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Is there an in depth guide on how to take HGH?


Verified Customer
Jul 15, 2019

just got my first batch of grey tops. I don't have any needles or anything. Is there an idiot proof guide for how to mix the powder, keep it properly stored, and inject it properly?
Store your HGH in the fridge. This may not be as necessary if it's not reconstituted but either way it is better and will lengthen its shelf life.

When reconstituting HGH make sure that the back water is slowly put on the HGH (not directly on more on this side of the glass or rubber and have it just flow down. Do not shake the bottle. You can swirl the bottle if you're impatient like slowly turning it around.

Iu for insulin it's different than HGH 1 IU of HGH is 1/10 of a cc (but this just depends on how you mix it) I prefer to put 2 cc's of bacteriostatic water in each bottle. Making .2cc =1iu.

when the bottle has run all the way low you'll see there still residue in the bottle. I like to put .4 IU of distilled water, squirrel the bottle around (very slowly) and inject the remaining. At some point (I feel this is a good tip because I seem to get a lot of GH out of this probably over one IU.

How much to take depends on your goals. depending on your age and your natural GH production and how you respond it may be better to take it first thing in the morning or before bed. I would suggest trying it on the weekend first thing in the morning 1-1.5iu. then work your way up to taking it first thing in the morning and then 1 hour pre work out, I feel like it's wasteful to take it pre bed because I would be blunting my natural release. However now that I take it three times sometimes four times a day my last dose is pretty bed.

If sides are comfortable I move up the dose to two IU per dose
Store your HGH in the fridge. This may not be as necessary if it's not reconstituted but either way it is better and will lengthen its shelf life.

When reconstituting HGH make sure that the back water is slowly put on the HGH (not directly on more on this side of the glass or rubber and have it just flow down. Do not shake the bottle. You can swirl the bottle if you're impatient like slowly turning it around.(make sure when putting the water in you are not putting extra pressure in the bottle. Pressure should be neutral in the bottle. Usually the gray tops are vacuum sealed so I like to fill a insulin syringe all the way to the top with air, poke into the bottle slowly allow the air to enter the bottle I put my thumb on the plunger to prevent it from shooting straight in. I do this that too make sure that I'm super gentle with the peptide (until there's no positive or negative air pressure)

When injecting the bathwater into the huge bottle you'll notice that your building pressure in the bottle so back it (the plunger) off and inject again. Extra pressure on the peptides can destroy over time.

Iu for insulin it's different than HGH. 1 IU of HGH is 1/10 of a cc (but this just depends on how you mix it) I prefer to put 2 cc's of bacteriostatic water in each bottle. Making .2cc =1iu.

when the bottle has run all the way low you'll see there still residue in the bottle. I like to put .4 IU of distilled water, squirrel the bottle around (very slowly) and inject the remaining. At some point (I feel this is a good tip because I seem to get a lot of GH out of this probably over one IU.

How much to take depends on your goals. depending on your age and your natural GH production and how you respond it may be better to take it first thing in the morning or before bed. I would suggest trying it on the weekend first thing in the morning 1-1.5iu. then work your way up to taking it first thing in the morning and then 1 hour pre work out, I feel like it's wasteful to take it pre bed because I would be blunting my natural release. However now that I take it three times sometimes four times a day my last dose is pretty bed.

If sides are comfortable I move up the dose to two IU per dose
If you start dosing at or above 6 IU everyday (especially if it's broken into multiple injects)

Itf taking that much definitely get a glucose monitor; or take days off (I don't do this as much as I should but if I had more self-control I would)

If your fasting blood sugar is too high. Consider coming off taking metformin. Or just coming off or implementing insulin

From all the scientific literature that I've read. I see diminishing returns after 2 iu
administered at once. But many would disagree.
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when the bottle has run all the way low you'll see there still residue in the bottle. I like to put .4 IU of distilled water, squirrel the bottle around (very slowly) and inject the remaining. At some point (I feel this is a good tip because I seem to get a lot of GH out of this probably over one
Really?? I’ve never heard this before but sounds reasonable to try it!
Really?? I’ve never heard this before but sounds reasonable to try it!
Yeah, what I do is ill save two or three used bottles add distilled water or bac Water to them and do that in place of one of my "normal" shots

(distilled is cheaper and since your tossing it after you don't need bac water)
Thank you for the information! This topic needs a sticky like others on this boar!

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