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Herpes and PCT


New member
Jul 27, 2010
Ok so this is my first post on this site, I am a member of others, but thought with this topic I'd rather post it at a new site.
Please keep the flaming to a minimum and just give the best advice you can to your knowledge.
I have done as much research as I can on this topic, but have not come up with much.

I was diagnosed with genital herpes about 5 months ago, Ive never really had a "real" outbreak..i had a red dot or two on my dick and went to see the doc and the bloodwork came back saying i had it..havent noticed anything sense.
I am currently on week 9 of an 11 week test e cycle.
I have been taking 500mg a week. I am 21 and this is my first cycle. I did a lot of research before hand and have a proper pct of nolva and clomid set up.

My cycle has been great so far, Ive put on some mass and gained a lot of strength. Herpes has been non existent. My problem is I'm scared that my pct may cause it to flair up..I've read in one place somewhere that Clomid is absolutely horrible for herpes! So I am very hesitant to take it at all and instead just take nolva at 40/40/20/20. First off, I need to know if that is a good enough pct to recover properly and get the most out of my cylce. Secondly, I need to know if what i heard about clomid is true? Please, anyone with any kind of experience or knowledge about this inform me.
If you do not feel comfortable posting on this thread, just send me a PM with the info that you have, and I will keep it confidential and no one will know that you told me anything.

Thanks for you help guys..
I'll help out the best I can my man. First of all, tons of people are infected with this virus and many don't even know it or ever show signs. As a matter of fact, there is a pretty scary statistic regarding the virus and it's something like one in every five people have some form of it.

Now with that said, you want to avoid most anything containing arginine as the virus replicates itself using that amino aicd. On the flip side to that, L-lysine has been shown to stop the virus from replicating itself. Anything that puts your bodies immune system under stress could bring on an outbreak. Another thing you could do is have some Acyclovir on hand..aka Zovirax. This stops the blistering and will greatly reduce an outbreak if you catch it in the early stages almost to the point of not really having one at all. If you've never broken out severly, chances are you might be one of the lucky ones that won't have to deal with it.

The clomid issue might just be in fact due to (and don't quote me on this as it's only my theory) at the end of your cycle, your bodies immune system is taking a huge thump because of the massive fluctuations in hormones. Have you ever noticed how many people tend to catch a cold or whatever at the end of their HRT therapy?

If it were me, I'd load up on the following while your doctor monitors your coming off your HRT therapy....

extra glutamine
extra vit c
extra l-lysine
Zovirax on hand

I don't think you'll have any issues, but if you do you should be able to stop it before it becomes a pain...literally.
I'll help out the best I can my man. First of all, tons of people are infected with this virus and many don't even know it or ever show signs. As a matter of fact, there is a pretty scary statistic regarding the virus and it's something like one in every five people have some form of it.

Now with that said, you want to avoid most anything containing arginine as the virus replicates itself using that amino aicd. On the flip side to that, L-lysine has been shown to stop the virus from replicating itself. Anything that puts your bodies immune system under stress could bring on an outbreak. Another thing you could do is have some Acyclovir on hand..aka Zovirax. This stops the blistering and will greatly reduce an outbreak if you catch it in the early stages almost to the point of not really having one at all. If you've never broken out severly, chances are you might be one of the lucky ones that won't have to deal with it.

The clomid issue might just be in fact due to (and don't quote me on this as it's only my theory) at the end of your cycle, your bodies immune system is taking a huge thump because of the massive fluctuations in hormones. Have you ever noticed how many people tend to catch a cold or whatever at the end of their HRT therapy?

If it were me, I'd load up on the following while your doctor monitors your coming off your HRT therapy....

extra glutamine
extra vit c
extra l-lysine
Zovirax on hand

I don't think you'll have any issues, but if you do you should be able to stop it before it becomes a pain...literally.

scary part is i think the stat is even higher than that right?! like 3/5ths of the population has some form
1st off; Welcome to Pro Muscle!

