Ok, well I have always liked the guy growing up. He just looked pretty damn neat. Plus he is a teacher like me so that is always a good thing. I used his tip for changing my grip on back work to a shoulder width grip. I have loved it. My avatar with my traps now is since doing back work with that grip. It's the only thing I have changed and I feel wide actually.
I always wondered about the wide or close stuff. Going really wide worried me about the ball and socket joint and the instability with bad biomechanics. Going too close just didnt seem to make sense and was potentially hard on the wrists.
Anyone else have any tips you have cleaned from the LEO COSTA project?
I always wondered about the wide or close stuff. Going really wide worried me about the ball and socket joint and the instability with bad biomechanics. Going too close just didnt seem to make sense and was potentially hard on the wrists.
Anyone else have any tips you have cleaned from the LEO COSTA project?