I did it for a while in my 20's , I guess it kinda depends on what type of a person you are and what type of place your working
I have sort of an extreme personality and not realy that social , i treat you how you treat me x2 , if your polite then i'll do anything to help you , if your a dick I'll pull your arm off and beat your girl with it !!
I worked a decient middle/upscale club , required shirts tucked and collered shirts , $20 cover charge, most of the people who came through their were early 20's through early 40's , never had much trouble their (though your gonna get dumb asses everyhwyere from time to time) was a great place paid good and met ALOT of women , had alot of fun their.
worked another place with no dress code and no cover and had to put my hands on at least 3-4 people every time i worked , it sucked !!
Club security blows for the most part if your looking for a good paying job that your gonna move up in life. Once i got to my mid to late 20's I relized i didn't have the temperment to deal with bullshit on that basis and only a couple years after that relized the same thing about police work