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How much protien in every meal?


Jun 6, 2002
I eat 8 meals a day.
In every meal there is 30g protien in it.
So... 8 X 30 = 240g protien.

But a big dude said that he was eating 600g protien a day!!
How can you eat so much protien if you can't eat more than 30g
in one meal?
Or is it wrong to eat just 30g protien in one meal?

Need some advice, :confused:
Last edited:
you should be eating 50-75 grams of protien min per meal. Its a joke and myth for anybody to say your body can not assimulate 60 grams of protien in one sitting! 30 grams simply is not enough for the average guy attempting to gain quality muscle.

For the neysayer.....prove it post any link to any medical study that sayd your body can not assimulate more than a certain amount of protien at a time.

As for 600 gram protien a day....... that seems a bit much..... 400-500 seems to be the average through out the pro ranks...60% food 40% whey protien drinks (as an example)

I shoot for around 100g per meal. I don't know if I can assimulate that much or not, but it's better to have to much and waist a little than not have enough and quite growin. just how I look at it!!!
good luck and be safe....

Ok, thanks. That's what i was looking for.
Now i gonna eat 60g per meal.
What protiensources do you guys prefer?
Eggs, weightgainers, milk, turkey, chicken, etc.. ?
I eat roughly 10 times per day. Somedays i eat only 8 times, but thats usually only on the weekends.

I shoot for 40grams + of Protein in each meal.

Now remember, when i say a meal, thats doesn't always mean I'm eating Salad, Chicken Breast, rice, etc etc.

I use alot of Protein powders and MRP's as well. I find it much easier to slam down 50grams of Protein drink versus eating 50 grams of protein.

I get 95% of my supplements for free, so it's really not that expensive for me. (Thanks to a bimbo at the gym)

I know a few guys who are hardgainers and have a hard time getting the calories and protein they need to gain solid muscle. Most of these guys are college and high school kids who can't afford a few hundred dollars a month in supplements. I told them to get a GALLON of milk, divide it into 4-8 containers and drink that all in 1 day. BOOM! 128grams of protein there. Is it super high quality protein? Not exactly. Does it work at adding calories and body mass? Sure does! Is it hard to drink a GALLON of milk daily? At first it might be, but you'll get used to it.

A have a good friend who i put on my "Poor Boy" Mass Diet. It consists of basically the following:

1 Gallon Skim or 2% Milk Daily (128g Protein, 1200-1800 Calories)

Drink nothing else besides Water, Cranberry Juice, Orange Juice or Grapefruit juice. No alcohol, and No Carbonated drinks.

All the lean Ground Beef, Skinless Chicken/Turkey, and fish you can eat. (If your just after adding bodyweight and need cheap calories, eat 5 Mcdonalds Double Cheesburgers a day!)

Eat as many Whole grain bread Peanut Butter & Jjelly sandwichs you can. Good carbs, some protein, some good fats.

Eat 1 dozen eggs per day. Really not that hard to do. Eat 6 whole eggs and 6 Whites if you like.

Alot of guys go to http://www.proteinfactory.com They are good people and can custom blend Proteins for you. Cost is very nice thru them too. I may have to start using them myself here soon since my Bimbo at the gym might not be able to hook me up anymore.

Alot of guys will say it's crazy to eat all the things i mentioned in 1 day, but if you sit down and plan 1 weeks worth of meals out and your dedicated and determined to add the mass, you can do it.
I get 95% of my supplements for free, so it's really not that expensive for me. (Thanks to a bimbo at the gym)


Hey bro, does the bimbo have a sister? Seriously, good post, especially the "poor boy's" mass diet.

Geoffke said:
Ok, thanks. That's what i was looking for.
Now i gonna eat 60g per meal.
What protiensources do you guys prefer?
Eggs, weightgainers, milk, turkey, chicken, etc.. ?

bro do you change you training food and gear use on a dime?
here is what you should do everyone is differnt are you growing off what you eat now? if not than up the protein by 20-30g a day see how that works for a week still not there up it again 20-30g a day for another week all this talk of protein remember how important carbs are if you not geting enough your body will burn that protein up for energy you say you eat 240g a day how much do you weigh bro im guseing not alot cause in your other posts you said you were on the ecto side now i know about this cause this is my prob also i didnt start puting on real weight till i sent the carbs threw the roof im 5ft7 in the middle of this cycle at 1000mg 50/50 combo of eth /deca the last time i got on a scale was 7 days ago i was 189 tomorrow i will check the weight and if it gos the way its been i should be 192 i eat 225g of protein a day on average but i get 700-800g of carbs this is how true ectos gain weight now i have ate up to 360g of protein i did this for 4weeks and i didnt grow any better than i did off 225 g basic rule get 1.5- 2g per pound of bw now all that i have said is on average intake i hit the gym 3times a week on these days i take an extra 50g of protein right after my workout and 200g of carbs all im saying is i think you change everything around so fast that you dont know what works make a plan stick with it and change it a little to get where you want to be and yes you can eat more than 30g a meal just go a little slower make a real plan you cant do d-bol one week sust the next move right into staying on all year then go down to 12weeks on 2weeks off double the protein instead of moveing forward your spining in one spot well i hope some of my banter helps in some way althoe im sure youl change everything tomorrow lol take care bro

It's not only about protein, it's about total calories too. While you should get at least 300-400 grams of protein, at 170# bodyweight, you should be eating about 3500 calories a day minimum. Probably more. A good portion of those extra calories should come from carbs, in the form of whole wheat, whole grain, foods like oatmeal, veggies, and whole grain bread. Make sure you're also getting some healthy fats. Consider supplementing with flax seed oil, 1-2 tbsp a day, or Udo's Choice Essential Oil Blend 1-2 tbsp a day.
i actaully prefer fat over carbs for my cals, i always replenish carbs after a workout, but fats just work better for me and i suspect many others o this board
Haha! Yeah the Bimbo does have a sister. She's about as ulgy as a dog's butt (Not that i looked at a dog's butt!) and she's got no hook up's that i can use. So she's worthless to me. LOL

I see it like this, if your small; and 170lbs is small, you need to eat and eat ALOT. This mean anything goes. If you see something that is able to be eaten, eat it! If you look at a tree and think the bark on it can be eaten, EAT IT!

As long as your getting your Protein in, then eat anything you want. Don't worry what kinda calories it has, how much fat or carbs. Eat the damn thing and move on to something else to eat.

Eat till you puke. None stop eating. Eat, train, sleep. Oh yeah, and fill your ass full of oil too! Fool proof method to grow.

If that doesn't work for you, then you need to come see me. I'll make you into a freak.:D I've been looking for a few good lab rats.

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