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New member
Sep 23, 2002
Can I get some examples from people who have actually used it how they ran it. Some say this some say that. Just gives examples please and if you did IM or subQ.

ken69dahl said:
Can I get some examples from people who have actually used it how they ran it. Some say this some say that. Just gives examples please and if you did IM or subQ.


I'll let you know in about a week. :D

Seems like most people I've talked to are doing it IM, and most are running 50mcg/day 5 on 2 off for 4 weeks. I know of one person running it 33mcg in the morning, and 33mcg post workout, and he's really happy with that.
Re: Re: IGF-1?

WeirdAl said:

I'll let you know in about a week. :D

Seems like most people I've talked to are doing it IM, and most are running 50mcg/day 5 on 2 off for 4 weeks. I know of one person running it 33mcg in the morning, and 33mcg post workout, and he's really happy with that.

That is kinda what I am thinking 30mcg twice a day IM.
Id probably it subQ to extend the life of the drug.
Doses are 20-100mcg ED, with 20mcg probably being too low.
Use gh too if you can, supposed to work great together.
Always used SQ 100mcg/day.
Big A said:
Always used SQ 100mcg/day.
were u using the regular igf-1 or the long R version bro ? and any particular reason why u went the sub Q route ? i would think IM would be the best way to go ?
been using the igf-1rlong for 2months now with a month off in between at 100mcg a day IM. will be adding gh this month. all i can say is while on the igf with my gear i can eat alot more while not gaining fat. ive actually become wider and thicker ...i dont even look like myself anymore...its sick. BIG A told me it creates a nice 3-d look to the muscle. i didnt quite understand what he meant but when you see it for yourself...you realize what 3-d means!!! lets just say ill be on this for quite a while!!! hehehehehehehe

ill let u guys know how it works with the gh after being on for a month.
Does anyone know if spot or site injections work with IGF-1 Long R3? Or does it work pretty much overall? Where is should it be injected subQ? Thanks.
for the 1000000 time'

LongR3 is systemic in effect s it is viable for 12-18 hours in vivo

RIGF-1 is site specific and minimally systemic due to in vivo duration of 10-20minutes
instynct999 said:
for the 1000000 time'

LongR3 is systemic in effect s it is viable for 12-18 hours in vivo

RIGF-1 is site specific and minimally systemic due to in vivo duration of 10-20minutes
anyone use or heard of results with igf thats already mixed.this bro mentioned he was using this with good results.wanted if anyone else has heard or experienced anything.don't want to waste almost $400
current way to supply it is in BA solution for your research
that's how they have it(with BA).
after searching and burning the midnight oil i saw were bigA said the pre mixed ones were bunk!FEED BACK please.
BG said:
that's how they have it(with BA).
after searching and burning the midnight oil i saw were bigA said the pre mixed ones were bunk!FEED BACK please.

Those were the pre mixed ones from years ago that were already mixed in water. Together with the empty vials sold as IGF-1 'gas' - no shit!
I have no experience with the igf-1 suspended in BA, so I can't make a comment on it.
instynct999 said:
current way to supply it is in BA solution for your research

I999-so its not reconstituted/mixed with HCL any more? Supposedly pretty painful!
for about the last 3 years those in the know have used it pre-dissolved in BA at a 1mg/ml or 500mcg/ml concentration for their research

this actually stabilizes the compound EVEN BETTER

then if administering to animals you draw the dose from the BA solution which is say 50mcg , then if solution is 1mg/ml that is 5 units and then dilute THE PIN (never put Bac water in the vail) with Bac water

then inject animal

not too bad for your animal at all painwise , especially if diluted with Bac water (it can be inject straight as well)

th old HCL /freezer thing is long outdated and sucked in comparison--it was a poor way to conduct research

for more info on LongR3 IGF-1 research anyone can just e-mail at :
[email protected]

hope that helps though
Last edited:
thanks guys.valuable info.wait till i win the jr usa 04'
hoooooold on now BG that 2004 jr national title is mine...lol...ill be there too on stage..where do u think it will be next year?
would be nice if it was sc again!And by the by,i won't be beat..
248 shredded @ 5'10 with a 28 1/2" waist
28.5 inch waist

i have to see that

screw the juniors , you should be doing the Nationals or USAs--bu then you lose of course to me at 248 5"7 shredded with a 33" inch waist, but shoulders probably 6 inch wider as well :D

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