I don't know about herpes but I wanted to comment on the part about flaming. I'm not sure what your used to on other boards. Here on Pro Muscle if you are asking for sincere help your won't get flamed. The atmosphere here is much different than other boards.
scary part is i think the stat is even higher than that right?! like 3/5ths of the population has some form

Yes I think it is something like 3/5ths of the general population has some form of the herpes zoster virus. Shingles is very common and considered in the herpes family. Chicken pox is another as well as cold sores and then genital herpes.
I'll help out the best I can my man. First of all, tons of people are infected with this virus and many don't even know it or ever show signs. As a matter of fact, there is a pretty scary statistic regarding the virus and it's something like one in every five people have some form of it.

Now with that said, you want to avoid most anything containing arginine as the virus replicates itself using that amino aicd. On the flip side to that, L-lysine has been shown to stop the virus from replicating itself. Anything that puts your bodies immune system under stress could bring on an outbreak. Another thing you could do is have some Acyclovir on hand..aka Zovirax. This stops the blistering and will greatly reduce an outbreak if you catch it in the early stages almost to the point of not really having one at all. If you've never broken out severly, chances are you might be one of the lucky ones that won't have to deal with it.

The clomid issue might just be in fact due to (and don't quote me on this as it's only my theory) at the end of your cycle, your bodies immune system is taking a huge thump because of the massive fluctuations in hormones. Have you ever noticed how many people tend to catch a cold or whatever at the end of their HRT therapy?

If it were me, I'd load up on the following while your doctor monitors your coming off your HRT therapy....

extra glutamine
extra vit c
extra l-lysine
Zovirax on hand

I don't think you'll have any issues, but if you do you should be able to stop it before it becomes a pain...literally.

thank you for your input. I have read about the arginine/lysine thing.
i will load up on everything that you suggested asap.

if anyone else can help in any way I am all ears.

thanks, J
Valtrex is the best thing you can use to suppress outbreaks. I would use that, and if you notice one coming just up the dose
I get bad cold sores in my throat between the months of December to May each year if I do not keep my immune system strong and healthy. This is the most important piece of advice I can give you from my experience...keep your immune system strong. This means getting a full nights rest, good protein and nutrition, and being careful on overtraining, especially in combination with a lack of sleep....or when you develop a common cold during the flu season. If you get sick, and your immune is comprised, from something like a common cold, just be careful, and do not be afraid to take time off until you get better.

I have a permanent script and refills on hand for Valtrex. This should NOT be a problem for your physician to write out for you. If it is, you need to find a new doctor. Like AWN stated above, the second you think you are getting sick, or even possibly could be, i'd not hesitate to take your medicine. Last year, I couldn't afford to miss work, so I took 1 tablet ED for 5 months for prevention purposes, which is another route.

It can be like a common cold sore, in that it could develop a pattern of outbreaks at certain times of the year. If you notice that this starts to occur, take your meds for it.

I've read about Lysine as well, it is worth a shot, I ordered some from TrueProtein last year.

I know friends who have the actual genital herpes simplex virus like you have, and I can't imagine how painful it is after knowing how much they effect my body when I get a breakout in my throat (and even inside of the nostrils). Most have it under control, and have not had breakouts in years.

This is what i'd do:

*Get an appt with your doctor and get a RX for Valtrex (or acyclovir as AWN stated). Use it when you get sick from other ailments, for preventative purposes of the herpes developing. Use it during times when you are stressed out or sick. See if they can write a 3-12 month Rx for you. My insurance pays for most of it, but I still have to fork out 30.00 per month. So if I get an RX for x6 months, I just stock up if I am not using it.

*Get a TON of sleep, and be careful of overtraining. I'd also be careful training when sick.

*Keep your immune system strong. I'm not totally big on overdoing the antioxidants (and thus causing them to become pro-oxidants), but a few here and there may be a good idea. I don't use Vitamin C or Glutamine much, but will slam them in when I get sick. Get in a variety of fruits and vegetables (berries are great). Add in daily Lysine if you think it helps.

*Avoid being stressed-out. This might be the one that gets me the most to be honost.

*Avoid losing LBM, especially when dieting, or when sick. A good protein intake might be beneficial. I'm not sure on the whole Arginine stuff, it might be true, so if you think it might be a factor, avoid proteins with a lot fo this amino acid....I think nuts and stuff have a lot (i'd have to check though)

*Don't party, or drink, or do any kind of rec drugs.

*I'm not sure on CLOMID, i'd have to look more into that, but remember that when you come off AAS from "cycling," and during most PCT periods, you are at a fragile state. If you are older in age, you might want to avoid this whole process by "staying on" full time and avoiding the stress of coming off.

