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Help with my bulk’s diet.


Active member
Jan 29, 2013
Debating high fat vs high carbs.

I haven’t “bulked” in a while and am looking for input on my diet.
Training is PPL with top sets done rest/pause past failure.
Gear 1.2g test with 25mg Mk, maybe bump test to 1.8g depending on blood work mid-bulk.

300g protein
900g+ carbs
133g fat


300g protein
500g carbs
300g+ fat

I see blood sugar and food volume being an issue with a high carb diet. Can be mitigated with metformin/slin (if needed) and simple sugars added to meals but honestly don’t want to add slin.

Higher fat would be better for inflammation(l (with healthy fats being thrown in) and lipids/blood work and smaller meals... but less "anabolic" since less natural insulin present.

This will be my last bulk before hopping into a classic show next year so I’ll be keep the surplus for another 10-20lb of stage weight gear is being kept to test only for health/blood work observation.
Debating high fat vs high carbs.

I haven’t “bulked” in a while and am looking for input on my diet.
Training is PPL with top sets done rest/pause past failure.
Gear 1.2g test with 25mg Mk, maybe bump test to 1.8g depending on blood work mid-bulk.

300g protein
900g+ carbs
133g fat


300g protein
500g carbs
300g+ fat

I see blood sugar and food volume being an issue with a high carb diet. Can be mitigated with metformin/slin (if needed) and simple sugars added to meals but honestly don’t want to add slin.

Higher fat would be better for inflammation(l (with healthy fats being thrown in) and lipids/blood work and smaller meals... but less "anabolic" since less natural insulin present.

This will be my last bulk before hopping into a classic show next year so I’ll be keep the surplus for another 10-20lb of stage weight gear is being kept to test only for health/blood work observation.
the second option will make you fat, not muscular ...

anyway, in my opinion, you have too much fat in the first one. 0.3-0.5 g / lbs in my opinion is the maximum we need to grow optimally
I don't think I could even eat 300 grams of fat each day. I'd be on the crapper all day. But even if that wouldn't be the case I'd go for the first option but I personally would lower the fat a little more.

And if you're scared about your glucose you might want to reconsider the MK. Most people get pretty insulin insensitive because of it.
the second option will make you fat, not muscular ...

anyway, in my opinion, you have too much fat in the first one. 0.3-0.5 g / lbs in my opinion is the maximum we need to grow optimally
This is what confuses me because it’s been preached for years.
But nearly all modern research points toward the size of a surplus not the macronutrient for fat gain.
Has no one here gone through a bulking cycle with higher fats?
I don’t know any bodybuilder who eats 300g fat daily that’s not having a cheat day or doing a keto diet lol
I could digest the first one. The second diet would be very questionable.
those macros based on what ?

high carb, low fat bulk is the way to go
What did you do last time. High fats or carbs? Have you tried both ways? If not try whatever you didn't do last time.
those macros based on what ?

high carb, low fat bulk is the way to go
enough protein for my lean mass, enough carbs to stay full and then the additional carb or fats are simply added to increase the surplus
What did you do last time. High fats or carbs? Have you tried both ways? If not try whatever you didn't do last time.
I’ve never bulked with my fats that high.
The last time I needed to pass 6000 without being miserable eating all day I started pouring EVOO on my meals and this comparison is an exaggeration of that.
I am wrong every day on many things. My wife lets me know , so could be wrong about this as well. I just can't imagine eating 50g of fat with 80-100 grams of carbs and protein every 2.5 hours being sustainable for any period of time. You may be anomaly but highly doubt it.
I like people succeeding doing wild shit and also like watching train wrecks so,.......go for it. 👏🏻
Ehh, with insulin and glycogen being drivers for anabolism and training intensity, I’d lean to high carbs. Broderick Chavez has a great interview on this on the revive stronger podcast.

As your insulin sensitivity declines, go into maintenance/deficit period until you get the sensitivity back.

And there are just limits to what amounts of food the body can naturally handle. Then you have to decide to pull back, or add Metformin, long insulin, etc.

And going slow matters. As you add more tissue, you can handle more carbs. 500g carbs to average chunky joe would fuck his blood sugar. If your 250lbs of muscle, 500g carbs is a low day.
If i were you, Mr. OP, i would read more about how a human being should be supposed to eat to perform in a sport....
Watch your blood sugar running MK
How confident are you in your ability to diet back down?

Seems like a lot of calories and nothing is worse than dieting for 8 weeks to return to a reasonable bf level, say 10%. And then the real part of the diet starts.
I've done similar to the first diet with fats around 75-100g. I ended up with blood glucose problems. At the time I was on 200mg test 8iu GH and clearly not using enough insulin. I was generally only taking around 15iu pre workout. I had never had an issue and kept a pretty good eye on things but it definitely sneaked up on me. Like everyone else said eating that much fat I think digestion would be slow and just nothing really optimized. Go low carb and pay close attention to blood glucose.
I've done similar to the first diet with fats around 75-100g. I ended up with blood glucose problems. At the time I was on 200mg test 8iu GH and clearly not using enough insulin. I was generally only taking around 15iu pre workout. I had never had an issue and kept a pretty good eye on things but it definitely sneaked up on me. Like everyone else said eating that much fat I think digestion would be slow and just nothing really optimized. Go low carb and pay close attention to blood glucose.
Do you mean for him to go high carb? If he were to keep fat under 100 he couldn't do low carb and get in the amount of calories he wants.
Do you mean for him to go high carb? If he were to keep fat under 100 he couldn't do low carb and get in the amount of calories he wants.
I didn't notice a total calorie goal he mentioned. I was just sharing what I did and how I might manage it (more insulin) if I were to do it again.
the second option will make you fat, not muscular ...

anyway, in my opinion, you have too much fat in the first one. 0.3-0.5 g / lbs in my opinion is the maximum we need to grow optimally
Hi @luki7788 is that 0.3-0.5g/lbs fats added fats or total fats?

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