Yeah, I understand it is considered "aesthetic" but I think I remember a few posts that said they got their insurance to flip the bill. Just thought I'd look into it before I pay out of pocket
I don't know how bad you have it, but I would first consider some alternatives. Teslac , Letro have worked for me, also consider how much bodyfat you are carrying. It is not an uncommon condition even without AAS, older men are prone to this as they age.
I don't know how bad you have it, but I would first consider some alternatives. Teslac , Letro have worked for me, also consider how much bodyfat you are carrying. It is not an uncommon condition even without AAS, older men are prone to this as they age.
Tried the Letro, puts it in check but comes right back. As far as the body fat, that's kinda the problem. I'm dieting down and it makes it more and more noticeable. I am upper 30ish and I'm guessing the mild cycle I just completed aggravated it a tad - damn fina!
alin said:
dont mention any AAS or drug use,,also complain they gyno is painful and unbearable.
I've known a few people to have had gyno surgery where it was covered by insurance. I even had mine looked at because it was fairly tender and painful at one time and it too was going to be covered. Now this was from a typical general surgeon. If your looking for a plastics to do it then it might be a different story i don't know.