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How to prevent losing ALL gains after cycle


New member
May 26, 2008
Hello all,

Well, I am going into my 4th week of Sus 250 and the results are great. This is the first cycle and I plan on running it for about another 6 weeks. I am 5'8" and pre-cycle body weight was 183lbs (12% bodyfat). I am now 196lbs and my wife and friends have mention about my fast gains.

I notice I have shrinkage at the old ballzu so I plan on running HCG 250 IU in the next week.

I try to eat clean, eat big and workout 5x a week with supersetting. So far, I am happy with the results.

Okay, here is my concern and some questions I was wondering some more experience users could help me with.

From my research, most users can lose all their gains during PCT and during their off-cycle. Is this true? Is it not possible to keep some of your gains? With Sus 250, I am noticing some bloating but that is understandable but I hate to think that all this hard work will end up with me being back to my pre-cycle weight.

I read that you should up the protein during PCT and off-cycle but no one ever mentions about the type of weight training you should be doing. Should I keep with my low rep heavy weight failure training? Or should I go with a more hi rep low weight training?
before dad even sees this one, if you didnt know how to keep gains post cycle, then why did you start a cycle in the first place? use the search button and find out how to maximize the gains youll keep post cycle. the faster you can normailize your body after your cycle the better chance youll have to keep what youve gained.
This would be similiar to "cruising" as they call it in DC training.. I would reduce volume of training.. Train your body 3 times a week for about an hour a session for the next 3 weeks.. Sleep at least 8 hours a night and do NO AEROBICS.. Make sure your protein is around 2 grams per lb of bodyweight.. You can manipulate carb and fat intake so you don't put on bodyfat while you let your body rest.. This is assuming you have been training like a freak in the gym while on cycle.. Im sure there are certain supplements you can incorporate at this time also..
Hello all,

Well, I am going into my 4th week of Sus 250 and the results are great. This is the first cycle and I plan on running it for about another 6 weeks. I am 5'8" and pre-cycle body weight was 183lbs (12% bodyfat). I am now 196lbs and my wife and friends have mention about my fast gains.

I notice I have shrinkage at the old ballzu so I plan on running HCG 250 IU in the next week.

I try to eat clean, eat big and workout 5x a week with supersetting. So far, I am happy with the results.

Okay, here is my concern and some questions I was wondering some more experience users could help me with.

From my research, most users can lose all their gains during PCT and during their off-cycle. Is this true? Is it not possible to keep some of your gains? With Sus 250, I am noticing some bloating but that is understandable but I hate to think that all this hard work will end up with me being back to my pre-cycle weight.

I read that you should up the protein during PCT and off-cycle but no one ever mentions about the type of weight training you should be doing. Should I keep with my low rep heavy weight failure training? Or should I go with a more hi rep low weight training?

You should not be experiencing any shrinking of your gonads in 4 weeks of sus250. I highly discourage using hcg for shuch a mild cycle. hcg will further hinder recovering your HPTA.

Many do lose all their gains during PCT because they don't do a PCT. If your doing a sus only cycle wait about one week after your last injection then start your PCT which should include a SERM(like nolvadex) an AI(like aromasin) and proviron. Cut back on carbs and lower the intensity of work outs but continue to go to the gym.

When you do a cycle your exogenous testosterone sends a signal to your Hypothalamus to stop producing GnRH. When you stop injecting the gear you lose your anabolic edge and since your body stopped producing testosterone you will go in a catabolic state. The goal of a PCT is to get your HPTA recovered so you start producing your own testosterone again. The faster you do this the more muscle you retain. You sould retain at least 50% of your gains and up to 80-90%(not including water weight).

The SERMs have been clinically proven to increase your natural testosterone. The AIs have also been clinically proven to do this and works by blocking negative feedback. The proviron at doses less then 75mg ED will help by binding the SHBG and allowing the litte bit of testosterone you are making to be free and usable by your body.

hcg will get your testes to produce testosterone by mimicing LH but will still send negative feedback to your Hypothalamus and you will still hinder production of GnRH therefore your HPTA will NOT recover. hcg should be reserved to kick start a PCT for someone thats been on a cycle for 6months or more and for reproductive reasons while on a cycle.

