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Hey guys question


Featured Member / Kilo Klub / Board Supporter
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Board Supporter
Oct 22, 2006
A few weeks ago I had left hand with pins and needles feeling for few days. I do suffer from lower back herniated disc and go to pain management every month

So after4 days of this my wife and I decided to go to the hospital to get checked in case it was a small stroke or a heart attack coming. So they did the eco and came back good and normal the doctor did several other test.he did blood work and tested for regular blood work stuff but for some other special test in blood that is for the heart including to see if I had blood clot.everything came back normal and he did a CT of the brain because he said you can have a small stroke and not feel it but with a brain CT it will show if you did.that came back normal actually very good. It just turned put to be a pinched nerv on my neck. I have gotten it anymore thank god

But my question is. Is there anything more thorough or more I depth he could of checked for the heart. I asked him if I should follow up with heart doctor and he said if I want to but as far as all test he did it was all good.oh and he also did ex-rey of chest to check heart and lu gs and all was good
Following, I have had the same thing for months! All my doctor would do was bloods and blood pressure. Both of them were fine but its always in the back of my mind.

Only different things i have done was drop my test to 100mg a week and add hcg and FSH
A few weeks ago I had left hand with pins and needles feeling for few days. I do suffer from lower back herniated disc and go to pain management every month

So after4 days of this my wife and I decided to go to the hospital to get checked in case it was a small stroke or a heart attack coming. So they did the eco and came back good and normal the doctor did several other test.he did blood work and tested for regular blood work stuff but for some other special test in blood that is for the heart including to see if I had blood clot.everything came back normal and he did a CT of the brain because he said you can have a small stroke and not feel it but with a brain CT it will show if you did.that came back normal actually very good. It just turned put to be a pinched nerv on my neck. I have gotten it anymore thank god

But my question is. Is there anything more thorough or more I depth he could of checked for the heart. I asked him if I should follow up with heart doctor and he said if I want to but as far as all test he did it was all good.oh and he also did ex-rey of chest to check heart and lu gs and all was good
Was it the entire hand, or specific fingers?
A few weeks ago I had left hand with pins and needles feeling for few days. I do suffer from lower back herniated disc and go to pain management every month

So after4 days of this my wife and I decided to go to the hospital to get checked in case it was a small stroke or a heart attack coming. So they did the eco and came back good and normal the doctor did several other test.he did blood work and tested for regular blood work stuff but for some other special test in blood that is for the heart including to see if I had blood clot.everything came back normal and he did a CT of the brain because he said you can have a small stroke and not feel it but with a brain CT it will show if you did.that came back normal actually very good. It just turned put to be a pinched nerv on my neck. I have gotten it anymore thank god

But my question is. Is there anything more thorough or more I depth he could of checked for the heart. I asked him if I should follow up with heart doctor and he said if I want to but as far as all test he did it was all good.oh and he also did ex-rey of chest to check heart and lu gs and all was good
I have/had slightly herniated disks in my neck along with some spinal degeneration.
Ring finger and pinky would go numb on my left hand. This resolved on its own over the years and has not recurred for about 4-5 years now.
I have/had slightly herniated disks in my neck along with some spinal degeneration.
Ring finger and pinky would go numb on my left hand. This resolved on its own over the years and has not recurred for about 4-5 years now.
Yes it fixed itself. It's been like over two weeks and had never happened again. I was going to mention it to my pain management doctor on Friday which is my appointment. But I'm not even going to because since it fixed itself. I don't want them to try to give an injection or let's do this and that...that really is unnecessary at this point. Because it's gone.I don't Want more drugs pumped in for nothing
I have/had slightly herniated disks in my neck along with some spinal degeneration.
Ring finger and pinky would go numb on my left hand. This resolved on its own over the years and has not recurred for about 4-5 years now.
Did you get some pain in your hips as well with this? Seems to be what i have as i am in a new office chair and not the best quality. Thanks and off to the physio for me
Did you get some pain in your hips as well with this? Seems to be what i have as i am in a new office chair and not the best quality. Thanks and off to the physio for me
No, mine was based off cervical spine compression of nerves. Your issue sounds like lumbar issues if spinal.
A few weeks ago I had left hand with pins and needles feeling for few days. I do suffer from lower back herniated disc and go to pain management every month

So after4 days of this my wife and I decided to go to the hospital to get checked in case it was a small stroke or a heart attack coming. So they did the eco and came back good and normal the doctor did several other test.he did blood work and tested for regular blood work stuff but for some other special test in blood that is for the heart including to see if I had blood clot.everything came back normal and he did a CT of the brain because he said you can have a small stroke and not feel it but with a brain CT it will show if you did.that came back normal actually very good. It just turned put to be a pinched nerv on my neck. I have gotten it anymore thank god

