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Is Coffee bad?


New member
May 6, 2003
I have begun to drink coffee in the mornings on a regular basis, and I wanted to see if there were any negative effects it could have on my training. Coulkd anyone shed any light on whether or not I should drop the coffee or is it ok?

Thanks in advance!!:)
caffeine has been shown to inhibit creatine absorption to a degree.... i think that was in reference to taking ECA right before training though....

other than the diuretic effect, i dont think its a problem.... but i always wake up dehydrated from the night
Caffine is a scientific proven performance enhancer and fat loss drug. Great with Ephedring. Can be mildly addicting. Most all know this stuff. dont sweat it.
Everything and anything is harmfull these days! Coffee will not hurt you! I had a guest speaker in High School tell us that drinking caffeine lowers your athletic capabilities for 3-4 days? I do not see that happening??? You are fine!

Actually I would draw the line at cream and sugar unless its just occassional.
Actually I dont drink coffee at all. I like tea (w/artificial sweetner)! :eek:
uh oh Mike, what about aspartme??? J/K man!

you got some inteligent answers, but this board seems to be real advanced compared to most, infact the most inteligent convo on a bbing forum i taken place here, for more of the basic info on training/ass that your probably still after a good board would be like www.massmonsterz.com or www.anabolicfreakz.com www.rippedmass.com I think I was at ripped mass about 1yr natural still before i moved over to this board simple bec the talk was over my head here.
mammoth said:
I have begun to drink coffee in the mornings on a regular basis, and I wanted to see if there were any negative effects it could have on my training. Coulkd anyone shed any light on whether or not I should drop the coffee or is it ok?

Thanks in advance!!:)

it`s ok.
Brother I have been drinking coffee since I was 5 “no shit 5”
Also my creatine works fine. The study that was used saying coffee interferes with creatines absorbing was done in Europe and their coffee is 3x stronger so the caffeine dose is higher. By the way I mix my creatine in my coffee.
Dave_19 said:
you got some inteligent answers, but this board seems to be real advanced compared to most, infact the most inteligent convo on a bbing forum i taken place here, for more of the basic info on training/ass that your probably still after a good board would be like www.massmonsterz.com or www.anabolicfreakz.com www.rippedmass.com I think I was at ripped mass about 1yr natural still before i moved over to this board simple bec the talk was over my head here.

For some reason I get the distinct feeling that you are saying I don't belong here. If I asked a question to simple for this board then sorry. If I am over-reacting to your statement then my apologies as well!! :D

Oh and I don't think that the "convo" on this board is over my head.

mammoth said:

For some reason I get the distinct feeling that you are saying I don't belong here. If I asked a question to simple for this board then sorry. If I am over-reacting to your statement then my apologies as well!! :D

Oh and I don't think that the "convo" on this board is over my head.


I tired giving you advice for your own benefit on expanding your bbing knowledge, if the talk here isnt over your head then hang out and try to answer a question.
ME personally I would stay away from it. Yes I think caffiene has some descent properties for bodybuilding. But I have mixed reviews. Reason being that the only thing that my father ever really consumed that was bad for him has coffee and cigs. It was assumed by his medical staff that this was part of the reason of the cancer that he had. I think that both are more addicting than people think. This man would get up and drink a pot, take a thermos to work and then come home and drink 1-2 more pots before bed. You could tell when he hadn't had coffee in some time. My cousins the same way with mountain dew. Goes more than three hours without one and he gets migraines and even pukes. I like my old fashion h2o out of the well. Just one mans thoughts.
After reading Armageddon's post, it prompted me to put in my 2 bits.

You need to be dinking AT LEAST one gallon of water if you're either taking in high protein or are on the juice. Coffee doesn't count towards this. And, it has diuretic qualities - very COUNTERPRODUCTIVE

Your body can get acclimated to the "thermogenic" effects of caffeine. That's why people who drink a ton of coffee or caffeined soft drinks aren't affected much by the caffeine.

I shy away from any drinks with caffeine. I always take ECA prior to workout and ALWAYS get a buzz (25mg ephedrine, 200mg caffeine and 1 non-coated aspirin, 325mg- i think). Makes me sweat like a pig and increase my heart rate.

I stongly believe that if I drank lots of caffeined drinks, I wouldn't get this effect.

Re: Your Qustion is Good

xcelbeyond said:
Rules state what to avoid posting: http://www.professionalmuscle.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=409


How should I take my 20ml of deca and 30ml of test?

How much size and strength can/will I gain on a cycle?

What side effects will I incur?

How much will I lose post-cycle?


Thanks for clearing that up Xcel!! I only asked the question because I was mainly concerned with the effect on the CNS and recovery. I guess I should have elaborated more on my reasons for asking the question in the original post.

I have heard some say that muscles will not start recovery until the CNS returns to normal. I happen to agree with that because of the DOMS effect that I get. If that is the case then I would think that taking anything that effects your CNS (such as a thermo, or caffeine) after a workout would prolong recovery. Currently I am on Doggcrapp's routine and I would not want to prolong my recovery due to frequency.

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