Bottom line is that if you choose to be in a visual/subjective sport, man up. You will be fooling yourself if you think everyone loves the way you look and will always compliment you.
I believe there is a different way to do things. A more positive way, where everyone accepts each other's weaknesses, and we all try to support one another. Contrary to popular belief....there is not ONE bodybuilder without a weakness. The person who believes he is perfect is the one fooling themselves. So if no bodybuilder is without weakness, then why expect perfection?
This thread is entitled "Human Nature...." What does that mean? Does it mean that Human Nature really is to criticize or be criticized? According to whom? Someone who criticizes themselves?
hmmm....these are just questions that this thread stirs up for me... Would love to get OTH, OldFella, and Brick in on this as we've had some fun philisophical discussions and OTH has a wealth of knowledge in this area. Would also love to hear some of the mods and vets chime in...
One thing we must do is throw out anyone who is not a professional bodybuilder or aspiring to be a professional bodybuilder. The amateur and recreational lifters shouldn't be judged by the same criteria as a professional bodybuilder should they? That is where I think amateur bodybuilders are exceeding expectations as some of them come in better conditioning than some pro's. They often just lack the mass.
One thing I've heard from some of the people in this industry is that bodybuilding is a selfish sport. Its all about how YOU look and how YOU want to look better than everyone else. That would be the nature of competition, and the competition is to look better than anyone else. I think forums like this are excellent in that it brings others together to share wealth of knowledge and encourage others. A lot of guys on here encourage being humble, paying your dues, etc...
Think about this for a minute. Who would want to compete in a sport where they were criticized more than applauded?
Its great to see stories like Rob Roys, and Dusty's, the rest of the boys in AZ, why not encourage comradere? Brotherhood? Positive Movement? Its easy to sit back and take jabs at others on a computer... Would you do the same in person? So openly? "Hey Trey!!! Your a Fat Ass MotherFucker Man!!!" hahaha... Shit.... I wouldn't be going around talkin' smack like that! hahaha
It only brings down the sport, causes backstabbing, and just isn't a real nice thing to do.