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Is there a disconnect between Gen Z gym-goers and older generations in the gym?

Mine is anyone who sits their stuff or just sits on a machine or bench between sets, especially if I or someone else needs it. I realized I was asking the wrong question.

The correct question to ask those people is- “are you actually using this?”

I have found that it works 99% of the time. Sometimes I think people who are actually using it give it to me because it throws them off. 😂
I like it! And I am going to use it.
I just turned 48, and people in their 40’s and 50’s tell me I look like I’m in my early-mid 30’s……20 year olds have started calling me an old man🫤

I did have two 24 year old girls tell me I looked like I as in my late 20’s though.

Perhaps. Most of the guys my age I talk to still definitely respect the larger guys (though maybe that’s just because I try to avoid the blatant sarm goblins), but it’s just not what they happen to be striving for so they show very little thought/interest. My mind is very all or nothing in ways, so when I think bodybuilding I look towards open and am impressed by the biggest of the biggest. Also probably has a lot to do with the fact I started incredibly skinny.

Lots of young guys seem to think classic is more achievable, which honestly is funny because of how much a genetic component there is to it. Sure maybe they won’t have to put on as much size, but to think they’d actually be competitive without the right structure is silly.

I’m kind of just rambling now lol.

I was also incredibly thin when I started, and not very athletic in general, and while most people just wanted to train for sport or to look like muscular models, I soon noticed the massive bodybuilders and couldn't understand why not everyone would want to have that goal.

The fundamental difference is in how we train and want to grow our legs as much as our arms...
There’s no disconnect if I don’t see them doing all the stupid shit they do in the gyms. I get along with plenty of younger guys. I’m approached alot and asked a ton of questions and a lot of the time I’m happy to help. But U fortunately a lot of the younger guys just walk right up to me and ask me what I’m on. Rude disrespectful and arrogant. All the qualities of a retard. I just get sick of that shit.
I actually had a couple of kids walk by me and one said "steroids" and that's it. I said "What the fuck you say to me, you say that shit again and I'll start fucking your mom"
When I first started training people would come in after a hard days work in their boots and just get lifting. Now everyone has their outfit and Crocs. Back then there was chalk, now hand sanitizer and spray bottles. We got a few at my gym that spend more time wiping equipment and positioning their towel than lifting.
I like it! And I am going to use it.
same stealing, but i need a rebuttal if they ARENT USING IT CLEARLY, and decided to say yes last minute "I have a few more sets"

do I say can I work in with you then? i am REALLY BAD in these situations and my initial reaction is to swing (I Never do I have excellent self control but the demon legions become vocal in acapella and together in symphony in these circumstances) thus I walk away and shake head, I know my limits :) I am overly non confrontational, overly polite, in the rare hope that this MAY just slightly be reciprocated in the gym and social/public environment and make this move a lil more gracefully =) TLC, I have to come across this way upfront as people are already judging me based on my appearance and expecting me to be crude, uncivilized, and impulsive
same stealing, but i need a rebuttal if they ARENT USING IT CLEARLY, and decided to say yes last minute "I have a few more sets"

do I say can I work in with you then? i am REALLY BAD in these situations and my initial reaction is to swing (I Never do I have excellent self control but the demon legions become vocal in acapella and together in symphony in these circumstances) thus I walk away and shake head, I know my limits :) I am overly non confrontational, overly polite, in the rare hope that this MAY just slightly be reciprocated in the gym and social/public environment and make this move a lil more gracefully =) TLC, I have to come across this way upfront as people are already judging me based on my appearance and expecting me to be crude, uncivilized, and impulsive
That is easy. Especially when you’re jacked. You just say “cool” and drop your bag. Those “3-4 sets” they have left become one real fast. LOL
That is easy. Especially when you’re jacked. You just say “cool” and drop your bag. Those “3-4 sets” they have left become one real fast. LOL
haha my boy i love it you got it!
same stealing, but i need a rebuttal if they ARENT USING IT CLEARLY, and decided to say yes last minute "I have a few more sets"

do I say can I work in with you then? i am REALLY BAD in these situations and my initial reaction is to swing (I Never do I have excellent self control but the demon legions become vocal in acapella and together in symphony in these circumstances) thus I walk away and shake head, I know my limits :) I am overly non confrontational, overly polite, in the rare hope that this MAY just slightly be reciprocated in the gym and social/public environment and make this move a lil more gracefully =) TLC, I have to come across this way upfront as people are already judging me based on my appearance and expecting me to be crude, uncivilized, and impulsive

I'd ask to work in before it becomes an issue and you get involved. Figure we all spend more time standing around than under the bar or lifting. It's a shared space everyone pays together for. I train at home now but I was always quick to offer if I even thought someone was waiting (I have no problem asking so only fair). Exception is very different heights or setups on racks. Moving a bar is a pita and unloading/reloading major weight between sets sucks too and helps no one. If they are faster than me, I'll skip a set between there's. Slower I'll ask to double up. It can generally work.