Good Luck with the rest of your cycle and PCT.
Hi guys,

Thanks for the valuable suggestions and help. I believe I am prepared for least with the required supplements. I have Nolva, Clomid and Armidex.

And thank you for the tip regarding HCG.

I originally posted this message because I found some topics on this forum as to many losing all their gains after coming off a cycle (even with PCT). I am not a novice in terms of weight training but more a beginner with my new acquire supps.

I read alot about PCT but I guessed I missed out on the type of workout you should do and the protein, carb, fat ratio one should digest.

I really do appreciate the advice guys! This forum rocks!
I will address the training side of this......the best way to keep most of your gains post cycle is to train hard and heavy. high reps schemes will not stimulate the muscle to hold it's size. Only progressive heavy poundage will do this. You will need to keep your protein levels high anyway.
Many do lose all their gains during PCT because they don't do a PCT. If your doing a sus only cycle wait about one week after your last injection then start your PCT which should include a SERM(like nolvadex) an AI(like aromasin) and proviron. Cut back on carbs and lower the intensity of work outs but continue to go to the gym.

I was just reading this as I am planning my first cycle with Sust250 as well. After reading alot of posts I did order Nolvadex (in case of gyno during cycle) and Arimidex for PCT. Are you saying that I should be taking something else like Proviron in addition to the Arimidex for PCT?
I was just reading this as I am planning my first cycle with Sust250 as well. After reading alot of posts I did order Nolvadex (in case of gyno during cycle) and Arimidex for PCT. Are you saying that I should be taking something else like Proviron in addition to the Arimidex for PCT?

You want Nolva and Clomid for PCT. I use Proviron the 2 weeks after my last pin, then Nolva, Clomid, and Adex for PCT.
You want Nolva and Clomid for PCT. I use Proviron the 2 weeks after my last pin, then Nolva, Clomid, and Adex for PCT.

Wow, ok. I was thinking that using all those for a Sust250 only cycle would be overkill.

Odd though, when I ordered the Sust originally the also sent Proviron with it by accident that they told me to keep as a freebie. Would this be useful at all with a Sust only cycle or keep it for later?
One thing youll have to watch out for is dont force feed yourself. Once you go off, your metabolism is going to slow and youre going to lose some strength and muscle but it doesnt have to make you return to ground zero. Once your metabolism slows, if you keep on pumping in the same # of cals as you did when on cylce youre just going to start to put on bodyfat. You will have to reduce calories eventually. Just go by the mirror and scale to tell if youre getting fat. I also like to either measure bf % of you can just keep track of your waist. If youre gaining bodyfat, youll have to reduce your intake of food otherwise youll just continue to put on more. I can remember stuffing my face with chicken breasts even when I wasnt the least bit hungry, and this is a bad sign.
You'll lose a few pounds from water weight and if your pct, diet, and training turn to crap after cycle then youll lose all of it. No quick fix here. Once you decide to star a cycle you start a lifestyle.
You should not be experiencing any shrinking of your gonads in 4 weeks of sus250. I highly discourage using hcg for shuch a mild cycle. hcg will further hinder recovering your HPTA.

It will? I don't think so.

The SERMs have been clinically proven to increase your natural testosterone.

They have? I me some studies.........(other than clomid)
I have often wondered how exactly one manages to lose the gains they made post cycle? Do these guys lie in a bed unmoving and do a juice fast for 40 days?

It just strikes me as bizarre. Sure you may dump some water but it's not that easy to dump real muscle if you're eating and training. I don't understand these kinds of posts.
I have often wondered how exactly one manages to lose the gains they made post cycle? Do these guys lie in a bed unmoving and do a juice fast for 40 days?

