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Is there a disconnect between Gen Z gym-goers and older generations in the gym?

no body does that either anymore huh?
sometimes i ask if there mom didnt teach them to put there toys away when they finish playing.
usually i just get a weird look. lol
i really dont understand the cell phone epidemic, especially in the gym.

you go to the gym for one reason.
how can you fuck with a phone and have a real work out at the same time?
the two just can not go together.

you dont see athletes talking on the phone mid game or mid practice.

My gym bud once said that even though his age categorizes him as a millennial, he "identifies" as a Gen X like me.

After a moment of thought I smashed his phone and screamed "no real Gen X man "identifies", GTFOH!

Brilliant! Sign of a generational imposter for sure.
View attachment 196405View attachment 196406View attachment 196407Wasn’t the most ideal, but it was super cool making everything from scratch
Hell yes! That is the spirit of the sport the younger generation doesn’t really get. It’s done for a desire not what instagram says. Unfortunately majority of the younger generation is too drug obsessed and think they can’t do anything without it and go straight to gear when they buy that gym membership
I have a hat from Chris Kyle's old company, Craft Intl. On the side it says, "Violence does solve problems."

"Power is a good and useful thing for many purposes; for one goes further with a handful of strength than with a bag full of rights."

Max Stirner
no body does that either anymore huh?
sometimes i ask if there mom didnt teach them to put there toys away when they finish playing.
usually i just get a weird look. lol
Bro some of these guys… plates fucking everywhere to do some shitty smith machine deadlifts. It’s always guys with varying strength so they leave like a plate on the bar and like 12 all over the place.

Also a big increase in guys working out right infront of the dumbbell rack. Step the fuck back, man.

And then the ladies with 8 dumbbells to do their circuit and then leave it there wit my a sweat soaked yoga matt.
My new gym is dead after 10 and they are open until midnight. All this week I have been going late and no one is there, man its perfect. I always wondered if I would like to have my own gym just because there would be no women to look at. Well woman my age are few and far between and there is not really any women there at the gym I go to that don't look under 20. But yes I have found out I would absolutely love my own private gym.
My gym bud once said that even though his age categorizes him as a millennial, he "identifies" as a Gen X like me.

After a moment of thought I smashed his phone and screamed "no real Gen X man "identifies", GTFOH!

LMFAO!! This shit had me burst out laughing at work and folks were like, WTF?!?

Yeah, don’t think us GEN-X identify with anything or anyone, other than ourselves. 😂😎
"Power is a good and useful thing for many purposes; for one goes further with a handful of strength than with a bag full of rights."

Max Stirner
have you studied this guy?
That is easy. Especially when you’re jacked. You just say “cool” and drop your bag. Those “3-4 sets” they have left become one real fast. LOL
This has been my experience as well. Just drop your bag and stare.
I have had a gym membership since ethe 80's. And i find those that are dedicated to consistently improving are a minority. And always have been. Most would like the idea to be in better shape, loose weight, are killing time or would like to meet people. The dumb shit people do just keeps me entertained between sets. And long ago i was probably one of those as i tried the secret new supplement or routine i read in a magazine. And magazines were just the internet of that time. And were a waste i have found but they did lead to keeping me motivated.
I am courteous to everyone all the time, even the first couple times they do something less then pleasant to me as any one can have a bad day. But by the third time i figure it is time to teach patients and tolerance. Children are all self centered it takes maturity to go beyond that. And that can takes time. More for some then others and a few never get it. But the vast vast majority of people treat me very politely. I find i reap what i sow.
people seem to spend more time resting and looking in the mirror then actually doing sets.
ppl with there legs crossed sitting on machines staring at the phone or ceiling or mirror drives me nuts.

i often ask if someone is actually using it or how many sets they have left. if they answer with number of sets i look at them and say great! thanks! then lets go! we are here to work out! usually a spinny hand gesture too. lol

i dont rest sit or stop! finish the set, take a drink keep moving a minute and hit it again.

in the situation above ill pace and stare at them until they move off.
lets go!
lets go!
save rest for your couch!
lazyy fucks!
This. In my book this is the ultimate sin. Anything that prevents others from getting in their workout in a timely manner...fucking around on equipment clogging it up while not even working hard, socializing between sets causing them to clog it up longer. Gym parasites.
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To start, I’m 24 years old so I’m gonna make the assumption that I am one of the younger individuals on this forum. I’ve been working out for 10 years now and most of my experience within the gym was learned from MUCH more experienced gym members, strength coaches from playing hs/college football, and watching YouTube (EliteFTS, IFBB pros, etc).

Something that I’ve always noticed early on is that there’s always been people at whatever gym I workout at that are super friendly or helpful but they are usually +30 in age. I have 3 training partners (1 everyday, 1 a few times a year, and 1 only over the summer because he’s in college out of state) who are all relatively the same age as me but we’ve known each other for years. I’ve always found it funny interacting with people my age or younger in the gym. It usually turns into a dick measuring contest… I’ve had people tell me my physique/lifts don’t count because I take steroids (I’m open about my use if asked). Once I had a kid curse me out because I wouldn’t tell him where to buy gear(personally I think it’s a right of passage to find it yourself, which isn’t very hard). It’s almost like in my generation people are competing against each other to look better than the guy next to them. Obviously not everyone is like that but it is becoming a theme as I’ve become more experienced.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, it’s always the older guys (by old I just mean above my age range) at my gym that are the first people to congratulate you on a big lift, compliment you, etc. I’ve also learned a lot just from taking lil pointers here and there. This question is aimed more at the individuals on this forum who have made the gym apart of their lifestyle and have years of experience but do you ever feel like the gym culture you grew up in is completely different then the gym culture younger generations are experiencing? If so what are the things you like or dislike?
your generation is fucked.... im 40+.... you are probably an outlier in your generation...

every generation acts like grumpy old people to the younger generations. IE- the younger generations are going to take the world to hell.... and they are all brain dead and lazy...

its never true but honestly... in this case it might actually be...

your generation doesnt know which gender they are... cant stop filming themselves... and are just all around pathetic losers..

