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help a guy gaining 20 pounds (currently 160)

Matsuo Munefusa

Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Sep 21, 2010
hey I need some suggestions from you guys about how to gain weight. I got on TRT awhile ago (28 years old) and my life changed forever. Sex drive is here, no more joint pain during the day, sleeping well, and gaining weight. I went three years ago from 119 pounds (5'6") up to now 160! Very proud of that but I want to keep going. I want to look like I actually lift instead of look just like a normal person after these three years of very hard work eating/lifting. :banghead::rolleyes: I think if I get to 180 I will look very good for my height as long as I keep bodyfat somewhat in check. As well I have a very determined goal of squatting and deadlifting 3x my bodyweight. I'm at about 2x right now but I know I can do this.

Drugs aren't the answer for me right now obviously. Im on just low dose of test 200mg/week (self-administered since I do not have insurance and powder are cheaper than getting insurance) and also aromasin and proviron (15mg and 25mg respectively).

Here's my routine and then I'll list diet. Seriously tell me anything you can. I posted on another site but didnt really get any feedback at all.

A: Chest and Back
decline Press 1x8-12
steep Incline Press 1x8-12
DB Rows 1x8-12
BB Rows dropset 1x8-12
rack pulls 1x5-10
pulldowns 1x8-12
stretchers 3x8 (just gonna try these after reading a post on this site about them)

B: Biceps and Legs
BB Curls 1x14-20 RP
Hammer Curls 1x8-12
Pinwheels 1x14
Squats 1x10
Calf Raises 1x20

My workouts are brief (like 40 minutes) but thats a leftover from my beginnings when I realized long workouts were actually counter-productive. I always try to PR with weight or reps otherwise I take a few days break and reset/deload weight or fix a problem with diet/recovery. I workout mon/wed/fri rotating the A/B workouts.

1: 25g liquid egg protein, 3 egg yolks, 1 banana, 1 scoop potato starch powder

2: 12 egg whites, carb*

3: 25g liquid egg protein, 3 egg yolks, 1 banana, 1 scoop potato starch powder

4: 4oz meat**, carb, vegetables (spinach or brocoli usually)

5: 25g liquid egg protein, 3 egg yolks, 1 scoop potato starch powder

6: 4oz meat, carb, salad (greens, nuts, oil, cheese)

7: 25g liquid egg protein, 3 egg yolks, 1 scoop potato starch powder

*I rotate potatoes, sweet potatoes, brown rice
**I rotate beef, chicken, turkey, tuna

Eggs are cage-free omega rich eggs. I do very well with eggs my body loves the raw yolks and the scrambled whites and the pasteurized liquid egg whites. Yum. Beef is grassfed and veggies are organic. I also take creatine mono (from true protein) and fish oil (carlson's straight from the bottle). I was thinking about getting a BCAA supplement for pre/during workout. I might get those beef aminos from True Protein since I tried them once and loved them.

A while ago I dropped protein powders but I picked up some potato starch powder from true protein. I actually havent implemented that yet but am going to as the banana with the shake isnt enough carbs for me I think since my job (restaurant) is high-energy environment.

thanks for guidance:headbang:
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All you do for legs are squats and calf raises? Nothing for shoulders? Traps? Triceps?
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I actually added OH press on this machine today...I have had a lot of problems OH pressing with BB and DBs my delts just hate it they get real twinged. This machine is like a very very steep incline...its old school and looks like junk but its AWESOME. so I'll be doing that after incline pressing for higher reps.

I figure incline and decline is enough for triceps.

I do deadlifts sometimes instead of rack pulls (for legs).

and traps...damn man if my traps arent blasted to hell after rack pulls! I go heavy as shit on those things my blood veins in my neck are like exploding out of the side! do you think I need to do more? I guess I could do BB shrugs after rackpulls easily.
So, 1 set of everything and your outta there.?

That's not gonna cut it, bro.

Search the doggcrapp training method...
So, 1 set of everything and your outta there.?

That's not gonna cut it, bro.

Search the doggcrapp training method...

That may be his working set :confused:

Hire a trainer like Phil
hey yeah thats my working sets sorry should have clarified! I do a few warmup sets though they are not very taxing.

like for decline press I'll do 2-3 warm up sets before hitting my work set....justenough warmup to heat up joints and get blood pumping into muscle.

As long as I am progressing on my work set I should see muscle growth right (granted I am feeding right)? Only reason I ask is because my weight has stalled here for 1.5 months (first time in long time its stalled). Only thing I can think of is I need to increase calories because I get good sleep at night (8-9 hours).
Do you have a problem with having an appetite? A lot of powders are in your diet and not a lot of protein, just a little over a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight.

