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Halo in combat sports??


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jul 30, 2006
I know we have some guys here that are bizers and MMA fighters.
I was wondering if they have ever heard of Halo being used to prepare for a fight??
Ive heard of power lifters using it before meets to increase their aggression and explosive power for training to break through plateaus.
Seems like it would be a worthwhile sup to add the last couple weeks
I know we have some guys here that are bizers and MMA fighters.
I was wondering if they have ever heard of Halo being used to prepare for a fight??
Ive heard of power lifters using it before meets to increase their aggression and explosive power for training to break through plateaus.
Seems like it would be a worthwhile sup to add the last couple weeks
Interested to hear as well. Not that I am a fighter but my guess is yes, it would absolutely help.
I know we have some guys here that are bizers and MMA fighters.
I was wondering if they have ever heard of Halo being used to prepare for a fight??
Ive heard of power lifters using it before meets to increase their aggression and explosive power for training to break through plateaus.
Seems like it would be a worthwhile sup to add the last couple weeks
I would like to add cheque drops also.
Feed back appreciated.

I’ve worked/trained with a lot of professional mma fighters and haven’t heard of Halo being used but I’m sure it has. Most of the guys I know favor more endurance enhancing peds or peptos for recovery.
I know we have some guys here that are bizers and MMA fighters.
I was wondering if they have ever heard of Halo being used to prepare for a fight??
Ive heard of power lifters using it before meets to increase their aggression and explosive power for training to break through plateaus.
Seems like it would be a worthwhile sup to add the last couple weeks
Halo is the only steroid to ever affect my temper consistently, tren a lil here and there when in my 20s but I had to pull halo now that I have a kid it’s that intense.
Neither halo or cheque drops have increased aggression for me. I think that's all bro-lore. Of course there are exceptions.
You want rage in a pill?

Neither halo or cheque drops have increased aggression for me. I think that's all bro-lore. Of course there are exceptions.
You want rage in a pill?

Are you certain they were real? Those two are really hard to com by.
So you mean rad and s23 did it for you?
I tried rad and didn't affect me in that regard but then again, I don't know if it was real
Neither halo or cheque drops have increased aggression for me. I think that's all bro-lore. Of course there are exceptions.
You want rage in a pill?

U know I always saw cheque drops in Anabolics 2000 (insert year) and was fascinated by them but never in real life. Did they do anything then bc as I remember that’s what they’re touted for above all.
Are you certain they were real? Those two are really hard to com by.
So you mean rad and s23 did it for you?
I tried rad and didn't affect me in that regard but then again, I don't know if it was real
Why would they be hard to come by?
In my experience anything that's considered super high androgenic compound promotes aggression esp if you're already an aggressive person. For example something like anavar or deca isn't going to generally promote aggressiveness
Add in the stimulant like effect from high androgen and I think it would be good for fighting. I would surely experiment if I was in that game
Why would they be hard to come by?
Because I don't think they are made by any pharmaceutical companies any more, and I haven't seen any real halo any where, even IP had bunk halo back when they were the sht. All in all it's very hard to find the more expensive stuff, do you ever test stuff like var? If you do you'll know what I mean
Because I don't think they are made by any pharmaceutical companies any more, and I haven't seen any real halo any where, even IP had bunk halo back when they were the sht. All in all it's very hard to find the more expensive stuff, do you ever test stuff like var? If you do you'll know what I mean
Not hard to find at all. Got halo in my cabinet from DIRECT

I know what halo feels like so if it’s fake it’s a good fake and I couldn’t care less. I’m getting the effects

Can’t say “ I haven’t seen real xyz anywhere” when you’re not actually looking
Not hard to find at all. Got halo in my cabinet from DIRECT

I know what halo feels like so if it’s fake it’s a good fake and I couldn’t care less. I’m getting the effects

Can’t say “ I haven’t seen real xyz anywhere” when you’re not actually looking
Man people sleep on Direct sometimes for god-knows-what-reason lol.
Halo is the only steroid to ever affect my temper consistently, tren a lil here and there when in my 20s but I had to pull halo now that I have a kid it’s that intense.
I think I am one of the few where it didnt really increase my rage or temper at all. In fact I felt pretty damn good on it and would have continued had it not skyrocketed my liver enzymes.
If I remember right I only took like 10 mg a day for I believe around 12 to 13 days, I gained significant strength in my lifts and no water weight. In fact, my bw pretty much stayed the same.
It was a different kind of feeling lifting too. I kept increasing the pounds and things still just felt super easy. No pain either but I don't think the halo had anything to do with that.
Fighting angry or too aggressively makes you make irrational mistakes and will zap your gas tank. Guys I know use stuff for recovery or to jump a weight class properly, not to be more aggressive.
I think I am one of the few where it didnt really increase my rage or temper at all. In fact I felt pretty damn good on it and would have continued had it not skyrocketed my liver enzymes.
If I remember right I only took like 10 mg a day for I believe around 12 to 13 days, I gained significant strength in my lifts and no water weight. In fact, my bw pretty much stayed the same.
It was a different kind of feeling lifting too. I kept increasing the pounds and things still just felt super easy. No pain either but I don't think the halo had anything to do with that.
Halo is more of an antidepressant for me. Also increases focus along with a sense of well being. Was the same way when I bought stenox tabs directly from the Rosario Beach pharmacy.
Still has the same effect with PPD raws.

