The ex is out on the town everyweekend. It sucks because ive gone out a few times and she is there with some ugly skanks everytime. Im not going to hid though and not go out just because of her. Another thing is killing me is the fact that Im still in the process of saving for a place to live while im staying in a buddys basement with my dogs. Its not perfect but better than being in the same house as the ex. Now she wants to do a short sale of the house we bought together. This really pisses me off. It hasnt even had time to sell what the heck. She is just a petty, vindictive bitch and wants more money to buy clothes, plastic surgery etc. She is just trying to wreck me anyway she can. I dont understand this. My new thing is never trust people with your heart or money. Im still bummed about all this stuff but hey it could be worse. Once I get my own place will be better I think. At least I hope.