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just got bloodwork done.liver,kidney.thyroid and test levels


New member
Jun 13, 2002
i will get the results back at the end of the week.been clean for 2 months now . i know my test levels will be low im trying too get doc to prescribe me some test.
my question is if i can get on hormone replacement therapy how often do they moniter your levels.
i want too start again now everything is aching bad i feel like im falling apart.deca was helping with my injuries and now im suffering big time.
can i start anything or wait till he calls me back with my results
i just want too start low dose deca 200mg a week and low dose test 500mg a week just for sex drive too come back
what do you guys do that get on HRT.
thanks , any help is appreciated
what I was told

I went and had my bloodwork done.....low test levels and the doc said I could get on hrt........blood would be monitored closely to find the correct dosage for my needs........starting out with about 200mgs and adjusting as needed thru bloodwork........so if you are asking if you can cycle during your therapy I would have to so no, due to the blood testing that will take place! I decided against using my doc for the present time, until i am done trying to grow......when my serious lifting days are about over, then i will see my doc again and try hrt through him, that way I am legal......peace and stay safe bro.....ss.
I'm not a big fan of Deca for increasing sex drives.......go for test... enanthate or cyponate. I have had too many bad experiences with Deca dick....
well deca will actually decrease my test levels right so thats a good thing if the docs monitering me for test levels
i can take anything besides test and ill be ok
because then hell increase my dosages if my test levels get even lower am i correct
so i can use deca, eq, dball right?
Maybe some of the guru's here can jump in and give you some good advice on lowering levels. I don't have any research but wouldn't clomid or novadex be a better chioce to drive levels lower.

Try and watch what you take for supplements, bar, shakes...ect with phoromones can skew the test.

I would think EQ would be better because it raises red blood cell count......
ripped103 said:
28 people read my post not one response

its going to happen here when 90% of our members have 0 post because they use this as a reading source, and dont interact, purpose to learn. We have A LOT of very inteligent guys on PM i would say for sure the most combined inteligence bbing related in 1 forum existent on the whole internet. so i think a lot of people just realize this and who are trying to learn and see things at a more advanced level.
Stay awake as many hrs(get very little rest,if any) as you can before the test,also drink water by the ton and starve your self, cold showers & your old ladys birthcontrol pills 2days before the test...it works, problem is doing it every 3mo's for your test it suck's, i could'nt do it.It was easier just to buy it from my local gear monster:D
GF-that shit would work, but is it really worth it!?!?! Kidding, I guess...

Clomid and nolv would probably raise test levels-it would minimize suppression from estrogen by blocking it at the Hypothalimus. Deca would lower the levels, but also lower sex drive by not replacing the androgenic component.

I dont see why they would continue to test you whil on HRT. The test injections they would be administering would prevent your endogenious test levels from recouperating-keeping them suppressed. You dont need a damn blood test to know that, just a small understanding of endocronology and homeostasis.
I guess all doctors are different, I know 2 people on hrt they get their blood work every 3mo's to test their levels...but my old workout partner (god rest his soul) got a bottle of cyp whenever he called it in...lucky bastard, just told the doc he was'nt feeling manly & the old lady was complaining, bang another 2 grams of upjohn;)

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