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Increasing the females sex drive.


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Kilo Klub Member
Jan 26, 2003
I'm writing this for the guys who are looking to get their women interested in sex. I'm not sure how many of you guys are aware of the effects of birth control on the female libido. Most forms of birth control hinder testosterone production in women. Of course, when this happens, the sex drive is gone, just as it is when WE don't have any test in our bloodstream.

This can be a HUGE strain on a relationship. It isn't cool at all when the woman you love doesn't want you. It SUCKS and it makes it tough to stay faithful. It can even make you wonder what's wrong with you. No matter how much we may hate it, men have the need to be wanted too.

The thing is, you have to understand that the lack of a desire for intimacy is almost always a simple a matter of endocrinology, not least in relationships that are otherwise healthy and as long as YOU aren't a hideous looking troll.

Endocrinology is a bit of a hobby for me. (strange choice of hobbies, I know) I am kind of fascinated at how the proper hormonal balance influences every single aspect of our lives. We are literally only as good as our hormonal balance. Hormones control our weight, our height, our mood, our feelings, our body fat percentage....EVERYTHING that we are.

So, on to the point. Testosterone replacement therapy is a topic a lot of doctors don't want to discuss, even if it's for a man. And if you try to mention it for the benefit of a woman, you get all kinds of misguided and ignorant information. The truth is, women NEED testosterone to function properly. The lack of it decreases energy, sex drive, strength and motivation just as it does in men.

While it is most definitely possible for a woman to get masculinizing side effects from testosterone, that will only happen if the dosage is too high for her in particular. I am NOT an endocrinologist, but I do happen to know that at the proper dosage, testosterone replacement for women can work WONDERS!

Here's what a person could do if they were to want to experiment with test replacement to revive a woman's dead libido, motivation and energy levels. (theoretically, of course)

One could use an insulin syringe (28 gauge, 1/2 in) for injections. Using an insulin syringe would allow a precise dosage to be given. For example, if you happen to have 200 mg/ml test enanthate, you could use .10 ml per week to deliver 20 mg per week of test. And yes, a 28 gauge 1/2 needle will work just fine for sucking up the juice AND for the injection, assuming the woman isn't fat and you inject the delts.

You might want to start at half of that dosage just to be safe. In which case would be half of the .10 ml mark on the syringe, which would equal around 12 mg of test per week. This would be a good starting dose. If the desired effect isn't achieved within 3-4 weeks, increase the dosage, keeping close watch for any signs of masculinization. And remember, if masculine side effects DID begin to appear, they will disappear at cesation of treatment UNLESS homeostasis is acheived...and the woman would have to be on for several weeks or months for that to happen. However, it is very unlikely for any masculinizing to occur at such a low dose.

I personally know a woman who is on 25mg of test enanthate per week. She has been taking it for several months. She began using it after getting on birth control and experiencing the decreased libido, energy levels and motivation that it so commonly causes. She has had absolutely no masculinizing side effects whatsoever. Her sex drive is VERY GOOOOOOD!!!! Her muscle tone is much better, her strength greatly improved and her energy levels have been great. It also has no effect on the effectiveness of the birth control. Plus, she's HOT!!!

Don't just try this because it's written here. Endocrinology is a complicated science. Educate yourself before you do ANYTHING that has to do with your body. Read, learn, weigh risks and benefits and if you think it's worth a shot, approach cautiously and give it a try.

This is just written for the purpose of spurring some thoughts and discussion, not as medical advice because I am NOT a doctor.
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I would like to have the name & number of your friend, she sounds like fun.
I would like to have the name & number of your friend, she sounds like fun.

That could be a HUGE problem. I was hoping to get intelligent responses.
I have this discussion with my wife all the time. I may sound like a hypocrite here but i believe her being on the pill for so long has definitely decreased her sex drive and her energy levels. she used to work 2 jobs, go to school full time and find time to go running and train. I know life changes, especially after you get married but...
she wants to get back into shape and speaks about it all the time but nothing has come of it. sorry I'm rambling and have gotten off topic.
Encourage her to do some research on test replacement therapy for women. It always helps if she can hear it from someone besides her man. Women never want to believe the guys they're in a relationship with.
My girl definitely notices the affects of taking birth birth control. Her complete loss of interest has put a strain on our relationship. Taking Testosterone is not a option in this situation for her. However, we have looked at her taking L-Arginine & Yohimbine.

Do you feel this would also be a good option for females?

I've read a little about it and noticed it seems to help some people with sexual arousal disorder.

( )
Baal, I couldn't read the link, but it makes sense that arginine and yohimbine could help. The increased blood flow to the genitalia from the arginine combined with yohimbine's supposed effects as an aphrosidisiac might work. But, at best, I think it would be treating the symptoms and not the problem, if it helps at all.
Baal, I couldn't read the link, but it makes sense that arginine and yohimbine could help. The increased blood flow to the genitalia from the arginine combined with yohimbine's supposed effects as an aphrosidisiac might work. But, at best, I think it would be treating the symptoms and not the problem, if it helps at all.

