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IGF without GH...skipping the middle- man?


New member
May 5, 2006
a friend of mine who is a national level competitor suggested not using GH as i have been thinKing of running it this year, but to just use IGF instead with my insulin.

has anyone here tried just using IGF with insulin as opposed to an IGF/ GH/ insulin protocol?

just wondering what the results were and if you'd recommended it.

heck you dont even need the insulin, just run the igf alone.
I have been wondering the same thing. I have been doing alot of research but it seems to make sense to be. GH does have alot of benefits but it seems that those benefits come from the raising of IGF levels, so actually the IGF is the reason for those effects. Also Long R3 IGF suppose to be 2x as strong as regular IGF so the effects should be great.

As far as insulin this is what I have learned thus far. You just need to be careful with the dosage when you are taking insulin with IGF (Insulin like Growth Factor) it has similar effects as insulin so if you take to much insulin with IGF you might go hypo really fast.

I have actually just started this regimen. I am taking Humulin R 6 10 ius with about 30 to 40 mcg of Long R3 IGF. I am also on other AAS. So far the biggest difference for me is the incredible recovery time and the fact that I can lift harder and heavier. I have been doing it for about 2 weeks so I will let you know later what my end results are..
i about took a permanent dirt nap in my kitchen from going hypo when trying to incorporate insulin with igf. and i have previous experience with both, not worth it.
I have taken IGF with insulin for over two weeks post workout with about 80 grams of waxy maize and BCAA/EEC/Glutamine / and then 1/2 hour later I eat 50 grms isolate with oatmeal and raisins, then 2 hours later I take just oatmeal mixed with whey protein. I have never had a problem yet. But I have never gone over 8 ius of Humilin R. What were you using Humalog? What dosages?
think i was doing 40mcg 2x per day of igf with humalog 5iu's postworkout.... i thought i was going down for good. thank god we have a 14 year old in the house so i could hit the snack drawer, this was about 2 years ago. funny thing is insulin by itself i can do 20iu and up in one shot no problem.

damn boys hardcore.
edge you ever see gavins igf,gh,slin protocol?
im with you xlin and igf is too dangerous.
maybe run gh,igf,
then switch to gh,slin for 4 weeks and go back and forth.
wha t do you guys think??
I would still really like to see some blood work from someone on IGF that shows an increase in IGF-1 levels.

What you dont get when you take IGF (if you get anything at all... I remember when GroPrep was first being diverted there was a LOT of discussion about IGF being destroyed too easily for it to be practical to use) is whatever biological process happens in the liver and elsewhere by HGH > IGF and I wouldnt be so quick to discount this process. Who knows how important it is.

Why doesnt our pituitary just secrete IGF if it is that simple? There must be something to the process itself.

And I have a really hard time believing that all this suddenly cheap as balls IGF is legit.

Im not going to say that its bunk, like I know for a fact the fragments are, but it does make me wonder.

This post will probably get deleted. Maybe not.

I would still really like to see some blood work from someone on IGF that shows an increase in IGF-1 levels.

What you dont get when you take IGF (if you get anything at all... I remember when GroPrep was first being diverted there was a LOT of discussion about IGF being destroyed too easily for it to be practical to use) is whatever biological process happens in the liver and elsewhere by HGH > IGF and I wouldnt be so quick to discount this process. Who knows how important it is.

Why doesnt our pituitary just secrete IGF if it is that simple? There must be something to the process itself.

And I have a really hard time believing that all this suddenly cheap as balls IGF is legit.

Im not going to say that its bunk, like I know for a fact the fragments are, but it does make me wonder.

This post will probably get deleted. Maybe not.


hey train brother, i am getting ready to start 6-8 weeks of igf, i will take a blood test on the last week and post the results for the board showing a baseline normal igf reading and my results after the run. stay tuned brother hopefully this will help answer some of your questions.
hey train brother, i am getting ready to start 6-8 weeks of igf, i will take a blood test on the last week and post the results for the board showing a baseline normal igf reading and my results after the run. stay tuned brother hopefully this will help answer some of your questions.
I would be very interested in the results!!!
hey train brother, i am getting ready to start 6-8 weeks of igf, i will take a blood test on the last week and post the results for the board showing a baseline normal igf reading and my results after the run. stay tuned brother hopefully this will help answer some of your questions.

This would be interesting to see.

I have seen blood levels increase due to HGH, but never IGF.

This would be interesting to see.

I have seen blood levels increase due to HGH, but never IGF.


no problem, i will post up blood work in a 6-8 weeks with results. now i do not have a scanner so you will either have to take my word for it(i have nothing to gain financially or otherwise in this) or i can mail someone the results and they can scan it and post it up. i have been around here awhile now so i think my word is good.
I would still really like to see some blood work from someone on IGF that shows an increase in IGF-1 levels.

What you dont get when you take IGF (if you get anything at all... I remember when GroPrep was first being diverted there was a LOT of discussion about IGF being destroyed too easily for it to be practical to use) is whatever biological process happens in the liver and elsewhere by HGH > IGF and I wouldnt be so quick to discount this process. Who knows how important it is.

Why doesnt our pituitary just secrete IGF if it is that simple? There must be something to the process itself.

And I have a really hard time believing that all this suddenly cheap as balls IGF is legit.

Im not going to say that its bunk, like I know for a fact the fragments are, but it does make me wonder.

This post will probably get deleted. Maybe not.


Bump to this.

I would be curious to see what someone would gain on just IGF-1 alone with AAS instead of GH/slin and no IGF-1 with AAS.

On the boards hhave wee seen anyone with dramatic gains off a IGF-1 alone?
I haven't.
no problem, i will post up blood work in a 6-8 weeks with results. now i do not have a scanner so you will either have to take my word for it(i have nothing to gain financially or otherwise in this) or i can mail someone the results and they can scan it and post it up. i have been around here awhile now so i think my word is good.

Ya I'd like to see that as well.
thanks for taking the time and effort edge.

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