But my question is. Is there anything more thorough or more I depth he could of checked for the heart. I asked him if I should follow up with heart doctor and he said if I want to but as far as all test he did it was all good.oh and he also did ex-rey of chest to check heart and lu gs and all was good
Thx for sharing this and good to see it was nothing serious. Starting a few weeks ago I’m getting a weird pain in my leg when I’m sitting on the crapper, after a few minutes I get a pain right down the middle of my right leg it starts from the hip and goes down to the knee not to bad just irritating and uncomfortable. Sometimes my knee throughout the day will feel like it wants to swell or has fluid in it.
If you don't have a cardiologist I'd definitely get in with one. Ask around and see if there are any that deal with athletes as they may be a bit more receptive to your drug history and such.
I think at 40yr old we should have a full check up And once over from cardiologist AND proctologist.!!!
If for no other reason that to just see where we are health wise.

As for you neck , I invested in an inversion table and it has helped me so so much with neck and spine issues I was having. Between that and getting deep tissue body work including facial adhesion separation and joint therapy every 6 weeks it I feel so much better an recover so much faster
If you would feel better seeing a cardio dr then a follow up could not hurt especially if there has been many years of AS use. But a neck issue seems to be the most likely cause by far. I would look into that if i definitely wanted to find out what happened.
A few weeks ago I had left hand with pins and needles feeling for few days. I do suffer from lower back herniated disc and go to pain management every month

So after4 days of this my wife and I decided to go to the hospital to get checked in case it was a small stroke or a heart attack coming. So they did the eco and came back good and normal the doctor did several other test.he did blood work and tested for regular blood work stuff but for some other special test in blood that is for the heart including to see if I had blood clot.everything came back normal and he did a CT of the brain because he said you can have a small stroke and not feel it but with a brain CT it will show if you did.that came back normal actually very good. It just turned put to be a pinched nerv on my neck. I have gotten it anymore thank god

But my question is. Is there anything more thorough or more I depth he could of checked for the heart. I asked him if I should follow up with heart doctor and he said if I want to but as far as all test he did it was all good.oh and he also did ex-rey of chest to check heart and lu gs and all was good

They didn't actually look at your arteries. That requires this... https://cleerlyhealth.com/
Thx for sharing this and good to see it was nothing serious. Starting a few weeks ago I’m getting a weird pain in my leg when I’m sitting on the crapper, after a few minutes I get a pain right down the middle of my right leg it starts from the hip and goes down to the knee not to bad just irritating and uncomfortable. Sometimes my knee throughout the day will feel like it wants to swell or has fluid in it.
From what I know if it's radiate down your leg it's from your lower back
If you don't have a cardiologist I'd definitely get in with one. Ask around and see if there are any that deal with athletes as they may be a bit more receptive to your drug history and such.
I think at 40yr old we should have a full check up And once over from cardiologist AND proctologist.!!!
If for no other reason that to just see where we are health wise.

As for you neck , I invested in an inversion table and it has helped me so so much with neck and spine issues I was having. Between that and getting deep tissue body work including facial adhesion separation and joint therapy every 6 weeks it I feel so much better an recover so much faster
I have a bunch of machines from my pain. Doctor but thank god it all went away for weeks now and hasn't happened anymore
If you would feel better seeing a cardio dr then a follow up could not hurt especially if there has been many years of AS use. But a neck issue seems to be the most likely cause by far. I would look into that if i definitely wanted to find out what happened.
Yea today was my appointment with my pain management doctor and he said it was my neck.he said I could of sleeped with my head in a position that made it swell and pinched the nerve
I do not believe your pain is heart related. I believe it’s coming from a disc in your neck or some carpal tunnel in your wrist. It’s most likely coming from your neck (c-5/c-6) area given your medical history.
I do not believe your pain is heart related. I believe it’s coming from a disc in your neck or some carpal tunnel in your wrist. It’s most likely coming from your neck (c-5/c-6) area given your medical history.

Definitely not carpal tunnel. Nerve induced pain from impingement travels away from the body, not towards. Impingement in the wrist will cause pain in the wrist and/or hands but not in the shoulder.
A little late her but that could be your ulnar nerve.
I have the same pain from wrestling for 15 years it just always aches no matter what.
I don’t know a solution aside from surgery where they move the nerve over ….. personally have just dealt with it and push thru. Good luck brother
Definitely not carpal tunnel. Nerve induced pain from impingement travels away from the body, not towards. Impingement in the wrist will cause pain in the wrist and/or hands but not in the shoulder.
I always thought like you did until my hand surgeon asked me prior to having surgery if my carpal tunnel pain was traveling to the upper arm/shoulder. I told him “I thought carpal tunnel syndrome was pain only in the wrist, thumb, index finger and middle finger area. He said, “not so, it can also travel from a trapped median nerve in the wrist all the way to the shoulder.” I did some research and sure enough my hand surgeon was correct. As the condition worsens, symptoms may become constant. Pain may radiate “up” the arm all the way to the shoulder.

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