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LOL. It always depends on the individual. Neither tren nor halo do anything to me (disappointing in a way).
It does make good media content though ;)
LOL. It always depends on the individual. Neither tren nor halo do anything to me (disappointing in a way).
It does make good media content though ;)
I’ve definitely had some looney moments on Tren - that’s why I’m curious how intense Halo is lol
Gotta love the click bait. Granted, it does depend on the user, and some people do get extremely short fuses on it. Personally, it did nothing but improve my mood. I was more outgoing and social when I’m typically fairly reserved. I’d definitely use it for long periods as a trt add-on if I were confident it could be used for long periods without potential for harm.

Oh and I should mention that it was nothing like tren for me.
I still have quite a number of STEXOX 2.5 Halo made by Atlantis saved from my Puerto Vallarta visits back in the day when this product was saved. Aggression in those using Halo can be controle somewhat by dosage.
I might use 30- 35 2.5mg tablets per year thrown in pre workout on top of my HRT and 2.5 mg is plenty without any sides noted. On those days I have great focused workouts.
10 mg/day back in the day would agitate me easily when used.
I might suggest starting at a low mg Halo dose to experiment with.
only tren gets me insane, i frequently take 20mg halo preworkout without issue
LOL. It always depends on the individual. Neither tren nor halo do anything to me (disappointing in a way).
It does make good media content though ;)
Halo never did that to me. Tren not so much either. Aggression and strength both sure but not pissed off throw your neighbor off the balcony pissed off.
Tren makes me a lunatic. Halo never did much for me but I haven't taken it in years.
Talking out of his ass a bit I’m afraid.

I’m suppose if you dosed it as high as one may dose tren, and ran it for months, you’d be a pissy angry little shit punching babies. Maybe.

However, you’d also have a failing liver lol.

The doses people use of halo are so small, with such a short half life. The only rage you may experience is expectant placebo effect, wherein you expect to be ragey, so you rage.

Personally I haven’t touched it in years, but tbh it put me in a great mood lol. I wouldn’t label it aggression, it was more so acute focus and competitive drive.
Agree with most here. Tren is the only thing that has ever made me turn into an overly aggressive person that wants to fuck up anyone that even looks at me the wrong way.

Halo did not do that to me. All I really notice mood wise was it seemed like maybe I had a bit more energy. It did increase my strength and quite quickly. It also quickly increased my liver enzymes tho 🤷‍♂️
I’ve definitely had some looney moments on Tren - that’s why I’m curious how intense Halo is lol
Not even close...Tren is on a whole other level. However, it is a fun drug...just keep it brief
Talking out of his ass a bit I’m afraid.

I’m suppose if you dosed it as high as one may dose tren, and ran it for months, you’d be a pissy angry little shit punching babies. Maybe.

However, you’d also have a failing liver lol.

The doses people use of halo are so small, with such a short half life. The only rage you may experience is expectant placebo effect, wherein you expect to be ragey, so you rage.

Personally I haven’t touched it in years, but tbh it put me in a great mood lol. I wouldn’t label it aggression, it was more so acute focus and competitive drive.
I guess it was 33 years ago when it was difficult to collect 2 decent multicompound cycle, I did Halo. i would generally get what I could over the year and stock uip. I would do a mini test one compound stint many times to see what the thing did. I did Halo at 20 mg/d stand alone. Of course I was young so response was off the charts compared to today. That shit was strong as far as hardening and strength. I was not a big guy by any means then, probably no more than a lean 185. I remember getting 275 on the bench for an easy 15 reps. That was probably double the normal rep count for back then. The hardening was nuts. girlfriend thought I was made of stone. That was one fucking low dose cycle, not even bikini girl milligrams of AAS. I've only used Halo a hand full of times. i tried it in judo training thinking it would give that added aggression. I guess it did somewhat but really not much at all. I added it to a couple cycles and always got that added strength and hardening and maybe focus. Stand alone though that one time was nuts. New compound to my body at a 20 something age in already very good athletic shape and strong, it was a nutty ride. Always felt a little sickish on it after a month or so except that one time ran alone.
Only good things to say about Halo. The main issue I see is it is frequently faked, especially as of late. I’ll only use sources that can present recent HPLC testing on raws/finished product.

