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Just survived heart attack at age 38, follow up to Phil's post

Interesting article here from the American Heart Association.

"Using two-dimensional ultrasound imaging, researchers found that the left ventricle, the heart's main pumping chamber, was significantly weaker during contraction (systolic function) in those taking anabolic steroids compared to the non-steroid users.

Seventy-one percent of the anabolic steroid users who were on-drug at the time of evaluation had a low pumping capacity (less than 52 percent) whereas off-drug users had largely normal pumping capacity. In contrast, researchers found that only two of the non-users had a low pumping capacity.
Diastolic function, which is when the left ventricle relaxes and fills with blood, was impaired both for on-drug and off-drug anabolic steroid users. The researchers said this suggests a more permanent heart problem."

“Compared to non-users, anabolic steroid users displayed both higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure as well as a higher prevalence of levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol in their blood,” said Aaron Baggish, M.D., study co-lead author and associate director of the cardiovascular performance program at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston."

“It is critical that clinicians become aware of the long-term risks of anabolic steroid use on the heart. Most people relate anabolic steroids to cheating among athletes and fail to realize that there is a large population of men who have developed dependence upon these drugs, but who are not readily visible. The oldest members of this population are only now reaching middle age,” said Harrison Pope, Jr., M.D., the study’s other co-lead author and professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School"

Clinicians need to know that there may be a marked increase in anabolic steroid-related cardiac pathology as this population moves into later middle-age and beyond,” said Pope who is also director of the Biological Psychiatry Laboratory at McLean Hospital, Harvard’s largest teaching hospital in psychiatry.

Other co-authors are Rory B. Weiner, M.D.; Gen Kanayama, M.D., Ph.D.; James I. Hudson, M.D.; Sc.D.; Michael Lu, M.D.; and Udo Hoffman, M.D., M.P.H. Author disclosures are on the manuscript.

A grant from the National Institutes on Drug Abuse funded the study."

We have shown that genetic overexpression of cell cycle proteins can increase the proliferation of transplanted cardiomyocytes derived from human induced-pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC-CMs) in animal models of myocardial infarction (MI). Here, we introduce a new, non-genetic approach to promote hiPSC-CM cell cycle activity and proliferation in transplanted human cardiomyocyte patches (hCMPs).
Mice were randomly distributed into 5 experimental groups (n = 10 per group). One group underwent Sham surgery, and the other 4 groups underwent MI induction surgery followed by treatment with hCMPs composed of hiPSC-CMs and nanoparticles that contained CHIR99021 and FGF1 (the NPCF-hCMP group), with hCMPs composed of hiPSC-CMs and empty nanoparticles (the NPE-hCMP group); with patches containing the CHIR99021/FGF-loaded nanoparticles but lacking hiPSC-CMs (the NPCF-Patch group), or patches lacking both the nanoparticles and cells (the E-Patch group). Cell cycle activity was evaluated via Ki67 and Aurora B expression, bromodeoxyuridine incorporation, and phosphorylated histone 3 levels (immunofluorescence); engraftment via human cardiac troponin T or human nuclear antigen expression (immunofluorescence) and bioluminescence imaging; cardiac function via echocardiography; infarct size and wall thickness via histology; angiogenesis via isolectin B4 expression (immunofluorescence); and apoptosis via TUNEL and caspace 3 expression (immunofluorescence).
Combined CHIR99021- and FGF1-treatment significantly increased hiPSC-CM cell cycle activity both in cultured cells (by 4- to 6-fold) and in transplanted hCMPs, and compared to treatment with NPE-hCMPs, NPCF-hCMP transplantation increased hiPSC-CM engraftment by ~4-fold and was associated with significantly better measurements of cardiac function, infarct size, wall thickness, angiogenesis, and hiPSC-CM apoptosis four weeks after MI induction.
Nanoparticle-mediated CHIR99021 and FGF1 delivery promotes hiPSC-CM cell cycle activity and proliferation, as well as the engraftment and regenerative potency of transplanted hCMPs, in a mouse MI model.

