If you take thermogenics is not just OK is a must to take Humanofort.
If you been taking the Humanofort for 2 months than you adrenal gland out put should be almost normal. It toke me 5 months for my test levels. The Cortisol level should get lower after 24 hours.
In August 2005 I hed to stop taking anaboloics(health problem) and by January 2006 my total testosterone level was 42 the reference range is 250 to 1100 and my free testo was 5.9 and reference rang is 35.0 to 155.0 ,then I started taking 1000 mg Humanofort per day and by June 2006 my total did go up to 590 and my free to 90.3, presently I am taking 50 mg Testosteron per week(2 times 25mg per week) and 400mg Humanofort and my Total is 621and free 120.9, and if I would start competing agent I would never take more than 150 mg test per week.