I eat roughly 10 times per day. Somedays i eat only 8 times, but thats usually only on the weekends.
I shoot for 40grams + of Protein in each meal.
Now remember, when i say a meal, thats doesn't always mean I'm eating Salad, Chicken Breast, rice, etc etc.
I use alot of Protein powders and MRP's as well. I find it much easier to slam down 50grams of Protein drink versus eating 50 grams of protein.
I get 95% of my supplements for free, so it's really not that expensive for me. (Thanks to a bimbo at the gym)
I know a few guys who are hardgainers and have a hard time getting the calories and protein they need to gain solid muscle. Most of these guys are college and high school kids who can't afford a few hundred dollars a month in supplements. I told them to get a GALLON of milk, divide it into 4-8 containers and drink that all in 1 day. BOOM! 128grams of protein there. Is it super high quality protein? Not exactly. Does it work at adding calories and body mass? Sure does! Is it hard to drink a GALLON of milk daily? At first it might be, but you'll get used to it.
A have a good friend who i put on my "Poor Boy" Mass Diet. It consists of basically the following:
1 Gallon Skim or 2% Milk Daily (128g Protein, 1200-1800 Calories)
Drink nothing else besides Water, Cranberry Juice, Orange Juice or Grapefruit juice. No alcohol, and No Carbonated drinks.
All the lean Ground Beef, Skinless Chicken/Turkey, and fish you can eat. (If your just after adding bodyweight and need cheap calories, eat 5 Mcdonalds Double Cheesburgers a day!)
Eat as many Whole grain bread Peanut Butter & Jjelly sandwichs you can. Good carbs, some protein, some good fats.
Eat 1 dozen eggs per day. Really not that hard to do. Eat 6 whole eggs and 6 Whites if you like.
Alot of guys go to
http://www.proteinfactory.com They are good people and can custom blend Proteins for you. Cost is very nice thru them too. I may have to start using them myself here soon since my Bimbo at the gym might not be able to hook me up anymore.
Alot of guys will say it's crazy to eat all the things i mentioned in 1 day, but if you sit down and plan 1 weeks worth of meals out and your dedicated and determined to add the mass, you can do it.