Ughhh....going brain-dead right now. That's all off the top of my head. Good luck bro, and props for you on being able to come on here and post up this question.

I get bad cold sores in my throat between the months of December to May each year if I do not keep my immune system strong and healthy. This is the most important piece of advice I can give you from my experience...keep your immune system strong. This means getting a full nights rest, good protein and nutrition, and being careful on overtraining, especially in combination with a lack of sleep....or when you develop a common cold during the flu season. If you get sick, and your immune is comprised, from something like a common cold, just be careful, and do not be afraid to take time off until you get better.

I have a permanent script and refills on hand for Valtrex. This should NOT be a problem for your physician to write out for you. If it is, you need to find a new doctor. Like AWN stated above, the second you think you are getting sick, or even possibly could be, i'd not hesitate to take your medicine. Last year, I couldn't afford to miss work, so I took 1 tablet ED for 5 months for prevention purposes, which is another route.

It can be like a common cold sore, in that it could develop a pattern of outbreaks at certain times of the year. If you notice that this starts to occur, take your meds for it.

I've read about Lysine as well, it is worth a shot, I ordered some from TrueProtein last year.

I know friends who have the actual genital herpes simplex virus like you have, and I can't imagine how painful it is after knowing how much they effect my body when I get a breakout in my throat (and even inside of the nostrils). Most have it under control, and have not had breakouts in years.

This is what i'd do:

*Get an appt with your doctor and get a RX for Valtrex (or acyclovir as AWN stated). Use it when you get sick from other ailments, for preventative purposes of the herpes developing. Use it during times when you are stressed out or sick. See if they can write a 3-12 month Rx for you. My insurance pays for most of it, but I still have to fork out 30.00 per month. So if I get an RX for x6 months, I just stock up if I am not using it.

*Get a TON of sleep, and be careful of overtraining. I'd also be careful training when sick.

*Keep your immune system strong. I'm not totally big on overdoing the antioxidants (and thus causing them to become pro-oxidants), but a few here and there may be a good idea. I don't use Vitamin C or Glutamine much, but will slam them in when I get sick. Get in a variety of fruits and vegetables (berries are great). Add in daily Lysine if you think it helps.

*Avoid being stressed-out. This might be the one that gets me the most to be honost.

*Avoid losing LBM, especially when dieting, or when sick. A good protein intake might be beneficial. I'm not sure on the whole Arginine stuff, it might be true, so if you think it might be a factor, avoid proteins with a lot fo this amino acid....I think nuts and stuff have a lot (i'd have to check though)

*Don't party, or drink, or do any kind of rec drugs.

*I'm not sure on CLOMID, i'd have to look more into that, but remember that when you come off AAS from "cycling," and during most PCT periods, you are at a fragile state. If you are older in age, you might want to avoid this whole process by "staying on" full time and avoiding the stress of coming off.

Ughhh....going brain-dead right now. That's all off the top of my head. Good luck bro, and props for you on being able to come on here and post up this question.


VERY good advice.

Stress brings on outbreaks. The virus "sleeps" in the nerve ganglia in your spine. The amino acid arginine wakes it up and starts the replication of the virus and then you get an outbreak. I know of several people just by using daily L-lysine that have seemed to retard the virus all together. The longer you have it, typically the longer between outbreaks. Some people however just have fragile immune systems and get a monthly visitor. I have yet to see anyone that just gets it out of the blue and then can't control it and most that get regular outbreaks know when it's about to happen. Flu like symptoms creep up and then tenderness around the areas whether its a cold sore or the other more dreaded kind. It is a controllable condition to live with though. Finding people or your significant other that understands how common this really is the hard part. More and more people seem to be educated though and in the grand scheme of things, if that's the worst thing you ever have to deal with you are pretty darn lucky.
I did a couple of weeks of Valtrex and it cleared right up. No reoccuring outbreaks and PCT never bothered it either. Just my experience, don't know if it affects others differently.
I did a couple of weeks of Valtrex and it cleared right up. No reoccuring outbreaks and PCT never bothered it either. Just my experience, don't know if it affects others differently.

what did your pct consist of?
im just trying to be really cautious.
got an appt with the doctor to get a valtrex script.

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