Again the only compound that made me rage is rad140. Happened Everytime id dose. I'd have to stop.
S23 is the same.
Tren+anarrol also made a bit pissy
I think I am one of the few where it didnt really increase my rage or temper at all. In fact I felt pretty damn good on it and would have continued had it not skyrocketed my liver enzymes.
If I remember right I only took like 10 mg a day for I believe around 12 to 13 days, I gained significant strength in my lifts and no water weight. In fact, my bw pretty much stayed the same.
It was a different kind of feeling lifting too. I kept increasing the pounds and things still just felt super easy. No pain either but I don't think the halo had anything to do with that.
Back in my first year or two on gear I got my first halo and the pharma was hard to get back then for me anyway so I took like 30-50 bc bein a rook I figured it was magic and after 4 weeks I was a lil yellow, felt great but I was 24 and on my first cycle. Never got labs on and my liver is great so no long term but it is helps toxic lol.
I have been in a circle with numerous UFC and Bellator stars. I will say Halo is a rare compound and expensive. I personally had more than a few fights on it and tore dudes up. I have a high pain tolerance but on Halo, I felt like a lethal weapon. Most of my guys ran methyl-test and or winstrol/Anavar (low dose). Tbol once but they allowed like 6 week clearance. A few of these cats and women are titleholders. Just my 2c. I am always tempted to order it but I really see no purpose for me, especially after a kidney scare last year and almost deathbed with complete organ failure. I have run orals since and my bloodwork is fine. Symptoms of kidney distress are tea/dark colored urine (I'm talking light brown or if your piss is dark yellow past lunch). Flush flush flush. Pink salt water with raw lemon upon waking. Get your electrolytes in halo or not. Then black coffee with MCT oil

let's talk about the benefits of intermittent fasting (NOT JUST FOR FAT BURNING PURPOSES FOLKS THE BENEFITS SURPASS JUST THAT ASPECT, i.e. autophagy, remember we evolved biologically as a species this way and I am not in any way referencing DARWINISM)

chat gpt says:

Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. It has gained popularity for its potential health benefits, but it's important to note that the effects can vary from person to person. Here are 15 potential health benefits of intermittent fasting:

1. Weight loss: Intermittent fasting can help reduce calorie intake, leading to weight loss by creating a calorie deficit.

2. Improved insulin sensitivity: Fasting can lower insulin levels, making cells more responsive to insulin and improving blood sugar control.

3. Reduced inflammation: Fasting may reduce markers of inflammation in the body, which is linked to various chronic diseases.

4. Heart health: It may improve cardiovascular health by lowering risk factors like blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglycerides.

5. Brain health: Intermittent fasting may support brain function and improve cognitive performance.

6. Cellular repair: Fasting triggers a process called autophagy, which helps remove damaged cells and cellular components, promoting cellular repair.

7. Longevity: Some animal studies suggest that intermittent fasting can extend lifespan, although more research in humans is needed.

8. Cancer prevention: Fasting might reduce the risk of cancer by limiting the growth of cancer cells and increasing their vulnerability to treatment.

9. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF): Intermittent fasting may increase BDNF levels, which can support the growth of new neurons and protect against brain diseases.

10. Hormone regulation: It can positively impact hormone levels, including human growth hormone (HGH) and norepinephrine, which can help with fat burning and muscle preservation.

11. Gut health: Intermittent fasting can promote a healthy gut microbiome by allowing the gut to rest and reducing inflammation.

12. Enhanced metabolism: It may increase metabolic rate during fasting periods, aiding in weight loss and fat burning.

13. Appetite control: Fasting can help regulate hunger hormones, making it easier to control calorie intake.

14. Improved sleep: Some people find that intermittent fasting improves sleep patterns and overall sleep quality.

15. Psychological benefits: Fasting can boost discipline and mental resilience, which may positively impact overall well-being.

Now, let's define autophagy and list 10 benefits:

Autophagy is a cellular process in which the body removes damaged or dysfunctional components within cells to maintain cellular health and homeostasis. This process involves the recycling of cellular waste and plays a crucial role in various aspects of health. Here are 10 benefits of autophagy:

1. Cellular repair: Autophagy helps eliminate damaged cellular components, promoting the repair and maintenance of cells.

2. Longevity: Autophagy is linked to increased lifespan and longevity in various organisms.

3. Immune system support: It helps remove intracellular pathogens and supports the immune system's ability to combat infections.

4. Cancer prevention: Autophagy can eliminate potentially cancerous cells and inhibit the growth of tumors.

5. Neuroprotection: Autophagy may help prevent neurodegenerative diseases by removing toxic protein aggregates.

6. Heart health: It can protect against heart disease by clearing damaged proteins and lipids from the cardiovascular system.

7. Weight management: Autophagy may play a role in weight regulation by helping to maintain metabolic balance.

8. Muscle preservation: It aids in muscle maintenance and can help prevent muscle wasting.

9. Liver health: Autophagy is essential for the liver's detoxification processes and overall liver health.

10. Cellular energy: By recycling cellular components, autophagy can provide a source of energy during times of fasting or nutrient scarcity.
Back in my first year or two on gear I got my first halo and the pharma was hard to get back then for me anyway so I took like 30-50 bc bein a rook I figured it was magic and after 4 weeks I was a lil yellow, felt great but I was 24 and on my first cycle. Never got labs on and my liver is great so no long term but it is helps toxic lol.
we need to warn Sam about turning yellow.

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