My current cycle is very test and deca heavy and I'm looking to avoid too much bloat. Is it safe to run dandelion root throughout the cycle, or will this be too hard on my kidneys?
My current cycle is very test and deca heavy and I'm looking to avoid too much bloat. Is it safe to run dandelion root throughout the cycle, or will this be too hard on my kidneys?
I have Herbal Medicine by Barnes et al (Pharmaceutical Press, 2007) and it reports the herb as being safe and non-toxic but regarding its diuretic effect:
Several investigations have failed to demonstrate significant diuretic effects in laboratory animals and have proposed that any diuretic activity is due to the high potassium content of the leaf and root. (p. 204)
To minimise the bloat why don't you use an AI such as exemestane? You should also use a dopaminergic substance to control your prolactin levels if you are using nandrolone.