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High Dosage Thread

Agreed. I save the tren for when conditions of cardio/diet get rough, trenbolones affinity for blocking cortisol is unmatched.

And when I’m bulking, I like to sleep. Which is god-damn near impossible for me on anything above 300mg tren per week.
I need to feed the hell out of tren. If I'm short calories, I'm in a world of hurt. Better to overshoot than be in a deficit. Ugh.
Thank you brothers, I’m learning, I have only been bodybuilding for two years now, so everything is experimenting with me, a little about myself… I’m 50 years old be 51 in couple months, want to get huge once in my life before I’m too old to put that much mass on my frame, that’s why I use the high dosages so I can possibly grow as fast as possible, the kids are gone the wife is gone just me now, so I gave dedication my existence to bodybuilding now. I’ve been on HRT for couple years now so I no worries about shutdown. I blast and cruise. I would love to hear recommendations on gear types gear dosages and protocols. I’m not at the age at being conservative anymore, I’m all in and want the most direct path to becoming huge… I have no adverse affects from any compounds, seems I’m genetically in the rare percentage, never need AI’s but I have lots ( anastrozol and cabor) but I never need. Nothing bothers me except orals, that is my kryptonite. So I never touch orals.
I use only oils like
- Test P , A
- Deca / NPP
- Mast E
- Tren A , E
- EQ
That’s it…
I do not have ten years to grow like you young fellas, I’m trying to achieve the impossible in the shortest amount time that I have left in this world…Please help an old man beginning a new journey… thank you all my brothers
fat burns you diet and cardio, not trenbolone. Get down to 7-8% bf and then start bulking
This, diet imo is more important than dosage. At your bf, eating the amount of calories you are, and pushing the scale so hard your just going to be another guy sitting at 14 percent claiming he's 10. Your an older guy worry about looking good forgot the scale and bulking.
No offense meant, you sound very lonely? Look up Don Youngblood’s story and decide if the chase for size at an old age is worth it.
Thank you brothers, I’m learning, I have only been bodybuilding for two years now, so everything is experimenting with me, a little about myself… I’m 50 years old be 51 in couple months, want to get huge once in my life before I’m too old to put that much mass on my frame, that’s why I use the high dosages so I can possibly grow as fast as possible, the kids are gone the wife is gone just me now, so I gave dedication my existence to bodybuilding now. I’ve been on HRT for couple years now so I no worries about shutdown. I blast and cruise. I would love to hear recommendations on gear types gear dosages and protocols. I’m not at the age at being conservative anymore, I’m all in and want the most direct path to becoming huge… I have no adverse affects from any compounds, seems I’m genetically in the rare percentage, never need AI’s but I have lots ( anastrozol and cabor) but I never need. Nothing bothers me except orals, that is my kryptonite. So I never touch orals.
I use only oils like
- Test P , A
- Deca / NPP
- Mast E
- Tren A , E
- EQ
That’s it…
I do not have ten years to grow like you young fellas, I’m trying to achieve the impossible in the shortest amount time that I have left in this world…Please help an old man beginning a new journey… thank you all my brothers

If you want to get real results why not hire someone like luki to guide you?

Sometimes people need to stop trying to figure shit out for themselves and pay a little money to actually get somewhere.

Once you learn some shit then ya maybe try doing shit on your own but ill tell you, its A fuck load simpler to just hire someone.
50yrs old pushing excessively for size IS NOT A WISE PLAN!

