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IM vs. Sub Q vs. IV use of peptides


New member
Sep 29, 2008
I was wondering what is the most effective way to administer peptides. I have seen some studies indicating that IV methods were used to beneficial effect, but I know most people around here use sub q route. I don't know if this is because it is more efficacious or if people simply have a problem IVing in general because of its association with narcotic use. I know IV is a very effective method fo HGH administration and was wondering if the same could be said for peptide use. Thanks to all who respond intelligently and please let's not just answer based upon general distaste for IV, if there is a good reason I want to know, if you are simply biased, don't post.
^ intravenous

I have IVed my GH before and 2.5IU felt much stronger than 2.5IU IM. I got a lightheaded feeling (hyperglycemia?) a few minutes after and it felt like it worked much better.

One myth btw that I dont believe in at all is that GH takes months to work. After my first injection I noticed recomposition efects.
The last couple dayss actually I have IVed 2.5IU and now I am considering bumping the dosage down. My hands are going completely numb while sleeping taking about 10 minutes to 'wake up' in the morning. I have no experience to compare to but it seems IV is a very strong way to take GH. Somebody said maybe 4-5 times stronger?
I too am interested in IV use of peps. Also, would be interested in knowing if anyone has any experience IV'ing other things (not illegal drugs foo!). I remember seeing an article that made Glutamine seem like the holy grail of supplements but noone got the real world results (orally) because they IV'ed it in the study.
No way IV. Very dangerous. Sub Q only. We are not a bunch of heroin freaks.

Why exactly is it dangerous or anymore dangerous than IM shots? I suspect this is solely based upon "feeling" rather than any solid evidence. Iv injections hardly makes a person a "heroin freak" any more than IM administration does.
Its scary to think one air bubble can stop your heart. But it does seem ideal for peptides and gh.
Dont inject yourself with air then...

Just about everything is more effective IV but I too am intereted in knowing to what extent, especially for GH.
Cause the dosage is not intended to go straight to the heart. Sub q is so easy why mess with your veins? I know of nooone dosing this way. If it were intended iv the ph would be different and the pharm companies would adjust dosage and constitution based upon this. Just think your playing with fire and increasing risks. Then why wouldnt diabetics hit insulin this way? Too risky and the absorbsion rate? Who knows. Most studies are sub q and others IM never IV that is just stupid IMO.
Cause the dosage is not intended to go straight to the heart. Sub q is so easy why mess with your veins? I know of nooone dosing this way. If it were intended iv the ph would be different and the pharm companies would adjust dosage and constitution based upon this. Just think your playing with fire and increasing risks. Then why wouldnt diabetics hit insulin this way? Too risky and the absorbsion rate? Who knows. Most studies are sub q and others IM never IV that is just stupid IMO.

IV is not anymore dangerous than IM and some argue that IM is more dangerous as it can cause muscle knots and more likely to cause infections and abcesses. Also, many of these peptides were provided intravenously. Seems to me that you just have negative feelings associated with this and that is perfectly fine, but if you can not provide any information that is not based upon conjecture and bias, your feelings are just that, your feelings. GH is frequently administered IV and it makes perfect sense that these peptides could be administered in the same manner.

AS far as the air bubble thing, you would have to inject almost an entire syringe full of air to cause death and I don't really see anyone being that stupid. The insulin analogy is not relevant as these are very differently desinged and too much insulin can cause immediate death. I have never, ever, heard that a person can die from too much HGH or peptides.
IV is not anymore dangerous than IM and some argue that IM is more dangerous as it can cause muscle knots and more likely to cause infections and abcesses. Also, many of these peptides were provided intravenously. Seems to me that you just have negative feelings associated with this and that is perfectly fine, but if you can not provide any information that is not based upon conjecture and bias, your feelings are just that, your feelings. GH is frequently administered IV and it makes perfect sense that these peptides could be administered in the same manner.

AS far as the air bubble thing, you would have to inject almost an entire syringe full of air to cause death and I don't really see anyone being that stupid. The insulin analogy is not relevant as these are very differently desinged and too much insulin can cause immediate death. I have never, ever, heard that a person can die from too much HGH or peptides.
Actually the literature for humatrope and genotropin specifically say sub q or IM and the dosages are intented for that purpose. For IV the dose would have to be adjusted accordingly and for daily users it is an inpractical and irresponsable way for administration. So who here does IV injections? I am not using bias or "my feelings" but facts based upon literature given out by the drug companies for administering the peptides. Show me one scientific document stating peps should be given this way. Bet ya can't. Sorry to hurt your "feelings." And for an anuerism you can certainly get one without injecting an entire syringe of air. Actually 2 cc or so can kill-as well as peps that are not entirely dissolved wih solids. Sorry to bust your bubble.
I've done 4 in the past week. Its fine. Its easier than IM really. My veins are huge and fat and easy as hell to hit without tying a turniquet. The mark from injecting lasts about 12 hours and then is not visible with a 30g needle. I draw with a fresh pin and then backload a new pin so the prick into skin is with a brand new needle. Very clean. Then aspirate and wait for the crimson cloud in the barrel and slowly depress plunger. Done in 2 minutes (drawing/backloading/cleaning injection spot/injecting).

