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Hitting an exercise multiple times a day


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jul 30, 2006
What is everyone opinion of what would happen if you did one set close to failure on an exercise several times a day , every day.??

Say for instance you have a set of dumbell in the office and every few hrs you pick them up and bang out 12-15 reps and you do this every day.
Or do a set of pullups to failure several times a day or Bulgarian split squats.??

I think as long as you had a steady protein intake that the body would adapt to the constant stimulation and grow to keep up with it.
That could be totally backwards but I remember a mechanic we had that did pushups constantly , 5-6 times a day he would do a set of weight pushups to failure and he had some pretty insane triceps and pretty impressive chest. Another guy I know has been a brick mason his whole life and have the most insane forearms I've ever seen.
NOW , neither of these guys were avid gym rats but stayed in good shape.

Just wondering if anyone ever tried something extreme lime this to bring up a lagging body part
I wouldn't go close to failure but I think it would work well if you were intense without reaching fatigue. Say always stopping 4-5 reps shy of failure, but still going really heavy and putting full effort and concentration into every rep.

You'd definitely burn a ton of calories and if dieting get lean very quickly. You'd gain a lot of muscle too unless you are an experienced trainer and close to the limit for your hormones etc already.
During the first part of lockdowns I had access to a school park right by my house . I’d go over there and bang out as many pull-ups as I could at 5am and 8pm every single day. I went down to 5-10mg a day of test for that entire time until gyms opened again. My biceps and back were the only thing that didn’t take a hit size wise. In fact, I think my lats grew to some degree or improved in look if nothing else. Did this 5 days a week.

I’d say give it a go
If that’s something you would enjoy doing then sure why not bro
reminds me of the... was it rich piana vid how to put an inch on your arms in a day or something crazy. that vid obviously just click bait

long as you can recover it would work.
reminds me of the... was it rich piana vid how to put an inch on your arms in a day or something crazy. that vid obviously just click bait

long as you can recover it would work.
There was much written in Iron Man magazine back in the 70’s about working the same muscle, many many light sets all day long which produced some gains in size but it never stuck.
Anyone else guilty of doing a couple sets of arms after a workout lol? Love the feeling of an arm pump
do it, ive actually done something similar with pushups to improve my bench except i did it 2 days a week, 2 sets of failure each day. let us know how it transitions.
What is everyone opinion of what would happen if you did one set close to failure on an exercise several times a day , every day.??

Say for instance you have a set of dumbell in the office and every few hrs you pick them up and bang out 12-15 reps and you do this every day.
Or do a set of pullups to failure several times a day or Bulgarian split squats.??

I think as long as you had a steady protein intake that the body would adapt to the constant stimulation and grow to keep up with it.
That could be totally backwards but I remember a mechanic we had that did pushups constantly , 5-6 times a day he would do a set of weight pushups to failure and he had some pretty insane triceps and pretty impressive chest. Another guy I know has been a brick mason his whole life and have the most insane forearms I've ever seen.
NOW , neither of these guys were avid gym rats but stayed in good shape.

Just wondering if anyone ever tried something extreme lime this to bring up a lagging body part
Brother, don't take me wrong, but I have been watching your topics for some time and thinking about things that are completely irrelevant or unnecessary. Too much fiddling, stick to the basics in every area, they always work
Arnold used to do calves this way or any lagging body-part , training it once an hour , twenty four hours before the competition. You could do it once every four or five hours, then once every hour for a few hours then just keeping doing it until the competition.
Brother, don't take me wrong, but I have been watching your topics for some time and thinking about things that are completely irrelevant or unnecessary. Too much fiddling, stick to the basics in every area, they always work
luki's right (as usual) Gunsmith, as is need4tren.

You're too advanced/experienced to be asking these questions. (Take that as a compliment)

That being said: you have nothing to lose by trying it... (Well, maybe arm size but ok)
luki's right (as usual) Gunsmith, as is need4tren.

You're too advanced/experienced to be asking these questions. (Take that as a compliment)

That being said: you have nothing to lose by trying it... (Well, maybe arm size but ok)