also post a current pic, I guarantee you are above 11% bodyfat.
No offense meant, you sound very lonely? Look up Don Youngblood’s story and decide if the chase for size at an old age is worth it.
Well I thought this forum was different from all the others but it’s the same, everyone wants to criticize and make fun, but no one’s gives anything positive.No one gives reall info, I have to glean little crumbs here and there, This was the first forum I’ve ever posted I do not have face book or any social media it’s all garbage negativity. You all keep up your laughter it’ll be your last with me. I’ll continue to learn on my own , peace out. Good luck to all of you in life. Good bye
Well I thought this forum was different from all the others but it’s the same, everyone wants to criticize and make fun, but no one’s gives anything positive.No one gives reall info, I have to glean little crumbs here and there, This was the first forum I’ve ever posted I do not have face book or any social media it’s all garbage negativity. You all keep up your laughter it’ll be your last with me. I’ll continue to learn on my own , peace out. Good luck to all of you in life. Good bye
If it seems that way, I apologize. It's not a pile on of negativity. We're just very excited and fervent about you attaining and living your best life. This is the place you want to be though.
Well I thought this forum was different from all the others but it’s the same, everyone wants to criticize and make fun, but no one’s gives anything positive.No one gives reall info, I have to glean little crumbs here and there, This was the first forum I’ve ever posted I do not have face book or any social media it’s all garbage negativity. You all keep up your laughter it’ll be your last with me. I’ll continue to learn on my own , peace out. Good luck to all of you in life. Good bye
I have not made fun of you, I ask a couple of legitimate questions to see your mind frame and thought process and cautioned you that at your age the goal your seeking and the fast track your trying to achieve it on will not end well, if you accept that then BRAVO, carry out your plan and keep us informed. I would like to see a current pic to see how much forward progress you have achieved since the last set of pics you posted, you say your about 20lbs bigger let's see some progress pics. How much gear you want to run is your damn business and it's YOU that will both reap the benefits and deal with the consequences, not us!
Thank you brothers, I’m learning, I have only been bodybuilding for two years now, so everything is experimenting with me, a little about myself… I’m 50 years old be 51 in couple months, want to get huge once in my life before I’m too old to put that much mass on my frame, that’s why I use the high dosages so I can possibly grow as fast as possible, the kids are gone the wife is gone just me now, so I gave dedication my existence to bodybuilding now. I’ve been on HRT for couple years now so I no worries about shutdown. I blast and cruise. I would love to hear recommendations on gear types gear dosages and protocols. I’m not at the age at being conservative anymore, I’m all in and want the most direct path to becoming huge… I have no adverse affects from any compounds, seems I’m genetically in the rare percentage, never need AI’s but I have lots ( anastrozol and cabor) but I never need. Nothing bothers me except orals, that is my kryptonite. So I never touch orals.
I use only oils like
- Test P , A
- Deca / NPP
- Mast E
- Tren A , E
- EQ
That’s it…
I do not have ten years to grow like you young fellas, I’m trying to achieve the impossible in the shortest amount time that I have left in this world…Please help an old man beginning a new journey… thank you all my brothers
There are no shortcuts or magic pills here. Trying to attain in a few years what has taken many of us a lifetime of work to achieve e will lead you down a path of no return. Anabolic steroids are and can be very dangerous if misused. At 50 your not going to get huge without taking many years off your longevity. I compare this to someone who is 50 and never played football in their believing they have a shot at making an nfl roster. It’s called a pipe dream. You ask for sound advice and your getting it. Don’t bitch if your told bluntly things you don’t want to hear. There are a plethora of men here that are very experienced and wise about these details. If I were you I’d listen. Your heart lungs organs and joints are not going to appreciate you abusing them at all. Many of us lifted for decades before starting aas use, and tried to reach their natural genetic potential without drugs and only implemented them after our bodies had hit a ceiling. But I know that in today’s world everyone wants to take shortcuts. If you want the best advices possible we need to see pictures of your physique to gauge wtf your going. Best of luck and be careful man.
Yeah i do what i can to stay ahead of any trouble, im very lucky that i have a great doctor who knows what i do and helps me stay healthy.
Yah me too! My doctor knows everything and watches me close. I think you should tell your doctor so they keep you healthy. My doc is cool as hell.
I have not made fun of you, I ask a couple of legitimate questions to see your mind frame and thought process and cautioned you that at your age the goal your seeking and the fast track your trying to achieve it on will not end well, if you accept that then BRAVO, carry out your plan and keep us informed. I would like to see a current pic to see how much forward progress you have achieved since the last set of pics you posted, you say your about 20lbs bigger let's see some progress pics. How much gear you want to run is your damn business and it's YOU that will both reap the benefits and deal with the consequences, not us!
Truth 👍
There are no shortcuts or magic pills here. Trying to attain in a few years what has taken many of us a lifetime of work to achieve e will lead you down a path of no return. Anabolic steroids are and can be very dangerous if misused. At 50 your not going to get huge without taking many years off your longevity. I compare this to someone who is 50 and never played football in their believing they have a shot at making an nfl roster. It’s called a pipe dream. You ask for sound advice and your getting it. Don’t bitch if your told bluntly things you don’t want to hear. There are a plethora of men here that are very experienced and wise about these details. If I were you I’d listen. Your heart lungs organs and joints are not going to appreciate you abusing them at all. Many of us lifted for decades before starting aas use, and tried to reach their natural genetic potential without drugs and only implemented them after our bodies had hit a ceiling. But I know that in today’s world everyone wants to take shortcuts. If you want the best advices possible we need to see pictures of your physique to gauge wtf your going. Best of luck and be careful man.
Truth 👍
Currently blasting
1gm Test
1gm EQ
700mg Tren
I’m in 3 weeks now and have seen dramatic growth, no sides other than back acne but scrubbing the hell outa my back twice daily with special soap now it’s cleared up. Calories intake from 4000 to 5000 plus daily, proteins around 200-300gms only one shake a day every thing else comes from whole foods, no AI’s no need, if you wanna say my stuff bunk I tell you I buy from our SPONSORS! Will push to march then go on 6 week cruise… already up 6 pounds , no bloat no appetite lose only feeling like a gorilla, changing my workout from P/P/L 3 times weekly to now 5 days workout and only concentrate on only one muscle per day! ( been doing P/P/L for last two years) since I’ve switched muscle responding like newbie gains all over again!! Will post a new thread in march for everyone to see.
For the love of god please stop this cycle now. Let someone here construct you a proper cycle.
Well I thought this forum was different from all the others but it’s the same, everyone wants to criticize and make fun, but no one’s gives anything positive.No one gives reall info, I have to glean little crumbs here and there, This was the first forum I’ve ever posted I do not have face book or any social media it’s all garbage negativity. You all keep up your laughter it’ll be your last with me. I’ll continue to learn on my own , peace out. Good luck to all of you in life. Good bye
Nobody here has made fun of you. Everyone here is trying to give you advice. b-boy is very experienced and was just trying to help you. This is a very good place to get good advice. With good advice comes constructive criticism. That is how all of us learn. This game is about criticism to help us get better.
@Hieu, Don’t let a few negative comments from folks discourage you from seeking out information on this site! I know you’ve already come a long way from when you started! Congrats on that and keep plugging away!

