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I am not a Homosexual, and Ray is not ether.

Forgot to ask who is Ray? Or you mean Seacrest?
So when Ryan was rubbing you down with oil how old were you then? Were you steroid free at that time? You don't look over 44 in that vid!

Also what was your craziest cycle you ever took? If you don't mind??
Olive oil, no I was on cycle, I think this was my 5 pro show. I was 46.
LBG? Man what era is that from, now they used up all the letters that they started using signs like +
If I remember correctly in the 90s was only L and G all the alphabet groups was created in late 2000, when I came to the USA I know only about the G group, first time I learned about the L group and I fined out that they like only women I was considering my self par of the L group because I pefer women only. The only problem I have is the other groups especially with those that have sex with animals, cars , furniture.
I hope non of the Village People band member is member here, if one of them is here, I would like apologies for my humors.
He took 500mg of test for a couple of weeks but had to/wanted to stop.

Damn, I'm considering that Humanofort again lol. Any good European seller?
Yes I did for 4 weeks and did not like the blood test.
If I remember correctly in the 90s was only L and G all the alphabet groups was created in late 2000, when I came to the USA I know only about the G group, first time I learned about the L group and I fined out that they like only women I was considering my self par of the L group because I pefer women only. The only problem I have is the other groups especially with those that have sex with animals, cars , furniture.
Wait what...lmao
Yea its hard to find people who understand, but yea I had this S-10 once and yea I think a couple times we definitely ya know took things like too far. It was a stick shift so ya know, we all been there. I remember this bitch that was like everyone in your family drives cool cars and you have an s-10. I was filled with murderous rage, any way I let my brother drive it and I am pretty sure she cheated with him on me. Well I think it was a three way with him and his gf. We decided to part ways after that. I can't believe she just threw it all away. My neighbor has this Subaru that caught my attention recently but they're to the point that they just call the cops when I stop and look but man if you saw these headlights. Well check em out for yourself I got this pic but couple weeks ago when they thought I was just taking her out for a test drive...which yea i don't want to brag but yea it happened.


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I have a distributor in UK.
Please post up a link if possible.

Emeric, if you have the time and feel like it, could you post all the nutritional supplements you use or would recommend to everyone, for muscle and for health. Thanks.

Edit. I think I found the link.
Please post up a link if possible.

Emeric, if you have the time and feel like it, could you post all the nutritional supplements you use or would recommend to everyone, for muscle and for health. Thanks.

Edit. I think I found the link.
I will post that in a new post.

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