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How to switch from bulking to cutting?


May 7, 2010
iv been bulking for about 8 weeks now. first time in awhile where id have a cheat meal once a day and take in a ton of carbs. iv put on a good 14-15 pounds, and my strength has gone through the roof. my question is i want to get back to 6-8% bf like i use to but not loose all my gains in strength and size (more worried about strength). how do i switch my diet to what it is now to carb cycling like i always did without loosing too much of what i gained?
iv been bulking for about 8 weeks now. first time in awhile where id have a cheat meal once a day and take in a ton of carbs. iv put on a good 14-15 pounds, and my strength has gone through the roof. my question is i want to get back to 6-8% bf like i use to but not loose all my gains in strength and size (more worried about strength). how do i switch my diet to what it is now to carb cycling like i always did without loosing too much of what i gained?

You are more advanced than me, but I've read a few times from more advanced people that the longer you have your new gains and let that new muscle (or strength) "stick" to you, the more likely you'll be able to keep it when you diet down.
iv been bulking for about 8 weeks now. first time in awhile where id have a cheat meal once a day and take in a ton of carbs. iv put on a good 14-15 pounds, and my strength has gone through the roof. my question is i want to get back to 6-8% bf like i use to but not loose all my gains in strength and size (more worried about strength). how do i switch my diet to what it is now to carb cycling like i always did without loosing too much of what i gained?

Toggling is your answer. Have certain days which are geared around muscle gain. These will be the days that your training is most intense and your diet will reflect increased overall calories. On days when you are not training,aim to bring overall calories down while still maintaining a reasonable amount of protein. These days are what I call anti-catabolic days. Fatloss is the aim on these days.

By employing this method you are constantly in a position to add muscle mass while loosing body fat. It more or less stops you from ever having to go on a bulking/cutting rollar coaster.

If you are after a more detailed approach, PM me and I will send some more info your way.
Toggling is your answer. Have certain days which are geared around muscle gain. These will be the days that your training is most intense and your diet will reflect increased overall calories. On days when you are not training,aim to bring overall calories down while still maintaining a reasonable amount of protein. These days are what I call anti-catabolic days. Fatloss is the aim on these days.

By employing this method you are constantly in a position to add muscle mass while loosing body fat. It more or less stops you from ever having to go on a bulking/cutting rollar coaster.

If you are after a more detailed approach, PM me and I will send some more info your way.

This is a good post.

Well put.
iv been bulking for about 8 weeks now. first time in awhile where id have a cheat meal once a day and take in a ton of carbs. iv put on a good 14-15 pounds, and my strength has gone through the roof. my question is i want to get back to 6-8% bf like i use to but not loose all my gains in strength and size (more worried about strength). how do i switch my diet to what it is now to carb cycling like i always did without loosing too much of what i gained?

How many days were you carb cycling was it like 3 day high intake 1 day low intake? You could try the opposit. 1 day of high carb intake and 3 days of low carb intake. Too many days in a row of low carbs kills my strengh too. I seen to respond better to this type of carb cycling when trying to cut. Remember that carbs are very anabolic so make sure your essential fats and protein remain higher on the low carb days. Hope this helps????
im a firm believer in much longer bulking cycles, and maintaining your weight/new muscle mass for a while.

cutting right after a bulk is a good way for your body to take off mass faster than you put it on, your body needs a while to get used to the new muscle.

this is speaking for a natural lifter, as with drugs you easily cut cals and carbs and maintain muscle mass and strength.

but if you are dead set on your plan of cutting after only bulking for 8 weeks, then i would go with carb cycling, and i would recommend both traning lower rep and heavier weight to try and get your body a little better at moving heavy things (cns training same as westside max effort but no need for 1rm's unless thats your thing) and perhaps adding in more sets with the exercise, to get your body more efficient at the exercise, which would also help you stay stronger.

basically a mix of principals from sheiko, and westside, while keeping bodybuilding in mind. it takes a great deal of knowledge about your body and some knowledge about those training styles to pull off all that at the same time, but its doable.
:QUOTE=ragehorse;887058]im a firm believer in much longer bulking cycles, and maintaining your weight/new muscle mass for a while.

cutting right after a bulk is a good way for your body to take off mass faster than you put it on, your body needs a while to get used to the new muscle.

this is speaking for a natural lifter, as with drugs you easily cut cals and carbs and maintain muscle mass and strength.

but if you are dead set on your plan of cutting after only bulking for 8 weeks, then i would go with carb cycling, and i would recommend both traning lower rep and heavier weight to try and get your body a little better at moving heavy things (cns training same as westside max effort but no need for 1rm's unless thats your thing) and perhaps adding in more sets with the exercise, to get your body more efficient at the exercise, which would also help you stay stronger.basically a mix of principals from sheiko, and westside, while keeping bodybuilding in mind. it takes a great deal of knowledge about your body and some knowledge about those training styles to pull off all that at the same time, but its doable.[/QUOTE]

:yeahthat: In addition, make sure that your calorie deficit is not too big. You want to lose the fat not the muscle. No more than a 1 or 2 pounds a week. Anymore than that it will be muscle you lose... Remember weight loss fat loss two different things!!!!
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it sounds ideal to eat on training days and less on non training days to maintain gains etc but there are better ways IMO.
too tired right now to explain...
When bulking eat more, when cutting eat less. Ya... its really that simple, at least for me it is.
Just eat less calories/do more cardio, keep the protein very high, and keep the stimulus (weight training) constant and you probably won't lose the muscle. And you're on supplements right? Is it that easy to lose muscle?
im thinking about holding onto my gains while i cruise, then just go straight to cutting and run some tren to maintain my gains. im not sure though, iv told myself id stay away from tren in the future
i have said this many times:

If you are like every other human being i have met, you will NOT be able to hold onto ALL of your size when getting off juice or when cruising. You will only be as big as the dose you are on.
iv been bulking for about 8 weeks now. first time in awhile where id have a cheat meal once a day and take in a ton of carbs. iv put on a good 14-15 pounds, and my strength has gone through the roof. my question is i want to get back to 6-8% bf like i use to but not loose all my gains in strength and size (more worried about strength). how do i switch my diet to what it is now to carb cycling like i always did without loosing too much of what i gained?

why not keep your diet exactly the same as it currently is and just SLOWLY start reducing carbs lil by lil. thats what i would do if i wanted to stay my biggest and strongest while coming down in bodyweight and bodyfat add in a lil fat burners, a tiny bit of cardio and your golden. your not prepping for a show right? just want to lean up, then thats how i would do it!!! :lightbulb:

but what i posted sounds to easy and too simple huh? you probably want some long drawn out, hey look how smart i am internet answer huh???/ LOL ;)
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Damn B-Boy... Short and sweet! I like your answer the best! Kind of like the "keep it simple stupid" or KISS... I have found this is usually the way to do things in life!
why not keep your diet exactly the same as it currently is and just SLOWLY start reducing carbs lil by lil. thats what i would do if i wanted to stay my biggest and strongest while coming down in bodyweight and bodyfat add in a lil fat burners, a tiny bit of cardio and your golden. your not prepping for a show right? just want to lean up, then thats how i would do it!!! :lightbulb:

but what i posted sounds to easy and too simple huh? you probably want some long drawn out, hey look how smart i am internet answer huh???/ LOL ;)

yea i was planning on doing that for a month then really kicking it into high gear as to cutting. as for competing no im not, but i always like getting below 7-8% bf

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