HAAAAA lol .......that shit was funny .............your dog is way cute .......very loving eyes IMO ......you are a lucky guy ? How is your son ? Are you guys still training together ? If he is serious about playing football feel free to hit me up for anything [ I think you know alittle of my back ground .....maybe? ] His big thing , 4 mornings a week he should be doing agility and sprint / speed work .......2 days a week plyos if his legs are strong enough ..........2 of his workouts a week with some type of power pull [ cleans , high pulls , power snatches ...ect...] and concentrate on leg /core strength which I am sure you already know ......just remember .....if you convince him to bust his ass 4 hard double sessions a week for the next 2-3 yrs he will make some amazing strides as an athlete [ and become at least a dominate hs player ] especially because he is still growing and maturing .......and diet .....higher protien , low or mod timed carbs , mod good fat ..works well for teens that are growning and will keep him lean .......[ 6meals good .....8 meals better ] give him sat to rest and cheat on his diet and just be a kid ....sundays back to diet , homework , mental prep for the week ahead ...........Lay it out to him .....tell him that you will commit to him ....if he commits to you .......I will tell you now ...if he takes you up on the offer ,not only will he be glad that he did [ although at times it will be hard and a pain in the butt .....lol] and believe me Mr Zona you will be glad that you did as well.[ will be hard to juggle with your schedual , but so worth it ......take the dog with you guys in the mornings while you watch him run .... make it a family affair .......it will be the best time you could ever share with your son and could change his life and feelings about himself forever ]...........later bro .........hit me up if you ever need anything .....oh remeber one thing I see in my every day as well in my past as a counseler is that too many parents when a kid hits 13- 15 they get lazy[or just become more selfish at that point because they can ] and stop parenting and figure the kid is grown ,let him figure out who he wants to be ....ect.... to me , at 13 - 15 that is when you kid needs you the most and needs a very active loving person the most .........I have seen people with average gifts become very successful , just from parents .teachers , or coaches giving a kid that extra time , love , encouragement , and support during their teens .........I guess it is something to think about it ...............you seem to be a great guy and awesome parent ...........I just was checking in and offering my two cents ............I hope that I didnt offend you in any way ...........I just commented because I really like the people here and want the best for all of the people here including your son [ if likes playing ball ......that is the way to do it .....tell to keep your training a secret and let him sneek up on his teamates .......next summer they will freak out at what the see on the feild ....lol]