I think this approach helps others learn to share and be respectful to. Sets the example especially for younger kids and changes the tone from potential adversarial to collaborative. Providing they aren't total fuck wads to the core pretty soon it changes to where you all know each other and are rooting them on during hard sets and same back. Sure their hard set may be your early warm up but it's the effort and seeing someone give it that your rooting for, not so much absolute weight.
same stealing, but i need a rebuttal if they ARENT USING IT CLEARLY, and decided to say yes last minute "I have a few more sets"

do I say can I work in with you then? i am REALLY BAD in these situations and my initial reaction is to swing (I Never do I have excellent self control but the demon legions become vocal in acapella and together in symphony in these circumstances) thus I walk away and shake head, I know my limits :) I am overly non confrontational, overly polite, in the rare hope that this MAY just slightly be reciprocated in the gym and social/public environment and make this move a lil more gracefully =) TLC, I have to come across this way upfront as people are already judging me based on my appearance and expecting me to be crude, uncivilized, and impulsive

My philosophy has always been . . . “I don’t know what the problem is but violence is the solution.” 😉
My quote was something Arthur Jones used to say to me all the time.

Yours is good too.
There just a disconnect in general these days. Ya some of these young kids are doing what they see on social media.

Most of the time it's the older folk doing the weird shit.

I really didn't read this thread but I rarely have bad interactions with the public.

You be polite and show kindness you will most likely get that in return
My gym bud once said that even though his age categorizes him as a millennial, he "identifies" as a Gen X like me.

After a moment of thought I smashed his phone and screamed "no real Gen X man "identifies", GTFOH!
So I am doing leg curls and right next to me is a personal trainer sitting on an exercise machine poking his cell phone.

So I say to him “I didn’t know that personal trainers were allowed to use a cell phone while on an exercise machine.”

Without even looking up he says “You are not going to stop it.” He says more and so do I but is the jist of it.

Wrong guy to say that to. Using cell phones while on exercise machines is my hot button.

I am livid. I want to send this guy to the moon. Instead I play the long game.

On the way out after working out, I go upstairs to give management a new credit card for our monthly billing. That’s it.

Always super nice they are. Handing me the card back she asks if I had a good workout. I say “Yes, except for the personal trainer next to me talking on his cell phone while sitting on an exercise machine.”

“What?” she says. “Tell me more.”

So I spill the beans. The whole nine yards. This is an epidemic here. Bla bla bla. I am livid.

I am driving home and my phone rings. I pick it up and it’s one of the owners of the gym calling me. Nice.

I give her the spiel. I tell her I am livid (get the picture?). She asks me more details, all of which I will not share with you but suffice to say he is going to get a taking to so she says. Big deal I’m thinking to myself.

She also said that if “I don’t feel comfortable asking a member to not use their phone while on a piece of equipment there are plenty of trainer and management to do that for you.” Sure. Like am going crying to them every time every Tom, Dick or Harry is using their cell phone. What do I look like, a cop? Of the trainers would get off their lazy asses and actually get

So I go back in to the gym after a short break and sure enough he is still there and so are all the others (I am exaggerating but not by much.) He is still there and so are all the lemmings.

Guess what? He was right . . . are not going to stop it.

i really dont understand the cell phone epidemic, especially in the gym.

you go to the gym for one reason.
how can you fuck with a phone and have a real work out at the same time?
the two just can not go together.

you dont see athletes talking on the phone mid game or mid practice.
same stealing, but i need a rebuttal if they ARENT USING IT CLEARLY, and decided to say yes last minute "I have a few more sets"

do I say can I work in with you then? i am REALLY BAD in these situations and my initial reaction is to swing (I Never do I have excellent self control but the demon legions become vocal in acapella and together in symphony in these circumstances) thus I walk away and shake head, I know my limits :) I ay answer m overly non confrontational, overly polite, in the rare hope that this MAY just slightly be reciprocated in the gym and social/public environment and make this move a lil more gracefully =) TLC, I have to come across this way upfront as people are already judging me based on my appearance and expecting me to be crude, uncivilized, and impulsive

people seem to spend more time resting and looking in the mirror then actually doing sets.
ppl with there legs crossed sitting on machines staring at the phone or ceiling or mirror drives me nuts.

i often ask if someone is actually using it or how many sets they have left. if they answer with number of sets i look at them and say great! thanks! then lets go! we are here to work out! usually a spinny hand gesture too. lol

i dont rest sit or stop! finish the set, take a drink keep moving a minute and hit it again.

in the situation above ill pace and stare at them until they move off.
lets go!
lets go!
save rest for your couch!
lazyy fucks!
i really dont understand the cell phone epidemic, especially in the gym.

you go to the gym for one reason.
how can you fuck with a phone and have a real work out at the same time?
the two just can not go together.

you dont see athletes talking on the phone mid game or mid practice.
I think it was Phil Heath in a recent(?) interview was asked what are three things that bothered him in the gym. Top of the list was cell phones, second was putting your weights away. Don’t recall number three.
I think it was Phil Hearth in a recent(?) interview was asked what are three things that bothered him in the gym. Top of the list was cell phones, second was putting your weights away. Don’t recall number three.

Probably free weights 😅
I think it was Phil Hearth in a recent(?) interview was asked what are three things that bothered him in the gym. Top of the list was cell phones, second was putting your weights away. Don’t recall number three.

no body does that either anymore huh?
sometimes i ask if there mom didnt teach them to put there toys away when they finish playing.
usually i just get a weird look. lol

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