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HCG and AI


Mar 3, 2021
I understand everyone’s different but I tend to bottom out my estrogen so some guidance would be nice. I’m about to start HCG for PCT (I’ve been on trt for a couple years) if I do 1000iu every other day for 5 days how much AI would YOU guys normally need to take with that? Just like to get an idea, thanks. I understand it’s bro science and off of feel but some guys know exactly how much they’d use. Thanks again
Are you trying to come off TRT or something? If so is there a reason? Fertility issues, resetting your body, etc.

Also, 1000iu’s EOD is a bit much. 250iu-500iu EOD would be a better jumping off point.

Are you trying to come off TRT or something? If so is there a reason? Fertility issues, resetting your body, etc.

Also, 1000iu’s EOD is a bit much. 250iu-500iu EOD would be a better jumping off point.

I agree 1000/EOD is a lot for someone coming off TRT. Like Cage put it, I would run 1000-1500 for the week for the first 3 weeks. TRT levels are going to clear your system pretty quickly, say 2-3 weeks, 4 weeks at the very most depending on esters you've been using.
I would guess .5 adex with each shot
If you need estradiol control, tamoxifen would be preferred 20-40 with each shot of HCG, unless you have something else on hand like arimidex, then like piston suggested .5 with each shot should do it. But I don't think you would need high doses from coming off TRT. From TRT your estrogen shouldn't be that elevated, it's your ratio of test to E2 that will be off, and this is where you may need some estradiol control. But I wouldn't think that you would need that much control, just pay attention to moodiness, water retention, etc. Plus, seeing it's been a couple of years on TRT it wouldn't be a bad idea to throw some clomiphene in on the tail end of your PCT either for 3 - 4 weeks.
Are you trying to come off TRT or something? If so is there a reason? Fertility issues, resetting your body, etc.

Also, 1000iu’s EOD is a bit much. 250iu-500iu EOD would be a better jumping off point.

Yes coming off trt I’m 25 turning 26. Want my prostate low and tired of balancing estrogen would rather my body go back to normal
I agree 1000/EOD is a lot for someone coming off TRT. Like Cage put it, I would run 1000-1500 for the week for the first 3 weeks. TRT levels are going to clear your system pretty quickly, say 2-3 weeks, 4 weeks at the very most depending on esters you've been using.

If you need estradiol control, tamoxifen would be preferred 20-40 with each shot of HCG, unless you have something else on hand like arimidex, then like piston suggested .5 with each shot should do it. But I don't think you would need high doses from coming off TRT. From TRT your estrogen shouldn't be that elevated, it's your ratio of test to E2 that will be off, and this is where you may need some estradiol control. But I wouldn't think that you would need that much control, just pay attention to moodiness, water retention, etc. Plus, seeing it's been a couple of years on TRT it wouldn't be a bad idea to throw some clomiphene in on the tail end of your PCT either for 3 - 4 weeks.
Yeah I agree with everything but hcg makes my estrogen very high I thought it did that to everyone especially at 1000iu
Yeah I agree with everything but hcg makes my estrogen very high I thought it did that to everyone especially at 1000iu
I understand everyone’s different but I tend to bottom out my estrogen so some guidance would be nice. I’m about to start HCG for PCT (I’ve been on trt for a couple years) if I do 1000iu every other day for 5 days how much AI would YOU guys normally need to take with that? Just like to get an idea, thanks. I understand it’s bro science and off of feel but some guys know exactly how much they’d use. Thanks again
Then why would you want to run a 1000iu EOD like stated above. Plus, you're only going to be 26, your system should bounce back pretty easily even after being on TRT for a couple of years. If you've been on prescribed TRT you should have some blood panels available to look at. You say that you tend to bottom out estrogen, do you know this through bloodwork? This sounds like your first run at doing PCT, if you can get bloodwork done during your PCT then do it so you know, if not, run 1500-1000iu HCG while the TRT is clearing your system, roughly 3 weeks, then run clomid for 3-4 wks (you don't need a lot, say 50mg, no more than 100mg) after system has cleared of TRT and then call it good. Have Nolvadex on hand incase estrogen issues pop up, or you can throw it in as a precautionary factor if your estrogen has a big rebound, that's it.

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