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combining nebivolol and ephedrine safe?

Yea it’s called your body keeping cardiac output high enough for needed oxygen perfusion.
for sure, makes sense. is there anything that can be done about it? ideally id like to have low BP AND low RHR (as anyone would lol). i have been doing a decent amount of cardio lately, but was slacking on it for the months leading up to this cut. but even during other times in the past when i was super diligent about cardio, its never seemed to make a difference.

i also have ulcerative colitis (but been in a solid remission for yrs and generally asymptomatic) and therefore have some anemia going on from that, but i cant get iron infusions or take iron supps as i also have high crit/globin/rbcs. and i know the anemia can cause tachycardia. but idk how to tackle that given i have contraindicating things going on there.
for sure, makes sense. is there anything that can be done about it? ideally id like to have low BP AND low RHR (as anyone would lol). i have been doing a decent amount of cardio lately, but was slacking on it for the months leading up to this cut. but even during other times in the past when i was super diligent about cardio, its never seemed to make a difference.

i also have ulcerative colitis (but been in a solid remission for yrs and generally asymptomatic) and therefore have some anemia going on from that, but i cant get iron infusions or take iron supps as i also have high crit/globin/rbcs. and i know the anemia can cause tachycardia. but idk how to tackle that given i have contraindicating things going on there.
You have to improve your cardio performance,try some high intensity aerobic activity on top of steady pace cardio
I currently have a high rhr myself but was not always the case. At 115 though I'd probably quit taking whatever caused that. To each his own though.
There's a calcium channel blocker called Verapamil that lowers resting heart rate. I don't have experience with it but worth mentioning for people who don't tolerate beta blockers well like me.
for sure, makes sense. is there anything that can be done about it? ideally id like to have low BP AND low RHR (as anyone would lol). i have been doing a decent amount of cardio lately, but was slacking on it for the months leading up to this cut. but even during other times in the past when i was super diligent about cardio, its never seemed to make a difference.

i also have ulcerative colitis (but been in a solid remission for yrs and generally asymptomatic) and therefore have some anemia going on from that, but i cant get iron infusions or take iron supps as i also have high crit/globin/rbcs. and i know the anemia can cause tachycardia. but idk how to tackle that given i have contraindicating things going on there.

probably you can fix it easily.
stop taking aas and stims and loose weight.
i notice the difference in hr right away once i start jogging. its hard and can make you loose muscle from arms and legs but works for the heart.
You have to improve your cardio performance,try some high intensity aerobic activity on top of steady pace cardio
ya wouldnt be a bad idea, ive been working on bringing up legs the last 4-5 yrs so ive switched to just doing incline walking for cardio since then but ill prob start doing the elliptical and stairstepper again
I currently have a high rhr myself but was not always the case. At 115 though I'd probably quit taking whatever caused that. To each his own though.
ya that was just from EC stack one time, not a regular thing trust me or id be shitting myself lol
There's a calcium channel blocker called Verapamil that lowers resting heart rate. I don't have experience with it but worth mentioning for people who don't tolerate beta blockers well like me.
ok good to know, i actually seem to tolerate nebivolol well so far so ill prob stick to that, esp since BP isnt an issue too. what made u quit nebivolol? i know u were a big fan of it for a long time
probably you can fix it easily.
stop taking aas and stims and loose weight.
i notice the difference in hr right away once i start jogging. its hard and can make you loose muscle from arms and legs but works for the heart.
ya but i have a high RHR anyways, on cycle or off, just how i am. but like i said above, imma start incorporating some other, more intense forms of cardio, especially after i finish this cut and raise cals to not have to worry about muscle loss.
is there anything that can be done about it? ideally id like to have low BP AND low RHR (as anyone would lol)
your body is compensating for something. Figure out what. Could be a lot of things, but getting of stimulants and increasing cardio is a great place to start.

Chronically low BP and high HR isn’t a normal state. It’s a compensatory state. Have you had labs including thyroid or ekg recently? Hop of the stims and increase cardio would be a great place to start.
your body is compensating for something. Figure out what. Could be a lot of things, but getting of stimulants and increasing cardio is a great place to start.

Chronically low BP and high HR isn’t a normal state. It’s a compensatory state. Have you had labs including thyroid or ekg recently? Hop of the stims and increase cardio would be a great place to start.
for sure, makes sense. is there anything that can be done about it? ideally id like to have low BP AND low RHR (as anyone would lol). i have been doing a decent amount of cardio lately, but was slacking on it for the months leading up to this cut. but even during other times in the past when i was super diligent about cardio, its never seemed to make a difference.

i also have ulcerative colitis (but been in a solid remission for yrs and generally asymptomatic) and therefore have some anemia going on from that, but i cant get iron infusions or take iron supps as i also have high crit/globin/rbcs. and i know the anemia can cause tachycardia. but idk how to tackle that given i have contraindicating things going on there.
^^this right here my guy. im anemic from my UC (anemia can cause tachycardia) but i cant fix it since they wont give me iron cuz i also have high RBC/crit/globin (or at least i did, im getting a CBC tomorrow to see where i stand and if thats changed as i most likely was dehydrated last time i got those bloods done). i think that at least plays a decent part. but yes more and intenser cardio is on the agenda as well.
your body is compensating for something. Figure out what. Could be a lot of things, but getting of stimulants and increasing cardio is a great place to start.

Chronically low BP and high HR isn’t a normal state. It’s a compensatory state. Have you had labs including thyroid or ekg recently? Hop of the stims and increase cardio would be a great place to start.
(continued from above, wouldnt let me edit) and yes i get lots of labs and had an EKG, echo and calcium score in the past and all came out well. they didnt give me the exact details of my echo but said it was normal and my calcium score came back at 1 at the age of 35.

the only abnormal thing thats popped up is the high RBC/crit/globin and low HDL sometimes depending on gear, ratio stays good tho as my LDL is always low too tho.
Also dude I have white coat syndrome plus they are going to shut in a box for 10 minutes until the Dr comes which drives me nuts. So my rhr at the Dr is always 85-105 usually. I have an Oximeter at home and just chilling I am 75-85 so something to consider if you don't have one and can pick one up off Amazon for like 15-25 dollars. I like it so I know how compounds react to my body HR wise.
There's a calcium channel blocker called Verapamil that lowers resting heart rate. I don't have experience with it but worth mentioning for people who don't tolerate beta blockers well like me.
I am going to talk to my Dr about this, As someone mentioned before it blocks the receptors for epinephrine in the brain but it also does it in the fat cell reducing weight loss. Thank you!
(continued from above, wouldnt let me edit) and yes i get lots of labs and had an EKG, echo and calcium score in the past and all came out well. they didnt give me the exact details of my echo but said it was normal and my calcium score came back at 1 at the age of 35.

the only abnormal thing thats popped up is the high RBC/crit/globin and low HDL sometimes depending on gear, ratio stays good tho as my LDL is always low too tho.
Ah I think I missed the anemia part. Still getting used to this forums format. Don’t mind me 😅 that does add a weird wrinkle to things.

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