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HELP! syntherol calves injections


Nov 29, 2010
hi everyone, im a newbie so please take it easy on me. im using syntherol from synthatek for my calves. progress was a little slow but good until i bumped the dosage from 1ml to 3ml. now my problem is every time progress is going good it becomes impossible to continue cause they start goin red, hard and lumpy so im forced to stop. im sick of having to repeat the whole process again. and yes i massage the hell out of them after injection time. the only reason i bumped up the dosage was cause i heard you had to for bigger results. i use a 26 by 1/2 inch needle to inject. has anyone experienced the same prob? any help will be greatly appreciated thanks.
hi everyone, im a newbie so please take it easy on me. im using syntherol from synthatek for my calves. progress was a little slow but good until i bumped the dosage from 1ml to 3ml. now my problem is every time progress is going good it becomes impossible to continue cause they start goin red, hard and lumpy so im forced to stop. im sick of having to repeat the whole process again. and yes i massage the hell out of them after injection time. the only reason i bumped up the dosage was cause i heard you had to for bigger results. i use a 26 by 1/2 inch needle to inject. has anyone experienced the same prob? any help will be greatly appreciated thanks.

I think the reason for the lumps may be the pin size. 1/2 inch is just not very deep. Id say your putting on top of your muscle or barley deep enough at all.
I thought the idea was to get it inside and "Lift" the muscle to stretch the fascia, creating more space for actual muscle growth.

Ive never done calves so you might wait for better advice or read his Instructions post over and over again.
Here is what it says about calves in his article. It also says that if your getting lumps to stop until they go away, then resume where you left off.

CALVES - Natural calves, no matter how big the are, have a `flat' look to the muscle. So you want to keep that look, you don't want to have your calves looking round like someone stuck an air hose in there. So, you inject in multiple shots, on the outside edges of the muscle. That will make the calf go outwards, while keeping the flat, natural look.
Hey bro I'm on my 3rd week n the calfs. I'm
Using 27 x 1/2... Great results so far. I've had lil redness not much at all tho... Never any lumps.. I
Believe on the how to site it says 1/2 inch is ok????
As far as the lumps I Ono
Bro like Rajjin said give it a rest till it goes away... Make sure u are rubbing them after injections... Maybe so do body weight calf raises after if u don't do it bf the gym basically what I've been doing... Haven't had a problem yet.
hi everyone, im a newbie so please take it easy on me. im using syntherol from synthatek for my calves. progress was a little slow but good until i bumped the dosage from 1ml to 3ml. now my problem is every time progress is going good it becomes impossible to continue cause they start goin red, hard and lumpy so im forced to stop. im sick of having to repeat the whole process again. and yes i massage the hell out of them after injection time. the only reason i bumped up the dosage was cause i heard you had to for bigger results. i use a 26 by 1/2 inch needle to inject. has anyone experienced the same prob? any help will be greatly appreciated thanks.

Ah that doesn't sound good bro I'm a noob too:) but like Suparay said take some time off until the problem subsides.Big A should know wait til he replies back here.Would love to find out how it goes tho for u in the future coz I'm contemplating myself to use in the calves.

Oh I was wondering did it hurt when u walked right after the injection?? if so how painful was walking or doing legs in that matter?
Ah that doesn't sound good bro I'm a noob too:) but like Suparay said take some time off until the problem subsides.Big A should know wait til he replies back here.Would love to find out how it goes tho for u in the future coz I'm contemplating myself to use in the calves.

Oh I was wondering did it hurt when u walked right after the injection?? if so how painful was walking or doing legs in that matter?

Hey bro

I personally don't find it rights walking right after injections.. For me it's in the mornings or if I been off my feet awhile it's not painful but it jus feels like ya calfs r fully pumped... Big A told me it's all from the fascia stretching... Meaning it's working lol
Hey bro

I personally don't find it rights walking right after injections.. For me it's in the mornings or if I been off my feet awhile it's not painful but it jus feels like ya calfs r fully pumped... Big A told me it's all from the fascia stretching... Meaning it's working lol

Awesome bro I'm glad it's working for ya,I'm actually really thinking about pulling the trigger on SEO,so r u saying u do it in the mornings and u get better results? and how much gain have u seen so far? Thanx bro!
Awesome bro I'm glad it's working for ya,I'm actually really thinking about pulling the trigger on SEO,so r u saying u do it in the mornings and u get better results? and how much gain have u seen so far? Thanx bro!