( not saying you personally are just your generation as a whole) but honeslty... its not even your generations fault... its not mine... its the boomer genertion...

they are literally the problem for everybody..

the gym culture we all grew up in is absolutely disgusted by what we see..

people more interested in likes and clicks than actually lifting..

people who call themselves " influencers" who havent done shit and dont have 1 oz of credibility.....

no respect for themselves or others in the gym....

extremely lazy all around and want instant gratification.

i could go on and on....
"Power is a good and useful thing for many purposes; for one goes further with a handful of strength than with a bag full of rights."

Max Stirner

You’re a fan of a hedonistic amoralist whose works were used to justify “man boy love” and the abolition of the age of consent. Wtf
Bro some of these guys… plates fucking everywhere to do some shitty smith machine deadlifts. It’s always guys with varying strength so they leave like a plate on the bar and like 12 all over the place.

Also a big increase in guys working out right infront of the dumbbell rack. Step the fuck back, man.

And then the ladies with 8 dumbbells to do their circuit and then leave it there wit my a sweat soaked yoga matt.
why does everyone feel the need to stand right in front of the dbell rack and stare at themselves intently while fuck all nothing! wtf
do you go to my gym?
why does everyone feel the need to stand right in front of the dbell rack and stare at themselves intently while fuck all nothing! wtf
do you go to my gym?
Guys I just went to a gym with less kids, I really feel its my fault as I expect some basic level of competency with people. Like bro pop your zits in the bathroom not in from of the dumbbells at 6 pm. Its my expectations that let me down! I 've met kids and wondered what was wrong with em then I met their father and am like, oh deadlifts don't work back you say okay thanks...you bring your kid to the gym cause he dropped out of HS...wow you're dad of the year...lets never talk again. Like that subaru dude is that 6 or 7 colors on that?? Man if I had that shirt I would wear it three days in a row as well. Thanks for bathing in the cologne I can almost not smell the weed no one cares about. Guys your just as small if you take 3-4 steps back from the dumbbell rack. You want to take juice and not diet, maybe you should turbo your car and see if in your case you can drive it without any gas.

This chick on tiktok has the look I am going for and she sells the sarm mk-677 says that's all she takes. Oh I am sure she knows mk-677 is a sarm I mean she said it and she takes the stuff. I don't plan on working more than 2 years because I am just going to be a pro bodybuilder. Can you get steroids. No....oh yea I know all about dieting and how it works I just don't do it. I don't want to get much bigger than I am now. This is just the tip of the iceberg
To start, I’m 24 years old so I’m gonna make the assumption that I am one of the younger individuals on this forum. I’ve been working out for 10 years now and most of my experience within the gym was learned from MUCH more experienced gym members, strength coaches from playing hs/college football, and watching YouTube (EliteFTS, IFBB pros, etc).

Something that I’ve always noticed early on is that there’s always been people at whatever gym I workout at that are super friendly or helpful but they are usually +30 in age. I have 3 training partners (1 everyday, 1 a few times a year, and 1 only over the summer because he’s in college out of state) who are all relatively the same age as me but we’ve known each other for years. I’ve always found it funny interacting with people my age or younger in the gym. It usually turns into a dick measuring contest… I’ve had people tell me my physique/lifts don’t count because I take steroids (I’m open about my use if asked). Once I had a kid curse me out because I wouldn’t tell him where to buy gear(personally I think it’s a right of passage to find it yourself, which isn’t very hard). It’s almost like in my generation people are competing against each other to look better than the guy next to them. Obviously not everyone is like that but it is becoming a theme as I’ve become more experienced.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, it’s always the older guys (by old I just mean above my age range) at my gym that are the first people to congratulate you on a big lift, compliment you, etc. I’ve also learned a lot just from taking lil pointers here and there. This question is aimed more at the individuals on this forum who have made the gym apart of their lifestyle and have years of experience but do you ever feel like the gym culture you grew up in is completely different then the gym culture younger generations are experiencing? If so what are the things you like or dislike?
This board needs more young guys. Please stick around.
your generation is fucked.... im 40+.... you are probably an outlier in your generation...

every generation acts like grumpy old people to the younger generations. IE- the younger generations are going to take the world to hell.... and they are all brain dead and lazy...

its never true but honestly... in this case it might actually be...

your generation doesnt know which gender they are... cant stop filming themselves... and are just all around pathetic losers..

( not saying you personally are just your generation as a whole) but honeslty... its not even your generations fault... its not mine... its the boomer genertion...

they are literally the problem for everybody..

the gym culture we all grew up in is absolutely disgusted by what we see..

people more interested in likes and clicks than actually lifting..

people who call themselves " influencers" who havent done shit and dont have 1 oz of credibility.....

no respect for themselves or others in the gym....

extremely lazy all around and want instant gratification.

i could go on and on....
The funny thing is your father's generation used to say the same thing about your generation.

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