We have shown that genetic overexpression of cell cycle proteins can increase the proliferation of transplanted cardiomyocytes derived from human induced-pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC-CMs) in animal models of myocardial infarction (MI). Here, we introduce a new, non-genetic approach to promote hiPSC-CM cell cycle activity and proliferation in transplanted human cardiomyocyte patches (hCMPs).
Mice were randomly distributed into 5 experimental groups (n = 10 per group). One group underwent Sham surgery, and the other 4 groups underwent MI induction surgery followed by treatment with hCMPs composed of hiPSC-CMs and nanoparticles that contained CHIR99021 and FGF1 (the NPCF-hCMP group), with hCMPs composed of hiPSC-CMs and empty nanoparticles (the NPE-hCMP group); with patches containing the CHIR99021/FGF-loaded nanoparticles but lacking hiPSC-CMs (the NPCF-Patch group), or patches lacking both the nanoparticles and cells (the E-Patch group). Cell cycle activity was evaluated via Ki67 and Aurora B expression, bromodeoxyuridine incorporation, and phosphorylated histone 3 levels (immunofluorescence); engraftment via human cardiac troponin T or human nuclear antigen expression (immunofluorescence) and bioluminescence imaging; cardiac function via echocardiography; infarct size and wall thickness via histology; angiogenesis via isolectin B4 expression (immunofluorescence); and apoptosis via TUNEL and caspace 3 expression (immunofluorescence).
Combined CHIR99021- and FGF1-treatment significantly increased hiPSC-CM cell cycle activity both in cultured cells (by 4- to 6-fold) and in transplanted hCMPs, and compared to treatment with NPE-hCMPs, NPCF-hCMP transplantation increased hiPSC-CM engraftment by ~4-fold and was associated with significantly better measurements of cardiac function, infarct size, wall thickness, angiogenesis, and hiPSC-CM apoptosis four weeks after MI induction.
Nanoparticle-mediated CHIR99021 and FGF1 delivery promotes hiPSC-CM cell cycle activity and proliferation, as well as the engraftment and regenerative potency of transplanted hCMPs, in a mouse MI model.

Looks promising for the future when stem cell implantation becomes an approved treatment for heart attacks. I think done shortly after an MI, this has promise. So these growth factors appear to increase the proliferation of the cells, which is great. Maybe someday I might be able to get the treatment done, after it is approved and perfected. For now it looks like my heart wall is too thin for the implantation. I tried to get into a stem cell study but was rejected because of that.
Even after 12 years of experience of lifting with heart failure it can be tough for me to know my limits. Today after my second set of squats I found my heart beating too fast again. Luckily I think it was just regular sinus tachycardia and after a few minutes it slowed down. It never got up to 220, where it will then trigger my defibrillator. This was a normal heart rhythm, just too fast for me. It caused significant symptoms for me and scared the shit out of me. I rested for a good amount of time, maybe 15 minutes. I was brave, or crazy enough, to continue and get my 3rd set in. I stopped that set of squats short at only 10 reps, had planned on doing at least 15. I was ok then.
maldorf, I appreciate that you continue to share your tale on here. Many in your situation would've completely shut this part of their life down and never looked back. It's great that you're able to still take part while sharing your experiences, both prior and current, with others.
Looks promising for the future when stem cell implantation becomes an approved treatment for heart attacks. I think done shortly after an MI, this has promise. So these growth factors appear to increase the proliferation of the cells, which is great. Maybe someday I might be able to get the treatment done, after it is approved and perfected. For now it looks like my heart wall is too thin for the implantation. I tried to get into a stem cell study but was rejected because of that.
Oscar Shearer`s ventricle totally regenerated. I will call you and give you his tel # you should talk, privately, I asked him to do not talk on any forum about.
Looks promising for the future when stem cell implantation becomes an approved treatment for heart attacks. I think done shortly after an MI, this has promise. So these growth factors appear to increase the proliferation of the cells, which is great. Maybe someday I might be able to get the treatment done, after it is approved and perfected. For now it looks like my heart wall is too thin for the implantation. I tried to get into a stem cell study but was rejected because of that.

Maybe you talked about this before but have you looked into the stem cell therapies they’re offering in Panama with Dr. Neil Riordan?

I think the treatments are like 25k per session but have seen many people rave how crazy it works..

Mel Gibson was on JRE Podcast with the doctor and his dad got it done, I think he said he was 92 years old with multiple ailments when he did the stem cells (I think heart failure was one of them) and that summer they did the podcast Gibson said his dad turned 100 and was up and walking around in basically perfect health, it’s like they reversed everything..
Maybe you talked about this before but have you looked into the stem cell therapies they’re offering in Panama with Dr. Neil Riordan?

I think the treatments are like 25k per session but have seen many people rave how crazy it works..

