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INSANITY Question!


New member
Apr 13, 2011
During my next cycle i was wondering if i could stick with the Insanity Wrkout and do some heavy lifting on the side. Not looking to blow up , i wanna lean out and add strength alittle size is ok. Cycle will consist of test c,Mast. and var. Dieting now to drop BF and weight. Just wanted yalls thoughts on this. THANKS IN ADVANCED
Hey Armyranger. I'm not sure you're going to get answers about "heavy lifting on the side" while doing the fad-workout-du-jour, here. These guys are advanced lifters who either do this for a living or aspire to. If you have any questions about that, I'm sure you'd get a wealth of info.
I wanna incorporate both into my cycle, should have been clear bout that ! I wanna lift heavy and do Insanity. My bad
I would advise against it. It's a great recipe for overtraining. When lifting heavy and trying to bulk up, you don't want to overdo the cardio at all
if youre going to do it, dont lift extremely heavy as in a bulk cycle. do moderate weights and you should recomp your body well. i know i went this route last year and dropped from like 15% bf to 8% while putting on some size. my cycle was just prop and dbol though
shit was hard. i coundlt do it
Not sure how Insanity compares to crossfit.. But my 23 yr old son who lifts started Crossfit and Loves it.. They have different versions from what he said and is doing the more Football Combine type exercise.. Lots of plyometics. Says in the best shape of his life and keep his weight and muscle..
Not sure how Insanity compares to crossfit.. But my 23 yr old son who lifts started Crossfit and Loves it.. They have different versions from what he said and is doing the more Football Combine type exercise.. Lots of plyometics. Says in the best shape of his life and keep his weight and muscle..

crossfit is pretty good also. does he use gear? could you imagine if he did if he doesnt right now
Your chances of burning muscle off with insanity are great. I have seen the results in person of friends who have used it. Yes they did get lean....yes it works pretty quick....however they all lost way more muscle then they would of had then done it with normal cardio....it might not have been as quick....but the amount of muscle Ive seen ppl lose from insanity was mind blowing.

Sure the gear will help with that....but I dont see you adding any new muscle even on a cycle if you do the insanity how its supposed to be done...PLUS LIFT.....seems like over kill to me.

For someone who is 30-40+ lbs over weight....sure insanity is great....but those ppl that out of shape could prob never complete the program.

But make sure you take before and after pics so you can get one of those awesome t-shirts!!!:headbang:;)
Your chances of burning muscle off with insanity are great. I have seen the results in person of friends who have used it. Yes they did get lean....yes it works pretty quick....however they all lost way more muscle then they would of had then done it with normal cardio....it might not have been as quick....but the amount of muscle Ive seen ppl lose from insanity was mind blowing.

Sure the gear will help with that....but I dont see you adding any new muscle even on a cycle if you do the insanity how its supposed to be done...PLUS LIFT.....seems like over kill to me.

For someone who is 30-40+ lbs over weight....sure insanity is great....but those ppl that out of shape could prob never complete the program.

But make sure you take before and after pics so you can get one of those awesome t-shirts!!!:headbang:;)

You gota also send in proof of purchase for the shirt. ie pic of dvds or scan of receipt

kinda misleading but smart
My personal recommendation is hell yes, Do it!

If you're actually an army ranger then this kind of workout won't be a shock to your system. I think the fear of overtraining on this kind of program is blown out of proportion when you consider someone who is using hormones and who is an advanced athlete that has the mitochondria to support this kind of energy dump.

If pure size, the kind of size that makes it hard to walk through a doorway, is your goal then it's probably best to leave this out. But if you're looking to have a big strong athletic type of physique, then I say go for it.

Monitor your weight and waistline and make sure you're eating big to make up for some of the calories you'll dump from the insanity. ALSO DRINK A TON OF WATER. This kind of training can be really dehydrating.
Hey guys!!! I want to lean out, gain LBM, get in MMA conditioning, have awesome beach abs, and bench press 405, any tips?

Oh, I also want to do this while insanely overtraining myself and being in a moderate caloric deficit...

Hey guys!!! I want to lean out, gain LBM, get in MMA conditioning, have awesome beach abs, and bench press 405, any tips?

Oh, I also want to do this while insanely overtraining myself and being in a moderate caloric deficit...


I want too also can you give me some pointers please pretty please lol:D

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