Oh boy.....
u got a lot of sh*t going on and everyone is going to have a difference of opinion but I will give you my input anyway. I will try to keep it short and sweet but I know that to fully connect with you and you situation that probably wont happen.
Oh yeah, and I will be speaking from experience so please take my advice to heart
- You did not cheat on your wife, you were expressing your inner need for affection, support, and positive reinforcement which your wife never gives you. If she had, you probably wouldn't have done what you did.
[this need for affection and to feel good about ourselves is NORMAL, we are human, we all need to feel wanted and needed]
- As people we also come across other people in this journey we call life. I am sure you had met a lot of people and made a few good friends before your wife came into the picture. Some of them might be the opposite sex , this too is NORMAL. She can't expect you to not run into them from time to time nor can she expect you to totally cut them off from your life and to not associate with them or talk to them anymore. (Nor can you of her)
- We all need friends. Your wife needs to understand this and she cannot expect you to only have her as your 1 friend in life and thats it. You would literally go crazy if your wife was the only person you could see, talk to, or do anything with.
- It wasn't necessarily wrong what you did (communication with an old friend) but its the fact you did it without telling your wife that was disrespectful. You know, the who/what/where and how this old friend contacted you and that you would be communicating with her only as a friend. Even if there may have been playful inuendos insinuated in the emails.
[Again, these inuendos probably would not have happened had your wife been giving you everything you needed from a partner in a relationship, and I am not talking about sex either]
- Its obvious from your text that you two do not have a perfect relationship. You may love her 120% and she may love you 120% but you BOTH have issues (some of them serious). And like most of us you guys keep these skeletons locked in a dark closet way back in the farthest reaches of our minds in hopes they will not come out and everyone will see them. Its a safety thing and totally NORMAL. Unfortunately this little event just made them all come to the surface for BOTH of you.
Now the hard part is dealing with them and sorting them all out.
- I agree you two BOTH need counseling. But you also need to communicate with each other about the events that happened, why they happened, and how you two can get these skeletons out of the closet and in the open so you can BOTH deal with them in a mature loving manner. The sooner you two do this the sooner you can start the healing process.
- Even though what you did was inconsiderate and disrespectful of your wife, you two seperating or her demanding that you move out of the house over something this small isnt going to fix anything. Running away is the last thing you both need right now. You need to face this and deal with it (her too). Use this experience to strengthen the relationship not weaken it.
- Hate to say it, but I am sure you already know your wife is overreacting on this issue. Like others have said, sure she has a right to be upset, not saying she doesn't, but allowing her to drag you thru the mud daily and ruin what little self esteem and self respect you have left is being unfair to yourself. And the more you allow her to do that (to have control over you, to put you down, to tell you the big piece of crap you are)and for you to convince yourself of the same things, is only going to bring you down more and more. Pretty soon there won't be any lower to go and you will probably want to kill yourself.
Some of the immense pain you are feeling is coming from feeling guilty and bad about what happened, ie remorse.
Some of the immense pain you are feeling is coming from letting her down. And if you are like me, thats the worst pain you can feel - letting your wife, your best friend, your lover down. After all, if you can't put her first, the one person who is suppose to mean the most to you, to be your everything in life, who can you put first?
And although you dont know it now, some of the immense pain you are feeling is because your inner-self, your subconcious, the part of your soul that makes you be you, is upset that you are allowing yourself to be spoken to like that, to be her whipping boy. Upset that you keep reliving the event day after day after day; belittling yourself again and again and again over the same small incident. Upset that you (your consciousness) allows it to happen continually and NOT forgiving yourself for it.
You are a human being for God's sake. We all make mistakes. You have to let it go! If you don't what the hell do you have left? what the hell do you stand for? what is left to define ZEPHYR as being ZEPHYR?
Once you lose that, what else is there?
I know you dont see it now and probably everything everyone is saying to you is going in one ear and out the other. Like you are a zombie or you are watching a tv show called "ZEPHYR's LIFE" from far far away and nothing you do can change the outcome of the show.
I got news for you, you can get thru this, you will get thru this, and someday all the advice people are giving you will start to sink in and make sense.
I am not afraid to admit I have allowed myself to be ridiculed, disrespected, accused of being a cheater, verbally and physically abused, spoken down to like a little kid, my heart broken a million times over the same woman, lose all dignity, self worth or self respect I ever had for myself all for the sake of love and making a f*ked up relationship work. I have cried so hard and for so long I couldnt cry anymore.
I have envisioned putting a double-barrel shotgun in my mouth and pulling the trigger many times over! All because I gave everything and had nothing else to give, lost everything and had nothing else to lose, believed all the negative crap my significant other was saying about me and had convinced myself someone as bad as me had no right to live in the first place.
Luckily I am happy to say somehow by the will of GOD and a couple very good friends who NEVER left my side even after my own family gave up on me, I made it thru that shit. Now I look back at some of the things I was beating myself up over and how I supposedly failed at being a decent man, a good BF, and can't believe I allowed that BITCH FROM HELL to do those things to me and to take my self worth away from me as easily as she did!
I look back and can now see and understand everything everybody was telling me. I was soooo stupid.
Some day you will see it too.
*** I am going to take a break now. I had a bunch more to say on this matter and how both of your pasts have a LOT to do with how you both got to where you are today and in this situation. But I have been writing this for the past 2 1/2 hours and need a break to clear my head. Concentrated on those things so much I have tunnel vision. I will check back later and maybe give some more input on the subject. Your situation really hits close to home and it wasnt that long ago for me either so my mind is a bit muddled at the moment.
If you need to talk, PM me your number and I would be more than happy to speak with you. I dont know you, but if you are a member on this board and openly asking for help thats all I need to know. A human voice on the other end is a lot more reassuring and comforting that just reading some words on a message board.
hang in there, I promise you this is not as bad as your wife is trying to make you believe.
You do have people who love and care about you, NEVER forget that!!!