Mel Gibson was on JRE Podcast with the doctor and his dad got it done, I think he said he was 92 years old with multiple ailments when he did the stem cells (I think heart failure was one of them) and that summer they did the podcast Gibson said his dad turned 100 and was up and walking around in basically perfect health, it’s like they reversed everything..
Yeah, I looked into it and they approved me for treatment, but I decided that I didn't believe in what they are doing. They aren't injecting stem cells into the heart where the tissue is dead, if I remember right they are only injecting the cells into the blood stream. For the expense it just didn't seem like a wise decision for me.
Yeah, I looked into it and they approved me for treatment, but I decided that I didn't believe in what they are doing. They aren't injecting stem cells into the heart where the tissue is dead, if I remember right they are only injecting the cells into the blood stream. For the expense it just didn't seem like a wise decision for me.

It is expensive but there’s plenty of known people who’ve gone down there and it’s worked.. I mean, in your position don’t you think that anything is worth a try? 25k, shit even 25 mil ain’t shit if you’re not around to enjoy it.. Money comes and goes man, but time is priceless... I’d give it some 2nd and 3rd thoughts if I were you.. Would really love to see you stick around for decades to come, especially if you can pull through this healthy with a long life ahead of you..
It is expensive but there’s plenty of known people who’ve gone down there and it’s worked.. I mean, in your position don’t you think that anything is worth a try? 25k, shit even 25 mil ain’t shit if you’re not around to enjoy it.. Money comes and goes man, but time is priceless... I’d give it some 2nd and 3rd thoughts if I were you.. Would really love to see you stick around for decades to come, especially if you can pull through this healthy with a long life ahead of you..
I've looked into the research being done on people that have had heart attacks and suffered damage, and all the credible ones involve injecting cells directly into the scar tissue of the heart. Doing it shortly after the heart attack raises the chance of success too. Its really too late for me in any regard, if I could safely do the heart injection then I would pay for that. I have about zero faith in the other methods for my problem.

I do appreciate your concern, thanks.
I posted this in the coronavirus thread we all have been using. Thought I'd post it here too, since this is a sort of on going record of life after a bad heart attack.

Our day started off bad today. First, I had scheduled for a staff member to pick up my Porsche today for some work but received a call that a member of their team tested positive for the virus. They had to shut down pickups because of that. Probably have to test all the staff in the building now.

Meanwhile, my wife started feeling sick last night. She's the only one in the family that's been going out for us. She feels worse today. So now she needs to test and we probably all need to quarantine.

So far her only symptoms are mainly an upset stomach and some nausea. Don't think she has a fever and not complaining of any respiratory symptoms. I think she might have diarrhea. Anyone in here had it yet that could share how they felt? She's definitely sick with something, but don't know what.

Now of course I'm worried about getting sick from her. We have her isolated down in the basement now
Sorry to hear about your wife. I always get a little bit of a sinking feeling when I see you posted here, because I worry you had another heart issue. I'm glad you're doing OK. Keep it up.

I was discussing transplants today with a transplant nurse and thought of you and another lifter I know with a transplant.
Sorry to hear about your wife. I always get a little bit of a sinking feeling when I see you posted here, because I worry you had another heart issue. I'm glad you're doing OK. Keep it up.

I was discussing transplants today with a transplant nurse and thought of you and another lifter I know with a transplant.
Thanks. Chances are she doesn't have it, but cant say that I'm not worried. In our area you can't even get tested without a script from the doctor. Been 2 hours and still no call from the doctor's office.
Wife was fine and just messed up from taking antibiotics for a tooth problem.

Today I was lifting and got my heart stuck once again in V Tach. I had to have my wife drive me to the hospital and get defibrillated again. Not good.

Big thing is that I'm not really sure what I did wrong today. I got the arrythmia while I was doing laterals for my rear delts. I lay on my bench inclined and do them that way. I think the extra pressure on my chest causes trouble for my heart.

Had to go to the ER in the middle of this covid-19 crap. Had no choice. Wore my n-95. I saw a room stacked with 3 or more ventilators. My wife came in too. Hoping neither of us gets sick now.

Got to call my cardiologist Monday and see what he wants to do. They wanted me to do another ventricular ablation, but the 1st one made my heart worse. I don't want to do it again unless I'm on my death bed. Might have to go on amioderone. I pray not because that drug is known for destroying the thyroid and fibrosis of the lungs. Think I'm going to just keep truckin like I am now.

