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How I gained 35 pounds last summer.

Big A

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How I gained 35 pounds last summer.
Here's how I gained 35 lbs last summer.
Keep in mind I'm a 5" 2" female and my start weight was 138

I took Serostim 6mg (3 mg of GH/unit)and added 1cc of the dilutent (there's more than that in the dilutent vial, some people don't know this and add all of it. So to me when someone says "I took 4 units of GH a day", I'm like "of what?", how much dilutent did you add? and how many mg of GH is in one unit?)...had to get my pet-peeve out of the way!

GH I took 13 units a day (4mg of GH)
Humalog 2-3 units, I took before every meal (Humalog is very potent by the way one only needs a little bit, it's not like R)..at least not for me or my Dad, a type 1 diabetic.
Test I took 1200mg/week (I know this seems like a lot and it was but it worked) oh, my normal Test dosage is no more than one amp a month, so this was a ton for me.

What I learned from this cycle:
1. what it's like to be really-really hungry and
2. what's like to be really-really horney!

oh and don't hound me about all the gear, I'm just being honest, it might help someone.

I'll post my before and after photos. The 1st photo (138 lbs) was June 5th, 2001 and the second photo (173 lbs) is August 23rd, 2001. I didn't start the cycle untill July 4th though, I just don't have a photo on that day.
So I gained 35lbs in less then 2 months
I still weigh in the 170s today, 6 months later.

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03-04-2002 04:01 PM

Better than avg BB'er

Registered: Jan 2002
Location: West Coast
Posts: 336
Very GOOD results BG!! Too bad I don't live close enough where we could help each other with the HORNY part !!


Lift smarter, not more

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03-04-2002 07:19 PM

Paul Bunyan

Registered: Oct 2001
Posts: 299
That's a pretty damn dramatic change in that period of time. I have a few questions for you. Did you take the G.H. for the entire cycle? Were there any side effects that you noticed like numbing of the hands? How many weeks were you on test at the 1200mg level? Did you experience any negative effects from that like vocal changes, increases in facial hair, acne, changes in mood, etc. ? PB

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03-04-2002 08:10 PM

Junior Member

Registered: Feb 2002
Location: Minneapolis
Posts: 21
pb, yes it is a big change, especially on a little girl like me, and I know I've said this before but I'm totally honest in reporting what/how much I take.

GH: took the entire time, 7/4 to 8/23. I only missed 1 dose of about 50 doses/days.

side effects: hungry, horney, high blood glucose, abdominal bloating-this was proably my most uncomfortable side effect, both me and my training partner had it all the time and it wasn't associated with eating, I mean eating did make me feel more bloated but not eating didn't make it go away. I noticed I had to sleep on my back a lot because my arms would fall asleep if I laid on them.

Test: I was on 12-1500mg/week (depending on how stuff divided up) the whole time, about 50 days. It was a little of everything, no orals though and pretty much an every other day ritual. no vocal changes, I told my partner to listen to me carefully and I would have stopped right away if this happened. Facial hair wasn't anything noticable, I did have to shave my legs almost every minute. acne my back did break out, more then what I would consider mild. I had a acne prob in highschool, so am more predisposed to getting it again.

mood: I had a few screaming fits-I noticed the things I got mad about were the same as I would normally get mad about but for some reason no matter how hard I tried to brush it off I couldn't. I had to say every damn thing that was bothering me or had to physically leave the situation. I walked out on 3 situations, but that didn't work because I was followed and ended up having to verbalize it anyway. This was really different for "calm-never-get-mad-me"

I think that's all of your Qs, hope this helps

My back on about 9/1/01

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03-05-2002 01:50 AM


Registered: Jan 2002
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03-06-2002 09:39 AM

Big Red Johnson

Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Lala Land, OHIO. USA
Posts: 37
First things first...
I have to say, wow. Very impressive!

But I also have to say, shame on you for torturing me with those fake play buttons on your first two pix!!!

Even when I knew they were part of the "capture" I still find myself trying to click on them!! hehe.

I feel your pain with the side effects, the slow ass deca has crept into my easy going spirit and made me a raving mad man. And the horny part, jeez. I cant get none cause I always got the ole lady in a bad mood from ragin!!

Go figure!

Where was this originally posted?

I'd love to see the photos!!

go, BigGirl!
Here's her website: **broken link removed**

Thanks Xcel!

Thanks Xcel!

Once again you prove to be both helpful, and an invaluable source of information!

I DO very much appreciate it - Best always!

Of course!

Of course there would be a huge change in her body structure! Taking 12-1500mgs of test in a woman is like a guy taking 8-10 grams of test a week I would guess!!??
Seeing how my girl has only done 50-100mgs of test a week for only 4 weeks along with some orals and EQ and gotten EXCELLENT results. (all low dose of course)
I find it hard to believe (almost impossible in my mind) that no voice change or hair growth did occur.
I hope she accomplishes what she wants.
im sorry for bumping this. but im really curious to know if this is real???
i think she still looks pretty hot on her website

**broken link removed**
hi there! did use t3 or t4 along? when u say that u took slin bfore every meal does it mean 6 times a day? how many IU each time?

if it's true, more power to her. seriously. i have a very hard time believing a female could tolerate such a high dose, but there is surprising variance on dosage and substance tolerance among females. :s:ar-wars
Ok. I know its hard to believe she took that much, but one thing that really has me iching with curiousity is how she got horney off test. I though it would have the opposite effect on women as it does in men. Could someone please explain how she felt horney?
because test increases your libido because it is the most powderful sex hormone.

how much a woman wants to do the deed depends on their androgen levels.
it isnt directly related to their estro levels
because test increases your libido because it is the most powderful sex hormone.

how much a woman wants to do the deed depends on their androgen levels.
it isnt directly related to their estro levels


many females after menopause are presecribed test gel to help with sex drive and to increase their overall well-being...
because test increases your libido because it is the most powderful sex hormone.

how much a woman wants to do the deed depends on their androgen levels.
it isnt directly related to their estro levels

I see i did not know it acted this way in women. Good to know and thanks for the answer bro.

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