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Hows your Bed? im thinking of getting an air matress?


New member
May 6, 2009
the matress i have now is a spring kind, and it must be a cheapy not to old and im leaving a good impression in it, and i believe it is impacting my back and sleep, i can feel it. im broke so whats your opion on an air matress for a temp solution over this junk matress

what kind of matress do you have? tempur pedic are spose to be the shit huh, but like 2gs, well im reading an regular air matress is spose to be the best way to go, and the price diff whoa! a site said god meant for people to sleep on air not water, springs, or foam ect
We have a tempur pedic - best system ever. We tried the air mattress system by Nautilus - not worth it...
For an inexpensive fix - use a sheet of plywood (cut to size, of course) between your mattress and box-springs and add a tempur pedic mattress-topper.
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I have a select comfort and loved it for the first 6 months, however that is no longer the case. The pressure never seems to stay and I have to check the numbers everytime i lay in it. The next bed ill have is a Temper pedic.
Tempur Pedic and never look back, there is nothing that comes close.
Ive got one of those nasa memory foam beds, nice but gets way too hot in the summer time so I sleep alone on the other bed.
I wasnt happy with my mattress so I decided to inject Dbol into my mattress and boom, wow so much sex! :p

I got the individual coil spring mattress with the memory foam topper. Cost $550 total. Better than any $1000++ mattress I tried.
I bought a 50$ air matteress with built in compressor . I sleep on it 4 nights a week when I stay at work overnight. Best 50 I spent in awhile thing is great!
Another vote for Tempur-Pedic. Fantastic. Miss it every time I travel. Worth every penny.
oddly enough....

i was out of town recently, and for a month i alternated every few days between a cheapo air mattress (the kind you take camping) and the top of the line tempur pedic mattress and i slept far better on the air mattress.
alight i said fuck it and bought me one , i think it was a steal, i wanted a king but they only had a queen in this kind, ill udate ya in a week or so on how it is, got it for 180 bucks with memory foam, and its rather the same stuff as tempur peddic just differnt qaulities of the supplier

check it out, this is the best one i think, its got a cheaper version of it on the site, this one has a softer fabric on top, hell it looks comphey, i cant wait

**broken link removed**
Sprung for the....

Sprung for the king sized Tempurpedic and I'll never use anything else again. Has made all the difference in the world in quality of sleep and I've got disc problems in my lower neck and lower back. Definitely worth saving up for. I think it was $2,700 for the king size.
If I had the money I would go with tempur pedic . I would buy 2 , one for my room , the other for the spare bedroom . I think $1500 for a twin is insane .
After researching and testing out all the options I settled on a pure natural latex mattress. It's a lot like a tempurpedic but doesnt heat up and is softer when it's cold. It eliminates all my shoulder and back pain when I sleep.
A king size ran about 3 g's and weighs 400lbs but worht every penny in my opinion.
I have the peach 4 inch memory foam topper on the link below. Below it I have a thin futon mattress. I'm real happy with the memory foam. But I will say do your research if you go the topper route. Foam density makes a huge difference. I don't have a/c. I've never had heat issues, though others have...

Slow Recovery Topper - Twin Size
Tempur=pedic all the way..I will never use anything else again.

I got the celebrity king, it's nice because it has a pillowtop so it is a bit more firm than the regular model.
It's weird for me coz I have a hard time falling asleep on my regular mattress but as soon as I sit or lay on my soft couch I start to pass out, I was also debating whether to get a tempur pedic bed in the future and maybe try an air mattress for now so I can get better sleep in my own bed?
I had a waterbed since I was 16 and can't sleep well on anything else. It sucked when I was in boot camp, but when I was stationed on a ship I got some of the best sleep of my life from the rocking of the ship(it wasn't a little ship eithe)

Contrary to popular belief waterbeds are not bad for your back and fucking the bed does all the work.

I stayed at a friends house and she had a tempurpedic and it was way too hard for me.

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