Tomorrow I'm getting back on the horse again and lift. I can't just lie around waiting to die. Life goes on.
Wife was fine and just messed up from taking antibiotics for a tooth problem.

Today I was lifting and got my heart stuck once again in V Tach. I had to have my wife drive me to the hospital and get defibrillated again. Not good.

Big thing is that I'm not really sure what I did wrong today. I got the arrythmia while I was doing laterals for my rear delts. I lay on my bench inclined and do them that way. I think the extra pressure on my chest causes trouble for my heart.

Had to go to the ER in the middle of this covid-19 crap. Had no choice. Wore my n-95. I saw a room stacked with 3 or more ventilators. My wife came in too. Hoping neither of us gets sick now.

Got to call my cardiologist Monday and see what he wants to do. They wanted me to do another ventricular ablation, but the 1st one made my heart worse. I don't want to do it again unless I'm on my death bed. Might have to go on amioderone. I pray not because that drug is known for destroying the thyroid and fibrosis of the lungs. Think I'm going to just keep truckin like I am now.

Tomorrow I'm getting back on the horse again and lift. I can't just lie around waiting to die. Life goes on.

Glad you’re alright Mal... You have a very admirable outlook on this whole situation, and rest assured, as I’ve probably told you 100x, you’ve indirectly helped A LOT of people avoid issues, myself included.. I love how open you are and how you keep us all updated..

I’ve always got this feeling that you’re not going anywhere for a long time brother, despite what the literature and doctors might say are typical for such a situation.. You’re either gona be benefited with some new, futuristic android heart lol or you’re going to be one of those freak situation that you have an issue but you live to be 90 anyway and no one can explain it lol.
Glad you’re alright Mal... You have a very admirable outlook on this whole situation, and rest assured, as I’ve probably told you 100x, you’ve indirectly helped A LOT of people avoid issues, myself included.. I love how open you are and how you keep us all updated..

I’ve always got this feeling that you’re not going anywhere for a long time brother, despite what the literature and doctors might say are typical for such a situation.. You’re either gona be benefited with some new, futuristic android heart lol or you’re going to be one of those freak situation that you have an issue but you live to be 90 anyway and no one can explain it lol.
I hope I end up strong like Dick Cheney. He got a transplant and appears to be doing well at age 79. He had a good number of heart attacks, hopefully I dont have that though!
This is eye opening stuff. Such a young age to have a heart attack.
Yeah, I was just 38. Some bodybuilders have died from heart attacks and blood clots that young or younger. Much of the time im just glad to still be alive. 12 years now. Some days I get angry because I can't exercise hard and am out of shape. Its really hard for me to lose body fat now since I can't exercise real intense and I'm on a large dose of beta blocker. If I push too hard I could end up in the hospital ER like yesterday or set off my defibrillator. It came close to having to go off yesterday. Being 50 now it seems like the rest of my body is breaking down because I'm not able to get vigorous in the gym. Stiff low back, sore joints, etc.
Glad you're ok and love that positive attitude man. Never give up!
I can't. The day I do is the day I begin to die. I let myself slip some over the last 2 years and put on 20 lbs of fat. Trimmed that off since February, down to 230 now. Looking and feeling better, and I was surprised when yesterday happened because I was doing a lot better. This has happened in the past though. I can do everything right and things still go wrong. Just can't regress now, because over the last few years I'd let that happen after being in the hospital. There is a very real fear for me when working out.

Sucks, because working out was one of my favorite things in life, and now it causes fear in me. A bit like Pavlov's dog. Work out -get shocked and end up in the ER.
Yes, thats the frame of mind I am in now. I am just going to be the best that nature allows me, and work harder on nutrition and training. Phil should be a great aid in that. Hanging around this board is a good thing too. I just pray that eventually I will be able to go all out in the gym again and push myself like I used to. It is not in my nature to do something at partial effort, for me its all or nothing. Going to be real hard for me to hold back for awhile, but I am keeping time in perspective. A few months at low effort wont amount to much loss in the long run. Went through something similiar to this when I had 3 hernias repaired last year. The last few years have not been kind to me.

Your tenacity has inspired me. The guy who went into end-stage heart failure after the cardiologist ruptured his aortic valve is back to training at 100%.

"Where there's a will...and there is a fucking will...there is a way...and there is a fucking way...there's always a fucking way"


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