Thanks for checking up on me fellas [ I really do appreciate it].......
I have just been really focusing on what needs to be done to recover from the all that went down the last few years [ last year especially ] I have been working hard and just trying to do the right things everyday ...........Life seems to be progressing in a positive direction and I have achieved alot positive momentum during the last several months .....The hard part is over [digging out of the huge whole ] I just have to be smart and play my cards right . If I do it right , things should be were I want them much faster than what I hoped ...........My back is getting better , I am in good condition , and my health is very good . I have put my size fasination aside and decided to stay lean[240s] and hard as long as father time will permit .....Although , I haven't posted in along time .......I still lurk almost daily [ even if only for a couple of minutes ] Because I care about all of you here . I have come across so many wonderful people here and I am very thankful that this place exists .[ I will always support it ] . I just feel I am going in a different direction than most of my brothers here . I am not a competitor , haven't used drugs in many years , and no longer care about being the biggest , badest , or strongest . I feel I have finally grown up and I am just finally getting confortable in my own skin .......I really love you guys here and think this is an amazing place , but I don't think I have much to contribute these days . The drug talk is old to me [ my god... fellas , it doesn't need to be so complicated .....there aren't any secrets ] , the comp questions , while interesting ,just don't apply to me these days . Stuff about how to recieve or obtain drugs is just crazy to me that doesn't leave me much to talk about on here these days . I love training [ it makes me happy ...Phil's razor's, big A's , Dante's massive g's , conan 21 's , and of course the one and only Doggcrap all have amazing methods that I play around with all the time ....I have training] , and info on diet ,health , and supps will always hold my attention .[ I can read for hours about that stuff ] But I have not posted ,because I don't have much in common with my brothers on here these days [ I am not a bodybuilder and dont wish to be one ........I train to look good and be healthy ] I think competive bbers, and strength athletes are just awesome . I will always folllow their respective sports with great respect and admiration .......I just am in a place in my life were it doesn't make sense to just be an object anymore .I am learning that I am more than that . I am also learning that I am more than material things or wealth . I am a man .......a responsible accountable person that is looking to move foreward and be a happier better person each day ......I may post here and there , but I will leave that for the real bbers on here ...............I just want you all to know I am a happier / healthier person because of this place and i want the absolute best for each and everyone of you ...............
JT are truely an awesome person ........and I just want you to know that I thought you did a heck of a job for your show and thought that you looked great .....I know you weren't happy with the outcome .....but seriously you looked great and were probally taking less than most of the giirls competing that day ..........and honestly bro .....who cares what you like ? Just be happy and healthy and quit being so damm hard on yourself .......You have a beautiful wonderful girl by your side , a rewarding job with summers off , and lots of great friends /family big guy ....I proud to know you for the kind of man that you are ........Now go jump in the river and have some fun this summer .......
mainevent and powerforewad .......thanks guys ...I wish both the best and hope things are well ........
Armadgedden ..........thanks for the thread my friend ...........I hope you are finding your path in life and are doing well . I think you owe me some pics of you ripped or some money ......don't you ? ....what happened ? You were looking good my friend did the game go ? Did you have fun ?
Everyone else ...........Stay Cool ............and know that I rooting for for each one of you here .....I really am ........