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in need of pct help


New member
Apr 4, 2010
it seems like every forum has a different idea of when to start pct. I plan on take 500's of hcg for 10 days, and nolvedex 40mg for 10 days then 30 for 10 then down to 20 for days. I'm coming off 500 mg os sust for 12 weeks. I was planning on starting 18 days after my last shot. I've read I should start taking pct the day after, 7 days out and so on. Any help would be awesome.
Your Nolva is close to what almost everyone recommends. The biggest difference is the hcg usage. Some like it on cycle throughout. Others try this mega dose boosting at the end of injects but before Nolva. Sounds like you only have that option available to you now so you might as well try it that way. I myself run hcg throughout as Im a blast and cruiser. You might consider using a larger initial dose like 1000iu's and then reducing down as they days go by. Thats what most of the mega dose protocols call for. You probably have 1 5000iu vial so plan accordingly.
I do have 5000's u's. So go 1000 the first day then go 8 days at 500 u's? then start nolva.
HCG was the WORST thing i have ever takin
fucked me up for awhile......i will never take it again
took 3 go arounds for me to figure it out

i will tell you this

pct is just as individual as insulin use is

is different for EVERYBODY

some good advise i can give
would be to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX with pct

i mean yea...the good'ol hcg nolva mix is classic(i wont do it)
nolva is another one that is 10 times worse than ANY aas you will ever take

i have discovered what works for me EVERY SINGLE TIME
and you would never think to try it......some here know what im taking about

another secret of mine???? pct will go 10 weeks or longer:eek:
How exactly did Nolva and HCG fuck you up, could you please discuss further details
How exactly did Nolva and HCG fuck you up, could you please discuss further details

blood work was WAYY outta wack
had nodes swollen all over
blood pressure sky rocket (nose bleeds) at night
gyno flare up
feel like complete ass

worse than ANY aas cycle ive done

blood work was WAYY outta wack
had nodes swollen all over
blood pressure sky rocket (nose bleeds) at night
gyno flare up
feel like complete ass

worse than ANY aas cycle ive done


Hey Tenny, can I ask what HCG protocol you followed? Did you strictly use it for PCT and if so at what amount? Also, did you ever try it in smaller quantities (say 250-500i.u 2x/wk) from the onset of your cycle?

I realize that everyone reacts very differently from these substances, but HCG seems so effective in the right moderation at keeping the boys happy during a cycle.

Lastly, may I ask what your secret successful PCT recipe is that you've been following? Thanks for your insight.
yes......i jumped on the bandwagon like everyone else

used strictly the standard pct protocol
just like anything does not agree with me
HCG was the WORST thing i have ever takin
fucked me up for awhile......i will never take it again
took 3 go arounds for me to figure it out

i will tell you this

pct is just as individual as insulin use is

is different for EVERYBODY

some good advise i can give
would be to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX with pct

i mean yea...the good'ol hcg nolva mix is classic(i wont do it)
nolva is another one that is 10 times worse than ANY aas you will ever take

i have discovered what works for me EVERY SINGLE TIME
and you would never think to try it......some here know what im taking about

another secret of mine???? pct will go 10 weeks or longer:eek:

I agree with you 100%. My problem was that I never did discover how to do an effective PCT for myself. I tried it all. I think the tihng I had the best luck with was just just plain old tapering off my doses and med slowly over a long time. I know everybody laughs at the and says its old school and doenst work/nobody does that shit anymore, but it worked better for me than the nolva/HCG. I feel like all that HCG did for me was prolong my crash after coming down, because as soon as I stopped the HCG I would carsh hard. I think the crash was almost worse than going off cold turkey. That was my experience.
Back in the day if I was doing a 12 weeks cycle then every 4 weeks I would do HCG, I can't recall the amount but I think it was like 1000iu EOD until I used up the 10,000. used to also run clomid too. Some cycles I would run clomid after a few weeks into a cycle and for the rest of the cycle, worked great but not sure if that is the best thing to do nowadays with so much more info on PCT. Only did Nolvadex when I 1st learned about AAS then when Arimidex came out I never looked at Nolvadex again.
Nolva does very ugly things to me at any dose over 20mg/day. Just like people respond differently to different amounts of gear, it is the same with PCT meds. If you're feeling like ass at 40mg you may be well served to cut it in half and see what happens.
You don't need hcg for sust only IMO, if you use it .....

I would do 500iu twice a week for the last two weeks you are on and then for two more weeks after you stop the sust. Wait one more week and then do nolva 40/30/20/20
it seems like every forum has a different idea of when to start pct. I plan on take 500's of hcg for 10 days, and nolvedex 40mg for 10 days then 30 for 10 then down to 20 for days. I'm coming off 500 mg os sust for 12 weeks. I was planning on starting 18 days after my last shot. I've read I should start taking pct the day after, 7 days out and so on. Any help would be awesome.

Yep, just a suggestion, if you're gonna use HcG, use an AI with it. JMO. Even at 250iu that stuff makes me estrogenic and bloated as hell. I only use it on cycle now, then transition into Clomid/Aromasin. When I use it on cycle, I have to DOUBLE the dose of my AI to stay un bloated.

And yeah, Nolva is the Devils Food.
Isn't there a normal protocal of using HCG 250iu every 4th day throughout the cycle. Starting when the ester from your first shot of test clears. For instance you run 500 cyp and 300deca for 10 weeks straight. You start your first HCG shot 6 or 7 days after your first shot of cyp, and then continue the 250iu's every 4th day until 2 weeks after your last shot of test. To minimize crashing hard of the gear because your nuts have had the signals "HCG" to stay on during the entire cycle, to lessen the risk of hypertrophy. I know many bbr's have used this routine and they say it is smooth as butter comming off the gear. I plan on using this my next go around. Also if needed for gyno and water retention use Nolva/Adex if needed during the cycle. Someone please correct me if this information is wrong. Thanks bros
hey tenny would you go into more depth with your personal PCT?

i like the idea of tapering your cycles

any thoughts on aromasin for PCT/during cycle
I think HCG @ 250iu EOD is perfect through out the cycle. Do not use it during PCT, save it for your next cycle.

Your nolva protocol is on point, when to start with sust? I think right around the half like of the deconate ester If you are using omnadren 250s for example, thats 100mg of deconate so about 7-8 days after your last poke I would start.

Many like to start after the half life when its worked its way totally out of your system. I do not like this protocol, I think the nolva should have time to start working before your synthetic test dips out of the system. You shouldn't need much more than Nolva with a short test only cycle.
Let me start by saying that I'm definitely no expert. That said, I have never used any PCT drugs-nolvadex, clomid, etc. Tapering to a low dose, then keeping it there for a few weeks before coming off completely, has worked well for me. Since I ended my precontest phase 8 weeks ago or so, I have not lost anything, in fact I have gained almost 30lbs and gotten stronger. Diet of course played a huge part in this.

I do use HCG, but only during the cycle.
i use Hcg until the ester clears, and then Clomid and Aromasin for four weeks.

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