You’re aware AAS can cause health issues. As long as you’re aware and are good with it then rock that shit and get juiced to the gills! It’s your life, so live it!

I excepted this mindset years ago when I started and it’ll never change! If I shaved 10-20yrs off my lifespan oh well. I kno I enjoyed every bit of my life. And I did it on my terms!

As far as high doses go, I like to run EQ around the 1200mg range weekly, some guys tell me 700 mgs Tren A weekly is high, but tbh that's normal for me. Sure doses fluctuate and orals come in and out, as far orals i really like to run Halo 50+ range, which is high I assume to some, but as we should all know by now we're all different and what works for one individual might reak absolute havoc on another's health/ physique. Also like to mention for the fellas running high mg's, have GH in your blood at all timesheet, at doses in the "considerable" high range it's hard for natural igf levels to really let all the aas shine. * Not proven fact or scientific research, just personal experiences from some time in the game *
Idk but some of you guys are very broken 50"something or know a crap load of 50 year olds that are broken.

50 is young!! All relative though, I'd you abused your body , even casually your gonna be fucked up.

Go out kick some ass and just be safe about it. Hire a trainer - your never gonna piece together all the knowledge you need ,,, it takes years and when your 50 , time has to be used efficiently.

So hire trainer and let them guide you , they have a ton on experience and knowledge. Faster , better gains in shorter time and safer

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