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Here we go again. Believe it or not.

Millions of years --- lol

"Surprisingly, some genes differ so much between the two species that they must not have been mixing for the past 10 million years. But others are similar enough that they appear to have been in contact no more than 6.3 million years ago."

Oh, thank GOD they narrowed it down to a few million years.

These scientists throw around MILLIONS like it's such an insignificant period of time.

The advancements that man makes every 100 years makes me question if we've even been around for 100,000 years let alone a million.
I wonder why are chimps and even more gorillas so strong, mostly eating green leaves and not much protein ?
It doesn't surprise me as many subspecies of homonids that were around before humans became the dominant species....
bulldog21 said:
It doesn't surprise me as many subspecies of homonids that were around before humans became the dominant species....
OMG. Did you just say "homonids" ?? You're such a nerd. :)
strongmind said:
OMG. Did you just say "homonids" ?? You're such a nerd. :)

LOL yeah I did.:D Well, you know me and my love for the discovery, tlc, animal planet, and national geogrphic channel.

I actually watched a great show on the discovery channel hosted by Alec Baldwin on this topic. It facinating.....Okay you can call me out again, I am a nerd and proud of it...:) :p

BBJ- That was funny!!
BrooklynBB said:
The advancements that man makes every 100 years makes me question if we've even been around for 100,000 years let alone a million.
I agree.
Unfortunately I think we are de-evolving thanks to our diets..........just check out the current billion dollar drug protfolios and whats in the pipe line for drugs..cancer, diabetes cholesterol heart disease..maybe the body will start evolving and growing third kidneys and regeneratining pancreas and liver cells!!

I just hate living in a society that passes off this miracle new drugs as a saviors when they have more sides than what they are trying to cure!!
Massive G said:
I agree.
Unfortunately I think we are de-evolving thanks to our diets..........just check out the current billion dollar drug protfolios and whats in the pipe line for drugs..cancer, diabetes cholesterol heart disease..maybe the body will start evolving and growing third kidneys and regeneratining pancreas and liver cells!!

I just hate living in a society that passes off this miracle new drugs as a saviors when they have more sides than what they are trying to cure!!

So true I just took a tour of one of my customers manufacturing plant who is one of the largest Pharma companies in america to see how they utlize our product in their multi-step synthesis of the drug they are producing. Every chemical I saw in the multi story plant was toxic and hazardous....No wonder there are so many sides to them...
Now someone will read that article and try mating with a chimp.... great... that is all we need a bunch of phil's running around. :)
I'd be the last one to insult my "ancestors" but looking at the picture of that chimp, only one thing comes to mind for me....

"I GOTTA hit that!"

There must have been a TON of booze at that party!

"Hey everybody! OMG... I think I just banged the chimp!"

Interesting corollary: It was around this time in history that the first licensed therapists appeared.
BrooklynBB said:
Oh, thank GOD they narrowed it down to a few million years.

hahahahaha... yeah, the opposable thumb took "only" 60 million years to evolve. so i'll be ronnie coleman in about 400 billion years....

unless i eat Nitro Tech bars... then i'll be a "mountain of shredded mass" in about twelve days :rolleyes:
Mr Pickles said:
hahahahaha... yeah, the opposable thumb took "only" 60 million years to evolve. so i'll be ronnie coleman in about 400 billion years....

unless i eat Nitro Tech bars... then i'll be a "mountain of shredded mass" in about twelve days :rolleyes:

I believe in percentage terms that would be like a 853% INCREASE IN MUCLE MASS IN 12 DAYS!!!! but then again that happens only about 0.000001% of the time....:p :D

I've wondered that as well. I bet they are full of fast-twitch muscles.

I could beat a chimp in a marathon, but not hand-to-hand right?
C_Horse said:
I could beat a chimp in a marathon, but not hand-to-hand right?

the chimp would fuck you up, hands down. even if you're Jackie F'ing Chan... i'm betting on the fur ball
Chimps > Humans
Hands down lol...
i dont buy the evo crap. Makes no sense. Those guys come up with the craziest theories...
So you're saying it would be nice to have "chimp strength"? Like "Man, that guy has strength like a chimp!" or "Wow... that is one strong hominid!"

It's hard to buy, the whole evolutionary thing. Even when you observe the powerful effects of adaptation. But if we all came from simpler forms, and those forms came from simpler forms, it still leads us back to that little puddle of primordial goop where all of a sudden life appeared. Anyone have any clue how that happened by the way? Meteor? Lightning strike? Booming voice from the sky?

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