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Jessicas first day at school!!

mrs bapper

New member
Jul 21, 2009
Hi everyone here at PM...I have nt being on here in a while so I thought Id post a picture of Jessica at her first day of Pre-school...Big Bapper would have being so very proud of her, Its such a shame that he could nt have being as I know how much Jessica meant to him..But I know he will be looking down and will be more than proud of us both and that really keeps me going...If it had'nt off being for Seamus I would'nt be the person I am today and I would'nt have Jessica...So Im more proud and most importantly I have my little angel Jessica who keeps me going...I hope you are all doing real good and I never forget about you guys either..Respect Michelle and Jessica-Jayne ox :)


  • Jessica school.jpg
    Jessica school.jpg
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Wow! What a sweetheart! She's going to break a lot of hearts :D
awwwww bless. How did the first day go? Was she ok?

Mine started a couple of years ago and i remember expecting a call from the school every minute to pick him up.

I think it was tougher for me than it was for him, lol :)
Wow! What a sweetheart! She's going to break a lot of hearts :D

Thanks Ness...Yeh for sure my little Jessica is gonna be a real little stunner...When Big Bapper was alive , he always used to joke that he would have to get a shotgun for when she started dating lolz :)
I cant tell you

Thanks Ness...Yeh for sure my little Jessica is gonna be a real little stunner...When Big Bapper was alive , he always used to joke that he would have to get a shotgun for when she started dating lolz :)

I am so happy for you both......yest so just hurts too muc hto talk about it....God bless you both.........what a beautiful little girl.
awwwww bless. How did the first day go? Was she ok?

Mine started a couple of years ago and i remember expecting a call from the school every minute to pick him up.

I think it was tougher for me than it was for him, lol :)

Yeah I know exactly what you mean lolz..But little Jessica was just fine on her first day, shes a very confident little girl...And there was only tears shed on my part..Jessica were nt a bit bothered lolz :)
I am so happy for you both......yest so just hurts too muc hto talk about it....God bless you both.........what a beautiful little girl.

Thank you so much for your kind words Phil...Im so very grateful to have Jessica in my life..:) x
All my best to lil' Jess for all those LONG years she's now in school for... better warn her it's gonna be boring most of the time... lol :eek: :p ;)
All my best to lil' Jess for all those LONG years she's now in school for... better warn her it's gonna be boring most of the time... lol :eek: :p ;)

Awh thanx Phidias ...I knoe exactly what you mean, I myself detested school :) x
She's growing up quickly. wow. I always enjoy seeing kids in uniforms on their first day. Then after the hype wears off seeing them getting sick of them. As I did. hahahaha

She's a lovely young lady. God bless her. And thank you for posting.

(don't be a stranger)
Glad you posted this!!!!

She looks soo cute & Professional. Her little pants are soo cute.

Does she have to wear that out fit everyday or do they get times that they can wear other outfits?

She is always smiling in every pic you post that is great. Wish you guys the Very Best!!!
I adai, The first day. She is such a beautiful little girl. I bet you took a hundred pictures.:D
Too Cute!!

Little Miss Bapper is way too cute.:)

Please let her know that she has a TON of huge fans that think highly of her and her father!!!

She's your daughter and many of us see her as one of our own at the same time.:)
She is an adorable little lady! Know that Bapper is proud of you both. Peace and blessings.
She's growing up quickly. wow. I always enjoy seeing kids in uniforms on their first day. Then after the hype wears off seeing them getting sick of them. As I did. hahahaha

She's a lovely young lady. God bless her. And thank you for posting.

(don't be a stranger)

Yeh Jessica is diffinetley growing up, nearly way too quick at times, seems like no time ago from she was born...My little princess just looks so smart and cute and Im unbelievably proud of her for the way shes turning out...Thank you and Sorry its being so long from I have being on here!! x:)
She looks soo cute & Professional. Her little pants are soo cute.

Does she have to wear that out fit everyday or do they get times that they can wear other outfits?

She is always smiling in every pic you post that is great. Wish you guys the Very Best!!!

Well the only part of the uniforum that is complusory is the jumper, They can go a bit more casual, but I just like her to look smart in her outfit..

My little Jessica is one happy little kid and like you say always smiling..Shes turning out just the way Seamus wanted her to be..As we always agreed that we would bring Jessica up to be positive, confident and most importantly happy :) x
I adai, The first day. She is such a beautiful little girl. I bet you took a hundred pictures.:D

Yes a very proud day but also very emotional...Jessica is my little gem and a big part of Seamus is in her too..And theres nothing I would nt do for my little princess :)
Little Miss Bapper is way too cute.:)

Please let her know that she has a TON of huge fans that think highly of her and her father!!!

She's your daughter and many of us see her as one of our own at the same time.:)

Tyrone your kind words have really touched my heart..Thank you and I most diffinetley will...The respect and admiration people have for my Big Bapper is totally out standing and over whelming to say the least...Im proud to have Jessica known as part of the family here at PM ...That in itself would mean the world to Big Bapper if he were here today...Thank you Tyrone and Respect x :)
WOW how adorable! enjoy every second of it as they grow up so freakin fast!!! one day when she is truly old enough to understand she will flip out over a bunch a guys all over the world that thought so much of her father.


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