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Is high test needed to grow big and lean

medium slice

Apr 11, 2024
this has been debated a lot on various forums but i want to know from ur personal experiences….

can a guy with average genetics and average height 5’10-6’0 grow to be big with low test high anabolics? by big im talkin 220-235lbs lean or shredded

I’ll give an example cycle
300 test
1 gram primo or eq
1 gram npp or deca…

with maybe adrol or dbol thrown in
You new guys have got to start using the search feature before starting a new thread.

i already read through that thread …

it seems like it’s out of context when defining what’s needed for being big and lean opposed to huge freaky lean …

that is where the confusion lies …

of course none of us are here to be 185lb twinks but some are misguided thinking that running ifbb pro cycle is necessary for being 230 ripped

… reality is these cycles of 2.5 grams of test combined with another 2 grams of anabolics along side tons of gh and lantus are meant for ones who sit close to 300lbs in their off season
i already read through that thread …

it seems like it’s out of context when defining what’s needed for being big and lean opposed to huge freaky lean …

that is where the confusion lies …

of course none of us are here to be 185lb twinks but some are misguided thinking that running ifbb pro cycle is necessary for being 230 ripped

… reality is these cycles of 2.5 grams of test combined with another 2 grams of anabolics along side tons of gh and lantus are meant for ones who sit close to 300lbs in their off season
It’s been covered on here by myself and many of the vets but IMO you should always start with and maximize test first and make it your foundational compound.

For your analogy I would say you could do a 2:1 and work up to a 1:1 of Test to Primo to achieve what you’re looking for.

I’m not personally a fan of taking other compounds higher than 1:1 of my Test intake.
It’s been covered on here by myself and many of the vets but IMO you should always start with and maximize test first and make it your foundational compound.

For your analogy I would say you could do a 2:1 and work up to a 1:1 of Test to Primo to achieve what you’re looking for.

I’m not personally a fan of taking other compounds higher than 1:1 of my Test intake.

ahh gotchya that is a valid point…

though @madg i have read his cycle history in that thread i think an he’s had success running little to no test while driving up the other anabolics high…

@luk.mik is the polar opposite and believes test is absolutely needed to make any meaningful growth

it gets more and more confusing as i read through the threads
why the hell are people so afraid of the test when it is much safer than deca, eq, primo or any other steroid... I will never understand it

if you want to know if it's possible, try it because no one will answer this question and
man that’s what I’m sayin…

like i don’t understand why running 2Gs of test is now making ppl physique worse or “soft” …

isn’t it the other way around? I’m confused at just from reading the victor black thread now tbh

hopefully @madg can chime in
I think I am a good member to answer this.

Let’s low end the height. 70inches…5-10. That’s what I am.

I’ve got a picture or two of me really fucking lean <9% at 209-211lbs IIRC

I’ve hovered around 200-300mg test + anabolics in the 300-400 range for the past decade. Haven’t put on much muscle. I’m not a bodybuilder…I’m just a ex athlete that loves to train…for all kinds of shit.

Now, mind you…when I was going hard in the paint, I was a 240lb powerlifter with blurry abs. That took 500-600mg test + anabolics in the 600ish range, tren sporadically for peaking. So my size was built already

So 5-10 225lbs beach body lean? With genetics of a mortal…or say one level higher… you were a great highschool/college athlete….its gonna take a good dose of test to get there. I’d say 600-900mg over a career with some GH and a little EQ or primo would get you there.

Your physiology is 1 in 8 billion. We really don’t know what the fuck it’s gonna take to get you there.

Also factoring in that drugs is only one variable
Edit:^^ when I say “a little EQ or primo”….like 700mg lol
Welcome back Testosteroni or do you prefer WesternThighs?
I knew as if instinctively it was a troll as soon as I saw the name “medium slice” and “new member” lmfao
Please contact them and stop wasting your life.


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Yes, you absolutely can do so. My question is why? Not sure running deca at 1g/wk is "safer" than test at 1g/wk.

I'm 5'10" and throughout my 40s varied between 225-235 at about 11-12% while running just 300mg test/wk and throwing in orals like var, winny and tbol here and there (never about 50mg/day).

Is 12% shredded? I don't think so. But I could see my abs. Couldn't wash my clothes on my abs, would have to drop another 10 pounds of fat. LOL

I stayed natty until about 40 and got to about 210 at 12%. After 20 years of hard training I was pretty much maxed out with my natural potential. Didn't need tons of gear to move forward, as I knew how to train and eat. 300mg is NOT TRT, but it's not a heavy cycle. Kind of a light cruise.
Look at the guys username.. come on guys.

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