No you're absolutely right. Thank you for posting this.
Interesting info. I guess some of the female BB who are on AAS could let us know their experiences with both high doses and low doses of Test.

My girl definitely notices the affects of taking birth birth control. Her complete loss of interest has put a strain on our relationship. Taking Testosterone is not a option in this situation for her. However, we have looked at her taking L-Arginine & Yohimbine.

Do you feel this would also be a good option for females?

I've read a little about it and noticed it seems to help some people with sexual arousal disorder.

( )

The part that amazes me is sucking up and shooting test enth with a 28g slin pin! I remember trying to draw it with 23g and it was like pumping a damn super soaker water gun several times just to get 1ml of gear and a hundred tiny bubbles from the effect. Drawing and shooting long ester test with a 28g huh? Anyone done that before? I could maybe imagine with water based but not a long acting test like enth or cyp.
My girl definitely notices the affects of taking birth birth control. Her complete loss of interest has put a strain on our relationship. Taking Testosterone is not a option in this situation for her. However, we have looked at her taking L-Arginine & Yohimbine.

Do you feel this would also be a good option for females?

I've read a little about it and noticed it seems to help some people with sexual arousal disorder.

( )

Damn, im in the same boat bro. Been with my gurl for 4yrs now and seems almost every year her sex drive is slowly declining. She has been on birth control for 2yrs before she met me so 6yrs total straight with no breaks! Guess it comes down to once in awhile bare backing or all the time sex with a condom?
my gf was on the "ring" birth control and she absolutely LOVES sex, she wears me out alllllll the time. (she hasnt been around me on test though). but she recently switched over to the pill birth control about 2 months ago and her sexdrive is still thriving.

im hoping shes the "odd one out" on this subject :D
ever heard of a "copper t" , as the name implies it a piece of copper shaped like a T that they insert into woman near what ever tubes are in there hehe.

it kills the sperm or makes it in fertile or thats what i remember from the last time read it. Last for 3-5 years before it needs to be removed. non hormonal and used alot in poor nations that cant afford chemical birth control...

have a google on it could be an option
The part that amazes me is sucking up and shooting test enth with a 28g slin pin! I remember trying to draw it with 23g and it was like pumping a damn super soaker water gun several times just to get 1ml of gear and a hundred tiny bubbles from the effect. Drawing and shooting long ester test with a 28g huh? Anyone done that before? I could maybe imagine with water based but not a long acting test like enth or cyp.

Back load the syringe.
I had a Vasectomy a while back, so my wife quit the pill. And all the sudden, she was a sexual firecat! Every-everyother DAY! Not to be gross or too personal, just for educational purposes, I could tell a difference with the physical atributes of her cat. Everything from smell, tatse and even consistency and texture of her cum.

But I have to say I agree that the pill cramps a woman's libido.
well to chime in from a woman's perspective , i would have to say that i can agree to an extent. I have been on the pill on and off for almost 14 years. i havent seen it effect my sex drive too much until within the last few years.

garrith you are talking about the copper iud , although non hormanal can cause damage to the uterus, possibly
I had a girlfriend with the "copper t" and yes, her sex drive was very healthy. (Golly, she was fun....) Any way, since it was non-hormonal, it wouldn't cause any issues like what is being discussed here, as far as I know. However, as buffbabeca mentions, I have no idea about possible uterine damage. I know this girlfriend of mine had it for a few years with no problem. It, like anything else, would have to be researched and discussed with her doctor. Might be a better option than trying to get your girl to start shooting test though.
Okay....I am serious about this. Anavar. I have a number of female friends who used to suffer the same symptoms...they do train obviously....but even with the pill they all say their sex drive with Anavar is through the roof now. True the clit did swell up.....but that seems to be a good thing according to the ladies. It is kind of funny to listen to them now because they sound like guys trading sex stories. Their husbands are all smiling a whole lot more these days.
well to chime in from a woman's perspective , i would have to say that i can agree to an extent. I have been on the pill on and off for almost 14 years. i havent seen it effect my sex drive too much until within the last few years.

garrith you are talking about the copper iud , although non hormanal can cause damage to the uterus, possibly

Hi Buff.. yup thats the one. Like i said i read up on it a while ago. i knew there were some side effects althoug im sure a Doc can say more than i on it.
Okay....I am serious about this. Anavar. I have a number of female friends who used to suffer the same symptoms...they do train obviously....but even with the pill they all say their sex drive with Anavar is through the roof now. True the clit did swell up.....but that seems to be a good thing according to the ladies. It is kind of funny to listen to them now because they sound like guys trading sex stories. Their husbands are all smiling a whole lot more these days.

you sure u dont mean winny?? havent heard of anavar causing clit enlargement

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