during the 'wear off' period was a big improvement, given that the Problem Spots did not feel good enough to even attempt a walk on Saturday (before having taken the HGH) or on Sunday (before the HGH I'd taken that morning had kicked in).

2+ IUs HGH, Evening

Day 4:

~12.25 Hours Post-HGH:
aside from EXTREME stiffness (in one of the Problem Spots) that felt while gently turning over in bed, I barely felt a thing in the other Problem Spots.

2+ IUs HGH, Early Morning

~4 Hours Post-HGH:
First slight improvements noticed per the usual around the 4 hr mark; but the Problem Spot with the stiffness still felt far from normal.

~5 Hours Post-HGH: After heading out the house, distracted, (while conversing with a friend who'd stopped by), it suddenly dawned on me that the Problem Spot with the STIFFNESS now felt almost normal. Wasn't quite there yet, but really close to it! Such a massive difference for the better from just one hour prior was truly incredible; but by now I'd learned to relax and trust the 'magic'.

~6-6.75 Hours Post-HGH: Like clockwork, ALL Problem Spots, (including the area that had the STIFFNESS), now felt NORMAL right about at the 6 hr mark. I waited a short while after the 6 hr mark and then went on with a more definitive test: SHORT walk (same distance as the previous day when I'd taken the walk during the "wear-off" period). ALL Problem Spots performed flawlessly.

~15 Hours Post-HGH: equally exciting: a good few hours after I'd normally feel the "wear-off", all still felt well in ALL of the Problem Spots. That said, wanting to KEEP ON those areas with the slow/stagnated healing, I didn't hesitate to pin a 2nd dose of HGH that evening.

2+ IUs HGH, Late Evening

Day 5:
My apologizes for missing some of the timepoints; extremely chaotic day!

TBD Hours Post-HGH: If I had to guess, it was at least 8 hrs and up to 11 hrs post-pinning (at the time I woke up and felt totally normal in the Problem Spots). This lasted all the way through when I pinned next; there has unquestionably been a build-up effect for the better in terms of the healing; and it's very interesting because I've experienced a similar build-up effect with my massively decreased hunger levels / increased satiety as well (Odd, I know! But as mentioned previously, completely normal for how MY body responds to HGH)

2+ IUs HGH, Late Morning

Seated most of the day but the Problem Spots felt normal and fine at all time points and through when I pinned that evening. Original gameplan was to start FINALLY start increasing activity level; but because the healing up to the point where I'd introduced the HGH had been so uncharacteristically slow, (with some of the Problem Spots seeming to stagnate or backtrack slightly), my doc absolutely wants to check up on the healing (with US) before I make any increases to my activity, and I think that's a wise idea.

2+ IUs HGH, Late Evening (finishing off the vial)

On what would have been Day 6, I woke up feeling amazing in ALL Problem Spots. Now FLAT OUT at moment, (thanks to the way I utilized my final vial), the few remaining vials of Ipamorelin have been calling my name…! 😄

I'll have to give this one a bit more thought though... can't find an expiration on the vials despite name & quantity (though there is a barcode). Either way, this would have been in my fridge for a good 2-4 years prior to the HGH... bit more of a stretch...
Buddy of mine like 10 years ago had Humatrope for his son, had like 6-8 72iu bottles in his freezer that were a couple or a few years expired. He gave them to my boy who switched to them from rejuvenation clinic hgh and he felt and we saw results from the expired humatrope. He felt like he was finally taking GH. His wrists and hands swelled up, his blood sugar got whacked, etc.
Made me wonder about those clinics like powermedica and others that "compounded" their own gear back in early 2000's. The gh had to be just repackaged chinese generics. I cant imagine them having facilities that can manufacture high grade HGH.
Glad OP is enjoying his stash. Anyone else try just injecting into your biceps and triceps for 16 weeks? 3x per day total 4-6iu, and the arms show resounding signs.

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