I am told 2.5IU IV should work like 8-10IU IM/SC. I am poor so the appeals to me. I can in effect run 8IU ED for 80 days with a 200IU kit by IVing 2.5IU ED for 80 days.

Im seeing some great effects the first week.
Actually the literature for humatrope and genotropin specifically say sub q or IM and the dosages are intented for that purpose. For IV the dose would have to be adjusted accordingly and for daily users it is an inpractical and irresponsable way for administration. So who here does IV injections? I am not using bias or "my feelings" but facts based upon literature given out by the drug companies for administering the peptides. Show me one scientific document stating peps should be given this way. Bet ya can't. Sorry to hurt your "feelings." And for an anuerism you can certainly get one without injecting an entire syringe of air. Actually 2 cc or so can kill-as well as peps that are not entirely dissolved wih solids. Sorry to bust your bubble.

dunno why you would inject 2cc's of air??? You would use an insulin pin and draw up 10units (do the math to dilute to that level). 10 units of pure air would not hurt you let alone maybe the .25unit of air bubble that might be in the syringe.

You are very confused "strong rhino":naughty:
ive pin GH IV quite often,matter of fact i rotate IM IV and sub-Q to mix things up and IMHO IV is the most effective way to use GH.i dont think 2 or 3 ius is as effective as 8 or 10 but i do know 5ius gives me the same sides IV as 10ius IM.
i wouldnt pin peps that are reconed with AA IV and i deff wouldnt pin slin IV,slin hits hard and fast enuff when pinned IM.
dunno why you would inject 2cc's of air??? You would use an insulin pin and draw up 10units (do the math to dilute to that level). 10 units of pure air would not hurt you let alone maybe the .25unit of air bubble that might be in the syringe.

You are very confused "strong rhino":naughty:

Not confused at all- i was quoting what the other dude said about injecting 10cc of air and i was simply saying that 2 cc was enough to kill someone so before you call out someone as being confused maybe you are mislead from not reading entire post. And for those of you IV HGH be careful as it is not intended for that use. Ask ANY health care provider- there is simply no accurate way to calculate the proper dosage not to mention any contaminants that may be in the lipolyzed powder prior to reconstitution. I know of no responsible user who does this so all I am saying is simply be careful. You are also injecting the alcohol in the bacteriostatic water into your veins which may cause collapse and temp. alter your blood ph levels. So who is confused here? Or misinformed or uneducated on the subject?
The last couple dayss actually I have IVed 2.5IU and now I am considering bumping the dosage down. My hands are going completely numb while sleeping taking about 10 minutes to 'wake up' in the morning. I have no experience to compare to but it seems IV is a very strong way to take GH. Somebody said maybe 4-5 times stronger?
So according to YOU if IV is 5X stronger and you JUST started 2.5 for the first time ever that would be like taking 12.5 iu to start? Real smart man. Please educate yourself before you get hurt. What are ya 17 and just started workin out?
Not confused at all- i was quoting what the other dude said about injecting 10cc of air and i was simply saying that 2 cc was enough to kill someone so before you call out someone as being confused maybe you are mislead from not reading entire post. And for those of you IV HGH be careful as it is not intended for that use. Ask ANY health care provider- there is simply no accurate way to calculate the proper dosage not to mention any contaminants that may be in the lipolyzed powder prior to reconstitution. I know of no responsible user who does this so all I am saying is simply be careful. You are also injecting the alcohol in the bacteriostatic water into your veins which may cause collapse and temp. alter your blood ph levels. So who is confused here? Or misinformed or uneducated on the subject?

I agree 100%. I doubt that simply sticking this in your vein raises potency so soooo much. This sht goes systematic in no time regardless. Making it go systematic immediately doesn't change the dosage amount, not theoretically. they say alot of things in life are 80% mental. But i do not have any personal experience here besides the reconstitution of my own Peptides and usage. I'm not even too keen on the thought of putting acetic avid in my muscle, let alone my veins. I would def be interested in seeing some scientific evidence on this. I have been wrong before. I agree with strongrhino on the most dangerous part here being that you have no filtration device here, you are pulling and plugging.98-99% pure means that there is most def something in there that isn't gh, therefore I would consider it to be somewhat risky to just shove this into my bloodstream. At least with meth you run it through a piece of cotton before injecting. At least daf what I heard through da grape vineyard. And such.

Hey, sweet screen name btw, I need you to pm admin and see if you can change it for me. There isn't enough room for two rhinoceri on this board. Lol ;)

So according to YOU if IV is 5X stronger and you JUST started 2.5 for the first time ever that would be like taking 12.5 iu to start? Real smart man. Please educate yourself before you get hurt. What are ya 17 and just started workin out?

X2, maybe not though.
I know of no responsible user who does this so all I am saying is simply be careful.

Have you heard of Phil Hernon? :)

And please do yourself a favor and go on pubmed and look up some GH studies - they are almost entirely all IV studies since this is the most scientifically accurate way of dosing a subject (IM and SC too many variables for accurate dosing).

As long as you have practice with IVing (I have medical practicce) - then IV is not more dangerous than IM/SC.

Btw, what do you think those impurities you're speaking of do when you inject them IM/SC? If they are there then you are going to fuck yourself with an infection that could be deadly.

I really tire of your holier than thou attitude and the personal attacks, so as a result you have lost my contribution to this thread.
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