It just strikes me as bizarre. Sure you may dump some water but it's not that easy to dump real muscle if you're eating and training. I don't understand these kinds of posts.

How old are you? How long have you been training? Try taining hard naturally for 15 years or more then go on AAS for several years. Get off them, and see how much you hold onto after being off for 4 months or more.
How old are you? How long have you been training? Try taining hard naturally for 15 years or more then go on AAS for several years. Get off them, and see how much you hold onto after being off for 4 months or more.

Those are great points you made. I'll tell ya, I trained for 8 years before I ever touched AAS and could never get over the weight of 210lbs, I just hovered around 205-210 and just couldn't go higher. Well, After a year and half and 3 good strong cycles later I was averaging 230-235 and looked great.

I decided to stop and go natural again, as that was my plan all along. I trained as hard as before and kept up my diet and withing 2 years I was below 200lbs and couldn't and I mean couldn't get over that 200lb mark.

AAS lowered my natural Testosterone enought to keep me from getting back to where I was before I started them in the first place. Just think about it before you dive in, thats all. Its not something you can do once or twice and then just go back to being the same person and having the same hormone levels as before. It truely does change you. It's a lifestyle, not a quick fix, its a tempory fix that will most likley create a perminant change in your body, thats not always for the better.

I went back to AAS and gained back all that I have lost. The bad news is,
Now I'm on HRT (testosterone replacement therapy) for the rest of my life. I'm not complaining about it, I did it to myself.
Good posts all around. MALDORF seems to have the same response I do. It takes work and diet to keep gains you have made period. With AS or all naturally, muscle will vanish without proper nutrition and exercise. Just keep a solid workout and from my experience don't EVER try to diet post cycle alone. Continue to train for gains even if you don't have the assistance of AS. Some motivation may be robbed but that is the entire issue with first and new cycles as to why the gains diminish.
Good Luck
Those are great points you made. I'll tell ya, I trained for 8 years before I ever touched AAS and could never get over the weight of 210lbs, I just hovered around 205-210 and just couldn't go higher. Well, After a year and half and 3 good strong cycles later I was averaging 230-235 and looked great.

I decided to stop and go natural again, as that was my plan all along. I trained as hard as before and kept up my diet and withing 2 years I was below 200lbs and couldn't and I mean couldn't get over that 200lb mark.

AAS lowered my natural Testosterone enought to keep me from getting back to where I was before I started them in the first place. Just think about it before you dive in, thats all. Its not something you can do once or twice and then just go back to being the same person and having the same hormone levels as before. It truely does change you. It's a lifestyle, not a quick fix, its a tempory fix that will most likley create a perminant change in your body, thats not always for the better.

I went back to AAS and gained back all that I have lost. The bad news is,
Now I'm on HRT (testosterone replacement therapy) for the rest of my life. I'm not complaining about it, I did it to myself.

I think you misunderstoof my post. I was trying to tell him the same as you have said here. Many of these young guys think the gains they make are mostly permanent and can be maintained by just eating right and continuing to lift hard and thats not the case. Im glad someone else on this thread supports that view!
How old are you? How long have you been training? Try taining hard naturally for 15 years or more then go on AAS for several years. Get off them, and see how much you hold onto after being off for 4 months or more.

43, most of my life, and 4 months is fairly close to the normal amount that I'm off.

Generally I keep pretty much all of my muscular gains. The extra water in the muscle goes pretty quick but keeping the 3 or 4 pounds of muscle that were actually synthesized during a 12 week cycle just isn't that tough.
Best way to keep ur gains is to use HCG during cycle starting on the 3rd week at 250iu -500iu 2x a week!

This will (tell) make your body to continue it's own Test production during cycle so when u go into PCT and use proviron, nolva, clomid and so on.

Therefore U will be keeping a much higher percentage of your gains becuz U avoided the crash at cycle's end since ur body never shut down Test production making PCT much easier!

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