I sure Did buddy... Theyve become part of it and you deffinatley changed the way I do DB rows... Greatly appreciate that. It took a bit for me Because like you said you cant go as heavy as when just Yanking away on it But Im Finaly Getting more of that Mind-Muscle connection..deffinatley good advice.
I tell ya what else kicked my arse was the change from Pulldowns
to Chins... Holy cow the first two weeks my lower bicep an upper forearm
were feeling it
slowly but surley getting smoother and better at them though.... On the one Nandro suggested its Very good also But I changed
it a bit and just do them on the Lower pulley,..legs straight.. chest almost to kness and Pull One arm at a time and that deffinatley hits the Lower Lat area
Ill usually finish off with them. Thanks again