Levels being associated with a disease does not mean it’s causative
Levels being associated with a disease does not mean it’s causative
What thyroid meds are you in rn.Bro, you guys are all I got. Doctors are fucking stupid and they prove it time and time again. My mom, my stepdad, my bothers, we all fucked with stupid as doctors. Health isn't the same for everyone. How do I take 6000mg of potassium chloride in a one hour span and only feel better, not worse. Apparently I should die on that dose but I don't. Excess supplementation improved my egrf...?
My life, my job, my marriage, can't this shit just kill me. I'm losing it all anyways.
Ok, yes, now we are getting somewhere. You've already spoke more on my condition with what little info I've given than I've managed to get out of all the Dr's I've seen. Its always deer in the headlights look.
I get hypoglycemia, insulin spikes, huges shifts of potassium. Androgens make it 100 times worse. Any time I pin test and my test levels go above normal, i hemorrhage potassium. It all shifts out of my blood and into my cells every morning. I need pretty much a days worth of potassium first thing in the morning to function. I took 8000mg potassium chloride this morning before noon. Shit "mineral water" all morning. My bowels will have mineral/oil floating in it. Reminds me of apple juice, it has that mineral look on the top surface.
Both my brothers have graves disease. I do not have graves antibodies but my right thyroid lobe is enlarged to 6cm and according to Google, that is in fact a goiter despite the endo saying I'm fine. I have all symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Only my ft3 goes high. Since my tsh and t4 are always "good", they won't do anything. But they aren't good because while tsh and t4 are in range, their numbers don't work together.
My dheas is high but I don't supplement it. Calcium stays borderline high but parathyroid fine. I've had so much bloodwork done.
I chase magnesium for one reason, your thyroid can produce extra ft3 if your body fails the atp process to rebuild muscle if magnesium is low. Then the thyroid takes over. Also, chronic low magnesium can cause hashimotos disease.cmy middle brother has both hashimotos and graves according to his dr.
Unfortunately, i think my days of using steroids is over.
Also, according to medscape, I am alotted 8-9000mg of potassium chloride per day without doing bloodwork.
I had a referral to ku med to see an endo but I guess based on my bloodwork, they never called. First endo i saw said I was fine and said I had no family history of thyroid disorder despite the fact he sees my brother for hyperthyroidism. He knew I was using testosterone and wrote me off instantly.
Bro, you guys are all I got. Doctors are fucking stupid and they prove it time and time again. My mom, my stepdad, my bothers, we all fucked with stupid as doctors. Health isn't the same for everyone. How do I take 6000mg of potassium chloride in a one hour span and only feel better, not worse. Apparently I should die on that dose but I don't. Excess supplementation improved my egrf...?
My life, my job, my marriage, can't this shit just kill me. I'm losing it all anyways.
Brother you may have conn syndrome or something goin on with your adrenals. If your dhea is high without supplementing. I suspect your adrenals are releasing aldosterone more than they need to which is causing your kidneys to dump potassium.
Like I said this is a complex pathways which you can’t figure out on your own. Take my advice and see a nephrologist and they will have it figured out within a few visits. A general practitioner won’t have the time or expertise to devote to it.
My oldest brother has Addison disease. It is an autoimmune disorder that attacks his adrenal glands, he also has graves disease. My middle brother has graves disease and hashimotos disease. I have two brothers, both autoimmune. My mom has fibromyalgia, ibs, Gerd, you name it, she's got it. She's on disability. Pretty sure it's undiagnosed thyroid disorder but her tsh and t4 always good too. My middle brother just had to discontinue methimizole because at only 5mg 5 days a week, it was still making him hypo. Last time I talked to him, he seemed a little hyperactive.
I scaled it back yesterday, only supplemented 6000mg potassium chloride. Dragged all day, didn't have an appetite until dinner. Been dragging this morning. Now remember when I first wake up, I typically feel fine. It take 15-30 minutes, I'll lose all blood flow, start getting anxiety, stomach will get all messed up and until it's hit the potassium, I'm fucked.
I'm easing into it today but I just hit 8000mg potassium chloride, now I'm feeling better, except hyperthyroid with discomfort in all my thyroid tissue. Chanced are, I won't crash until this evening now. I'm having potassium shifts and with certain genetic conditions, the potassium doesn't shift back, it just gets wasted. Every morning, it's like a need an entire day worth of potassium first thing?
I've seen my gp, endo, gi, urologists. Healthy as whistlei feel like shit most the time. Im hyper active and irritable or im just tired as all hell. Its up or it's down.
The answer is pretty simple and unfortunate. I'm hyperthyroid and I can not have high testosterone levels. Androgens make the k+ shifts worse, leaving me taking i guess dangerous levels of potassium to conteract it. Sucks, it's been a long 10 years, I put so much into my body and the gym. I never really gained muscle without gear, never gained like i shouldve on gear either but it worked for a little while...suppose the hyperthyroidism might make it a little more difficult.
I appreciate everybody's help. Sorry for any offensive comments. Its been a long road, the Dr's look at me like I'm crazy and that it's all in my head. Same way my mom gets treated. Its depressing, it's frustrating, and I spend i lot of time really just irritable anymore. I also spent several days shoveling snow, blah, and intense physical activity sets my thyroid off. Pretty sure i end up in several day long potassium shifts sometimes.
Haha, no, licorice is disgusting. I know it can cause issues. Don't remember how or why but I've read about it.This may seem like an odd question. In context, could be relevant. Any chance you consume larger amounts of real licorice? Not the sugar loaded fake licorice.
Comp test from February. It was a fasted test done in the morning.You can lead the horse to the water but you can’t force the horse to drink it.
Just curious, can you post a few of your CMP or BMP. I want to see your CO2 and anion gap.
He said he wasn’t fasted for that labglucose (hyperglycemia)
Hey man, missed the updates in this thread. Okay, so those labs are weird and probably needed more explanation. I get such ups and downs, sometimes I'm too exhausted to put in the energy.I AM stumped but out of that panel you posted, potassium is the last thing to jump out to me. The things that jump out to me are
a) glucose (hyperglycemia)
b) calcium (hypercalcemia)
c) CO2 (alkalosis)
No idea what else is going on with you, or what other meds you are on so no way for me to guide you. Wish you best.
The test ordering provide is a physician assistant. A complex case of hypokalemia is challenging even for the savvy MD and almost impossible for 99% of PA-C.
I seem to remember the number 10 grams wrt pre-workout potassium citrate on A's forum. I don't know how much of that is actual potassium without googling.i dont take it every day but when i did use it i used potassium citrate. i have seen pc used to lower bp too.
taking it pre event can help with lactic acid burn in endurance events. always used at least 5g at a time.
This seems very dangerousI seem to remember the number 10 grams wrt pre-workout potassium citrate on A's forum. I don't know how much of that is actual potassium without googling.
Yeah that could cause serious arytmia in the heart.This seems very dangerous