Adding little thing like a tbsp. of olive oil per meal can have you start gaining. As for a bcaa supplement before working out? You want to gain weight, right? Have an actual shake with some oats before working out. Eventually you'll build hunger up and expand your stomach to allow for more food consumption.

I like to use the formula 20 x the weight you want to be. So, 180 x 20 = 3600 calories a day minimum I would start eating if I were you. That has always been a good starting point for me and many others.
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Drugs are not the answer right now, but you are on 200mg of test a week and provion? And if I understood this is not doctor prescribed, in addition 200mg a week is slightly more than TRT dosing.
You need to eat more. You are about 2300 calories, which at the least is matinence only.
That is not enough food for growth. You want 20 pounds, why not 50 pounds?? And so on?? 20 pounds of what? You won't get 20 pounds of muscle at 200 mg and eating like that.
^ alright fair enough

didnt think I was maxed out genetically at 200mg test....think its possible to add muscle while progressively maxing out my lifts.

sorry if it seems like a horrible idea to be on TRT myself...but damn guys have you had low test + no insurance ever? I work a shitty paying job (got a plan thougbh for the future) its not possible to pay doctor visits. This country is fucked in terms of health care. Test powder is extremely cheap can buy enough for 11 years for about 200 dollars.

I'm gonna try to start eating more. Oats are no good for me unfortunately. I'll figure something out. I only use 4 scoops of potato powder a day didnt think that was a lot of powder??? The egg white protein is a whole food.

Man I'm gonna figure out where I can add more food. I get to the end of the day though and am hella bloated and full. Nobody said this was gonna be COMFORTABLE to add muscle though ;)

any other guidance/thoughts I would welcome them.
That is not enough food for growth. You want 20 pounds, why not 50 pounds?? And so on?? 20 pounds of what? You won't get 20 pounds of muscle at 200 mg and eating like that.

im trying to be realistic. My skeletal frame is not designed to be 200+ as far as I can tell. Very thin wrists/ankles. 180 is going to be very big looking for me. I actually had a GH deficiency when I was young. They offered to put me on GH and I (along with my mother's support) turned down the offer! Damn I wish I had some of that GH now haha ;)
^ alright fair enough

didnt think I was maxed out genetically at 200mg test....think its possible to add muscle while progressively maxing out my lifts.

sorry if it seems like a horrible idea to be on TRT myself...but damn guys have you had low test + no insurance ever? I work a shitty paying job (got a plan thougbh for the future) its not possible to pay doctor visits. This country is fucked in terms of health care. Test powder is extremely cheap can buy enough for 11 years for about 200 dollars.

I'm gonna try to start eating more. Oats are no good for me unfortunately. I'll figure something out. I only use 4 scoops of potato powder a day didnt think that was a lot of powder??? The egg white protein is a whole food.

Man I'm gonna figure out where I can add more food. I get to the end of the day though and am hella bloated and full. Nobody said this was gonna be COMFORTABLE to add muscle though ;)

any other guidance/thoughts I would welcome them.

Do you have trouble with the digestion of oats?

But as I said, 1 TBSP of olive oil added to each meal of you meals adds 840 calories more to your daily total. Simple things like that can make a big difference.
I'll start adding oil to meals. I used to do that with coconut oil and avocado oil (maybe thats one of the reasons I got where I am now!). I know 160 sounds small as hell to ya'll and the natural question is like why not 240!?!? I dont ever want to compete I just want to be a strong man capable of deading 3x my BW and squatting 3x my BW.

Yeah I get a lot of discomfort from oats. Cooked they are alright if I limit to one bowl but ground up oats in shakes are really bad.
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up your meat meals to 6oz portions, add olive oil to your salads/greens or to your beverages, throw in some greek yogurt and cottage cheese. Your training needs to be increased, look into DC training.
Drugs aren't the answer for me right now obviously. Im on just low dose of test 200mg/week (self-administered since I do not have insurance and powder are cheaper than getting insurance) and also aromasin and proviron (15mg and 25mg respectively).

Did you have any blood work done prior to going into "self-administered TRT?" I would highly recommend getting some blood work done so that you know how your body is reacting.
All good suggestions. Add more egg yolks. So 4 whole eggs per shake.
Definitely not eating enough. You should be on minimum 3K calories for growth. As stated earlier, add quality fats to your diet to reach 3K calories or more.
hey I need some suggestions from you guys about how to gain weight. I got on TRT awhile ago (28 years old) and my life changed forever. Sex drive is here, no more joint pain during the day, sleeping well, and gaining weight. I went three years ago from 119 pounds (5'6") up to now 160!