It’s pretty limited in its application imo. I reserve it for the last 2 weeks of a prep and run it anywhere from 10-30mg/day. Brings the whole package together nicely…think icing on the cake PED.

Shit . . . the title, Halo, my brain went straight to switchblades (The Microtech Halo). I love switchblades (although I usually don’t prefer ‘wet’ weapons) . . . have always had a special place in my heart got for them, I don’t know why. Cinema? TV?

So sorry, I am totally ignorant on the said steroid.
I remember my first prep completely depleted about 10 days out and doing some seated cable row with the full stack (something I couldnt really ever do) thinking to myself… damn I’m strong but I better be careful LOL
I can be more intense in the gym but this guy is just hating on the sport he tried to do and FAILED MISERABLY HES NO EXPERT, He’s not a competitor he didn’t even lift long and doesn’t train now, his credentials are he took some gear for awhile and tries to sound smart which works with people not in the know on this board he doesn’t sound smart like he does to say Joe Rogan who is geared up too he just lets the docs run his shit which I assure you isn’t just trt,
I guess it was 33 years ago when it was difficult to collect 2 decent multicompound cycle, I did Halo. i would generally get what I could over the year and stock uip. I would do a mini test one compound stint many times to see what the thing did. I did Halo at 20 mg/d stand alone. Of course I was young so response was off the charts compared to today. That shit was strong as far as hardening and strength. I was not a big guy by any means then, probably no more than a lean 185. I remember getting 275 on the bench for an easy 15 reps. That was probably double the normal rep count for back then. The hardening was nuts. girlfriend thought I was made of stone. That was one fucking low dose cycle, not even bikini girl milligrams of AAS. I've only used Halo a hand full of times. i tried it in judo training thinking it would give that added aggression. I guess it did somewhat but really not much at all. I added it to a couple cycles and always got that added strength and hardening and maybe focus. Stand alone though that one time was nuts. New compound to my body at a 20 something age in already very good athletic shape and strong, it was a nutty ride. Always felt a little sickish on it after a month or so except that one time ran alone.
Oh it’s liver toxic I’ve run it for a few months and although my values weren’t terribly I could feel it and my eyes got a lil orange tint so I ran test alone after that like half a year lol
Authentic halo is off the charts for rage and strength. Honestly to the point where you probably should not even use it if you are in a relationship and / or have a family, kids, etc. The smallest of things send you thru the roof. Strength gains are unbelievable, it feels like you get stronger by the minute.

Sadly the only real halo I ever used was Stenox from Mexico back in the day and Upsher Smith Androxy. Tried a bunch of different UGL halo with zero results. If someone knows where to get real shit I would love to know.
Authentic halo is off the charts for rage and strength. Honestly to the point where you probably should not even use it if you are in a relationship and / or have a family, kids, etc. The smallest of things send you thru the roof. Strength gains are unbelievable, it feels like you get stronger by the minute.

Sadly the only real halo I ever used was Stenox from Mexico back in the day and Upsher Smith Androxy. Tried a bunch of different UGL halo with zero results. If someone knows where to get real shit I would love to know.
This is why I never picked up halo the price is high and very doubtful you're getting real halo imo
in the real world, and not in some guys placebo filled head, is 'halo rage' even a thing ?
stack drol and tren, or even high doses of mast, and over time you'll find yourself on edge.

halo only gave me increased focus.. no rage at all.
now drol combined with tren is a different story.
even higher doses of drol by itself has me a little bit hot tempered.
but halo ? no.. not even cheque drops has given me rage as reported by bros all over the various forums.

actually the PED thats given me the most 'rage' is RAD-140.. to me that is rage in a bottle. not halo.

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