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Have any of you guys ever been bouncers?


Oct 21, 2008
I want to get a job as a bouncer. I have to look around to see who's hiring of course but I want to hear what it's like from people who have had this kind of job.
I did it for a while in my 20's , I guess it kinda depends on what type of a person you are and what type of place your working

I have sort of an extreme personality and not realy that social , i treat you how you treat me x2 , if your polite then i'll do anything to help you , if your a dick I'll pull your arm off and beat your girl with it !!

I worked a decient middle/upscale club , required shirts tucked and collered shirts , $20 cover charge, most of the people who came through their were early 20's through early 40's , never had much trouble their (though your gonna get dumb asses everyhwyere from time to time) was a great place paid good and met ALOT of women , had alot of fun their.

worked another place with no dress code and no cover and had to put my hands on at least 3-4 people every time i worked , it sucked !!

Club security blows for the most part if your looking for a good paying job that your gonna move up in life. Once i got to my mid to late 20's I relized i didn't have the temperment to deal with bullshit on that basis and only a couple years after that relized the same thing about police work
yes- late hours mediocre pay lots of drunks. Strip club of course. college job.

Pretty much sums it up, shitty ass pay to babysit adults.
I started as a bouncer in a strip club when I was in the Marines. When I got out I went to work for a large strip club chain. I left that chain and went to work at a regular club. When that club closed I went to a new strip club in the area.

Working in a strip club is a pain in the ass and you have so much to deal with. You have to have the stomach for it. It's not like working in a regular club. Thats easy and you'll get a lot more ass.

Bottom line. You need to have the head and thick skin for this kind of job.
Yea it would be a job on the side of going to college. The fast food job I have is shit and im going to quit in a few days. The extra pussy is all I need to hear to want the job even more.
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I bounced at the House of Blues in North Myrtle Beach great job seeing free concerts and acts. Not bad pay either. Teen night was worse than any adult concert or anything....
I bounced at the House of Blues in North Myrtle Beach great job seeing free concerts and acts. Not bad pay either. Teen night was worse than any adult concert or anything....

Used to go there in my younger more handsome days..always liked it.
So you basically just call the place up and ask if there hiring bouncers right?
I bounced for two years at a popular bar here locally. Shitty pay. late nights and fuking rude people. I got tired of dealing with people after a while evryone wants to act like Mr.ToughGuy towards you even if u are being cool. On the plus side i did meet and make friends with some really cool people. Im big into football so meeting NFL players was cool for me too.
not worth it to me. i had 2 friends quite a few years ago get fucked up pretty bad. one had a broken beer bottle gauged into his face and the other had his thumb nearly hacked off with a rambo knife resulting in permanent nerve damage. you most likely will never see it coming. nobody is 10 feet tall and bulletproof.
I did in my college years, shit got old real quick. The owner was a fucking maniac and caused a lot of problems and we had to do his fighting! I quit the night I got shot at, and figured it's not worth it for the shitty pay. I will be honest I do miss somethings about it, the amount of pussy you can pull is INCREDIBLE! :D
So you basically just call the place up and ask if there hiring bouncers right?

The best way to get hired is to call and find out the hiring managers name and when he is working then show up early on that day in a suit with resume in hand.

If you go to work at a strip club you're not gonna get as much pussy as you think. Yeah you can pull some ass, but your game must be tight cause stripper are a completely different type of Women. Don't trust them. The best thing about working in a strip club is the extra money you can make. Tip out from the girls, vip sales, ect.

You will get way more ass working in a regular club. The girls are normal and you don't need any game.
Yep, a strip club and a regular club during college.

Don't do it. It's a waste of time, though yes, you will get some ass and get to fuck some people up, if you're into that.

But if you do, make sure you know how to fight. Some asshole at the strip club will call your bluff EVERY night. At a regular club, once or twice a week.

Don't do it, unless it's your last and only way to pay the rent.
I have bounced in the past and there were times when it was fun and alot of koochie. But there were also nights when you have someone high on ice with his eye lids stuck to the back of his head wielding a knife like a ninja. I also carry a big nasty scar on my right forearm as a reminder of my bouncing days.
Currently bounce for extra cash a couple nights out of the week at several trendy night clubs or "ultra lounges" rather, in downtown Chi. Pay is decent. Especially if you work the door. There are quite a few ways to make some extra cash there if you so choose. Let's just say I can make 3-4 times the amout they pay me extra at the door. Just be smart about it.

One of the perks is, yes, there's a lot of ass to be had.

My advice: stay away from the strip clubs & try to find a more upscale place to work.
About the same here....great in your early 20s when you want to smash everything in front of you (ass and heads of disrespectful people) but as you get a little older and your tolerance for stupidity wanes so does your opinion of the job. Tons of puss, sure, unless you have absolutely no clue how to treat a woman....but seriously more and more guys are getting really hurt and the pay is just not worth it. It's not like they pay your med bills (most places).

However, the stories you get for a lifetime....:headbang:
Did it for about 2 months in my early 20's? I fucking hated it. If you are not drinking too, then drunks are horrible to be around. It actually changed the way I thought about drinking and I never drank near as much again.

The money sucked for the potential to get hurt. Also, giving up weekend nights for shitty pay sucked too. I would say don't waste your time.
I want to get a job as a bouncer. I have to look around to see who's hiring of course but I want to hear what it's like from people who have had this kind of job.

Since the 80's. It sucks.

LOTS of stupid drunks ("The party bus gets in for free, right?"), and the younger they are, the worse they are. LOTS of boredom.

Yuo used to get paid cash - usually $15 an hour or more, now it's on a check mostly, and more like $9, though there are exceptions. Yuo may also double as a barback, and tote a lot of beer cases and trash throughout the night, and after the close.

Can NOT touch people unless they initial physical contact with you first. Gone are the days when you could run someone into the cigarette machine, then throw them bodily through the door.

Do anything else.
Too true...

"Gone are the days when you could run someone into the cigarette machine, then throw them bodily through the door."

I was detained for a very similar incident in Chinque Terra (Italy)...Oh, the good ole days are gone now:D

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