Judging from your name and dimensions you must be of Japanese extraction. Muscular asian men are rare so congratulations on your weight gain and understand that your genes are against you packing on muscle.

I think if I get to 180 I will look very good for my height as long as I keep bodyfat somewhat in check. As well I have a very determined goal of squatting and deadlifting 3x my bodyweight. I'm at about 2x right now but I know I can do this.

I think it would be better if you focussed on lean body mass rather than 1RM on the big lifts. You mainly want to gain muscle mass right?

Drugs aren't the answer for me right now obviously. Im on just low dose of test 200mg/week (self-administered since I do not have insurance and powder are cheaper than getting insurance) and also aromasin and proviron (15mg and 25mg respectively).

You are using AAS and you are extolling the virtues of IV HGH in another thread yet drugs aren't the answer?! Drugs aren't the complete answer but they are definitely part of the answer given your bad genetics.

Here's my routine and then I'll list diet. Seriously tell me anything you can. I posted on another site but didnt really get any feedback at all.

A: Chest and Back
decline Press 1x8-12
steep Incline Press 1x8-12
DB Rows 1x8-12
BB Rows dropset 1x8-12
rack pulls 1x5-10
pulldowns 1x8-12
stretchers 3x8 (just gonna try these after reading a post on this site about them)

B: Biceps and Legs
BB Curls 1x14-20 RP
Hammer Curls 1x8-12
Pinwheels 1x14
Squats 1x10
Calf Raises 1x20

I don't like this. For a skinny guy I think your weight lifting should revolve around bench press, squats and deadlifts each done on a different day. Something like:

Bench press


Pull downs

Do the big lifts first -- three set 8-12 reps. Decrease the number of different exercises per body part and increase the sets to at least 3. Push yourself hard on the Big Three and give whatever energy and intensity you have left on the other exercises.

My workouts are brief (like 40 minutes) but thats a leftover from my beginnings when I realized long workouts were actually counter-productive. I always try to PR with weight or reps otherwise I take a few days break and reset/deload weight or fix a problem with diet/recovery. I workout mon/wed/fri rotating the A/B workouts.

I agree that workouts over 1 hour are counterproductive for skinny guys.

1: 25g liquid egg protein, 3 egg yolks, 1 banana, 1 scoop potato starch powder

2: 12 egg whites, carb*

3: 25g liquid egg protein, 3 egg yolks, 1 banana, 1 scoop potato starch powder

4: 4oz meat**, carb, vegetables (spinach or brocoli usually)

5: 25g liquid egg protein, 3 egg yolks, 1 scoop potato starch powder

6: 4oz meat, carb, salad (greens, nuts, oil, cheese)

7: 25g liquid egg protein, 3 egg yolks, 1 scoop potato starch powder

*I rotate potatoes, sweet potatoes, brown rice
**I rotate beef, chicken, turkey, tuna

No good! Not enough food. 4oz (113gm) of meat per meal is nothing. One of our (big) cats eats 85-100g of meat in one sitting. Teach yourself to eat at least 200g of meat per sitting. Do it incrementally. Add 10gms each week. Ground beef is good. Cook up a kilogram at a time and refrigerate it. It will keep in the refirgerator for three days. Get a food scale and add 10gms to each of your meat meals each week so that you are eventually eating 200g per meal. If the 10gm increments seem too small then go higher. Do the same for your carb intake. Increase it in small steps. Are you getting at least 50g of carbs per meal?

A while ago I dropped protein powders but I picked up some potato starch powder from true protein. I actually havent implemented that yet but am going to as the banana with the shake isnt enough carbs for me I think since my job (restaurant) is high-energy environment.

Protein powder isn't mandatory if you can get all the protein you need from whole food. For carbs (and a little protein) why not eat noodles and pasta?

You should be prepared to gain some fat to also put on a good amount of muscle. So don't be afraid of a little fat gain. A small guy like you can also afford to eat junkfood once a day. Just back off when the ratio of fat:muscle gain starts approaching 0.5:1 i.e. if you gain 0.5kg of fat with every 1kg of muscle. I'm guessing that as an Asian you would drop fat quite easily. Weigh yourself daily at the same time of the day and measure your body composition (caliper or electronic) once a week and keep records.

When you get your diet in order you can try doubling your weekly dosage of testosterone (and increase your AI intake accordingly). You may also get good results from post-workout insulin usage, but please educate yourself well before trying insulin.

Hope this helps and let us know how you go.

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