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ip's GH


Dec 12, 2004
Has anyone used the GH that ip sells? It's sypposedly a name brand Chinese GH made by a reputable lab, but he doesn't say who it is. He also says to not mix it with bacteriostatic water & to use sterile water instead. Does anyone have any experience with his GH?
just my opinion... wouldn't touch it if it were free... big difference between winny tabs and gh.
saint808 said:
just my opinion... wouldn't touch it if it were free... big difference between winny tabs and gh.

I don't understand this. ip makes his own winstrol, he supposedly buys the GH drirectly from a reputable Chinese GH lab that specializes in making GH. The 2 have nothing to do with each other.
Qwert said:
I don't understand this. ip makes his own winstrol, he supposedly buys the GH drirectly from a reputable Chinese GH lab that specializes in making GH. The 2 have nothing to do with each other.
my poijt exactly... you can ask around IP may be the shit, but then IMO and only my opinion.... there is a big difference... i mean fuck i coukld make wiunnny in my kitchen, but GH for IP does not add up in my book. Just be careful.
saint808 said:
my poijt exactly... you can ask around IP may be the shit, but then IMO and only my opinion.... there is a big difference... i mean fuck i coukld make wiunnny in my kitchen, but GH for IP does not add up in my book. Just be careful.

Hmmmm, I think that I may not be making my point clear. IP doesn't make or manufacture his GH. He buys it already pre-made from a legit lab that specializes in making GH. It's not some underground operation or anything to do with ip's own manufacturing process. It's like his HCG. He sells it, but he gets it directly from a pharmaceutical manufacturer.
Qwert said:
Hmmmm, I think that I may not be making my point clear. IP doesn't make or manufacture his GH. He buys it already pre-made from a legit lab that specializes in making GH. It's not some underground operation or anything to do with ip's own manufacturing process. It's like his HCG. He sells it, but he gets it directly from a pharmaceutical manufacturer.

what's the lab? and for that matter the price difference? 100iu jin kits aren't that expensive if you know where to look.
saint808 said:
what's the lab? and for that matter the price difference? 100iu jin kits aren't that expensive if you know where to look.

He doesn't say what lab it's from. But ip is an upstanding, honest guy, so I do trust him. His GH is the cheapest I've come across. I'm sure jin kits are cheap if you have a good source, but unfortunately I don't, & I won't buy anything from a person who doesn't have a good rep or is unknown since I've been ripped off before. This is why ip seems to be my only choice.

On a side note. I asked for a good igf-1 source last week, since my regular source can't get it anymore & I got quite a few PMs from members here with 2-10 posts all wanting to sell me igf-1 at rock bottom prices. It was hilarious. They might as well have come out & said 'I', here to rip you off, gimme your cash'. Again, this is why ip seems a good choice for me.
saint808 said:
what's the lab? and for that matter the price difference? 100iu jin kits aren't that expensive if you know where to look.

It's kexing HGH.

I would also be skeptical of some of IP's things. I'm not talking shit just stating my opinion and my facts. I've used IP products and some are not what they say the are. I know this for a fact.
Severed Ties said:
It's kexing HGH.


Thanks!!!! It's good to know the origins. I did a search for kexing HGH & it seems to have as good a rep as jin.
I like IP

I like IP & I would just ask Him what company makes it...U know I have even recieved stuff that is not IP's own brand from the man when He was short on his own products
I like IPs products but I havent heard of anyone I know who has used his GH. I just feel like with GH and the price I would want a more reputable company, and a legit brand. Not a diss but I think alot of people are right on, his tabs are great, his injectables arent bad, but Id unno about that GH. I like IP, his accessabilty to products etc, but I still go human quality and try to buy name brands, Galenka, Schering etc...
Kexing is the 192 amino acid version HGH and IP Gh according to him is the 191 version...

Severed Ties said:
It's kexing HGH.
u can get the Kexing 120 iu kits for around $228..
amenselah said:
Kexing is the 192 amino acid version HGH and IP Gh according to him is the 191 version...

I'm looking at them...there kexing.

IP probably isn't aware kexing are 192 aa's most people aren't.

oh no!!!

Severed Ties said:
I'm looking at them...there kexing.

IP probably isn't aware kexing are 192 aa's most people aren't.

If you go with IP just roll the dice you take a chance anytime you get any AAS but I have to say if it was GH I would go with JIN.
They are indeed kexing, I have a limited supply available.

I was skeptical about kexing as I used to use Jin's at 6-8iu's per day and not get many side effects. (yes they were yellow top)

Switched to kexing and in a week my arms are constanly going numb!


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