I absolutely take that as a compliment
I think about shit way way to much and when something like this comes to mind I research it a a little then ask opinions. Not so much that I'd implement this because I'd probably be crippled from tendonitis but to possibly stimulate someone else to think. This particular topic had me thinking that about people I've run across that either had jobs that forced them to "over use" a body part or exercise it excessively and it was actually over developed so there might be something to it. I think that stretching and mobility movements would be extremely beneficial this way doing exercises for shoulder integrity.
I've seen alot of newer guys ask similar questions and get blasted for it and I don't agree with that at all , I think it makes new comers to the sport intimidated and will prevent there growth both physically, mentally and emotionally.
I don't care if someone wants to get all trigger happy on me about it , if some other guy was thinking the same thing but was afraid to ask then cool.
The internet is a huge place and you can basically find the answer to anything if you are willing to wade through all the bullshit misinformation. This board his a huge vat of knowledge and we have a pool of some incredibly brilliant people that have forgotten more than alot of people will ever know both from their research and personal experience.
I remember Phil Heron had some ideas on training and nutrition that were against the grain or what is common knowledge in bodybuilding and he was often chastised for it but some of that shit worked.
If you ask opinions on DC training many people will tell you that it's not as effective due to lower volume , but I've never met anyone that tried it and followed it properly that didn't grow. Then you have guys like Milos who's volume and intensity is insane and often has people training 2x a day like that , it obviously "over training" as is common knowledge to the bodybuilding world but if you look at the progress his clients make , there might be something to that shit.
Insulin , how many times have we heard that if you take insulin without HGH you will get fat.??
FUCKING CONSTANTLY , and it's simply false. "Insulin stops fat loss" how many times have we heard that?? Try adding 2iu Humalog before fasted cardio and see if it doesn't help when you are struggling to get that last little bit of fat off.
Masteron , I can't count the times that I've seen people says that masteron doesn't work unless you are under 10% bodyfat. Does it have some chemical aversion to fat that renders it useless??
No that shit is doing it job if you are 38% body fat or 8% , the results are just not as visible , blood work has proven this.
When I asked about supplementing EAA's for real food because I have digestive issues most everyone chimed in with "just eat real food bro" well yea mother fucker that would be ideal but I physically can't soooo , but some people did offer some insight and several message me with some scientific studies.

So in short most of the time I don't ask these questions because it's something I'd like to implement , I ask because I'm curious what others have seen and maybe it will stimulate someone to think outside the box. When you read this initial post did you immediately think "well that dumb , that will never work" or did you pause for a second and think "what if" if it was the second one and you were the the only person that did then the whole point of the post was worth it
What is everyone opinion of what would happen if you did one set close to failure on an exercise several times a day , every day.??

Say for instance you have a set of dumbell in the office and every few hrs you pick them up and bang out 12-15 reps and you do this every day.
Or do a set of pullups to failure several times a day or Bulgarian split squats.??

I think as long as you had a steady protein intake that the body would adapt to the constant stimulation and grow to keep up with it.
That could be totally backwards but I remember a mechanic we had that did pushups constantly , 5-6 times a day he would do a set of weight pushups to failure and he had some pretty insane triceps and pretty impressive chest. Another guy I know has been a brick mason his whole life and have the most insane forearms I've ever seen.
NOW , neither of these guys were avid gym rats but stayed in good shape.

Just wondering if anyone ever tried something extreme lime this to bring up a lagging body part

It's an interesting question and as an overarching theme I'm with Luki and imagine you are too. Stick to what works and don't fiddle f*&^ around. That said, for those of us not competing some of this stuff is fun. I have my core, base workouts I do (which is only 3x a week) but for a while I did pullups every morning as many sets as it took me to get 15, then 20, then 30, then was up to 50 every morning. It did make a difference.

You really need to choose an exercise that isn't too taxing and the problem with pullups is I couldn't do many to start so compared to DB laterals or something like that it was a bit taxing and over time it started to irritate my shoulder.

I'd view what you are talking about very in line with what someone like emeric does. Train...just train...move and be active. Have your base strength training but throwing things in like you are talking about would probably compliment in.

If you are in the shoes of someone like Luki who is 300 pounds probably training 5-6 days a week and super lean I'd probably just let things be but I like the idea overall.
What is everyone opinion of what would happen if you did one set close to failure on an exercise several times a day , every day.??

Say for instance you have a set of dumbell in the office and every few hrs you pick them up and bang out 12-15 reps and you do this every day.
Or do a set of pullups to failure several times a day or Bulgarian split squats.??

I think as long as you had a steady protein intake that the body would adapt to the constant stimulation and grow to keep up with it.
That could be totally backwards but I remember a mechanic we had that did pushups constantly , 5-6 times a day he would do a set of weight pushups to failure and he had some pretty insane triceps and pretty impressive chest. Another guy I know has been a brick mason his whole life and have the most insane forearms I've ever seen.
NOW , neither of these guys were avid gym rats but stayed in good shape.

Just wondering if anyone ever tried something extreme lime this to bring up a lagging body part
I say go for it. The guy with the thickest chest I knew said he was in the marines prison for 6 months and he and friends did push-ups all day, off and on, in every hand position and rep range imaginable based on what card they pulled from a deck of cards. He said that’s what built his chest, not bench press, dumbbell press, flies, etc.
I have also read about Eastern European power lifters that lifted 5 times a day, 25 minutes each session, as a means to get stronger, and it worked.
I think it depends on your goals. This is a bodybuilding board. Obviously many athletic disciplines, gymnastics for example, train for hours multiple times a day. They can do amazing things on a pullup bar, but they are not training just for size. Functional strength and hypertrophy are different goals.

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