Thanks man! i actually inject in the afternoon.. Easier for me bc i go train after work.. Then ill do some heel raises and jus rub the area.. Actually bro ALL HONESTY i will post pics soon. I gained almost 2 inches on my calfs... I dont have a picture of me measuring them before i started jus a pic of them flexed.. I measured them saturday and they were 18 and a half inches... when i started then were fairly small :(... they were a lil under 17 like 16 3/4...I am going up to 3 ml tonight actually right when i get through typing this ha ill keep everyone posted. As promised i will post pics when the bottle is empty :headbang:
sweet thanks guys i might try going a lil deeper and see how i go. bb4life to answer your question the actual injection itself doesnt hurt but the liquid burns the hell out of me but as soon as you start moving around and doing some calf raises the pain feels good its a sick ass pump lol. the burning goes away after you keep shooting everyday. if you end up trying it make sure you aspire before you put the liquid in. suparay your results are awesome bro. NO PAIN NO GAIN i guess
Thanx Suparay please I would love to see the end result, post some pix when ur finished.18 inches sound impressive to me,hell... you wouldn't even wanna know my calf measurements it's embarrassing to say the least that is exactly why I wanna do this lol.Lemme know bro thank you again for the reply.

Huss thanx for the reply bro,yeah like Suparay said and I read about big A's SEO guide lines and it says go deep into the fascia 1inch needle perhaps? hopefully it works out for ya,oh post some pix too when ur done with ur protocol,also I was wondering how much size have u gained so far??Thanx again.
Sorry for the slightly off topic question but with the calves do you do 2 injections per calve per day (4 injections a day, 1 inner and 1 outer per calve?) for the 30 days?
Its acutally 12 injection. 3 to each head 4 heads. All round the outer edge of the muscle.
Its acutally 12 injection. 3 to each head 4 heads. All round the outer edge of the muscle.

Not with Big A's protocal bro, You rotate the 3 different sites for the gastroc and the 3 for the soleus. One shot in each per day.... for example in gastroc:
Day 1 - top of muscle
Day 2 - middle
Day 3 - lower injection site

Day 4 on...... repeat process

Same for soleus, Use the chart in Big A's "how to" thread for the different recommended sites
Not with Big A's protocal bro, You rotate the 3 different sites for the gastroc and the 3 for the soleus. One shot in each per day.... for example in gastroc:
Day 1 - top of muscle
Day 2 - middle
Day 3 - lower injection site

Day 4 on...... repeat process

Same for soleus, Use the chart in Big A's "how to" thread for the different recommended sites

cnock has got it right.
Not with Big A's protocal bro, You rotate the 3 different sites for the gastroc and the 3 for the soleus. One shot in each per day.... for example in gastroc:
Day 1 - top of muscle
Day 2 - middle
Day 3 - lower injection site

Day 4 on...... repeat process

Same for soleus, Use the chart in Big A's "how to" thread for the different recommended sites

Wait wait? Huh?

I thought Big A protocol was to inject three sites on both sides of calves every day. Basically doing 12 injections for both calves every day. You're telling me you only inject calve in one site on both sides, then next day you will again inject one shot yet in different site.
Wow, Big A just chimed in and said cnock was right......
Damn, I thought for sure the 3 sites per head were to be rotated like with the biceps.
So just for clarity...... On days 20-30 you would be doing 9 ml's (3 sites @ 3ml) for gastroc and the same for soleus? 18 ml's per day per calve? I have got to go back and re-read the thread/article. I don't think I could handle that even if my calves were a weak bodypart. Sorry if I posted the wrong info friends.
or you can try filling an empty IV bag full of oil and hook up some IV tubing and your needle... insert needle and secure needle with tape, then stand on IV bag while oil is injected, kind of like tooth paste.
That doesn't make any sense. 18 ML per calve per day? That just doesn't sound right. I think it's maximum 6mL per calve for days 20-30
I've been alt the three sites daily I do top on each side both legs next day middle then lower... So this is wrong?

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