any tips? cycle is test e 250/e3d deca 250/e4d
Drink lots of water, 2 gallons/day and avoid salts. If you are still bloating try an anti-estrogen like a-dex. A-dex will keep the estrogen down which will keep the salt retention down which in turn will lower your water retention.
on a side note, taking test-e and deca once a week works fine, I think test-e e3d is over kill, IMO.
definitely need to keep the salt on the low down...cut out some sausages i was eating because of it..and notice a different. processed food is death
I understand that sodium holds water, but to some extent you want sodium in your diet bc you want your muscle cells to be hydrated. One can not be in an anabolic state dehydrated. Ask any trainer and they will suggest you drink loads of water but never mention AVOIDING sodium all together.
Drink lots of water, 2 gallons/day and avoid salts. If you are still bloating try an anti-estrogen like a-dex. A-dex will keep the estrogen down which will keep the salt retention down which in turn will lower your water retention.
on a side note, taking test-e and deca once a week works fine, I think test-e e3d is over kill, IMO.
What is the link between estrogen and salt or am I reading this wrong? I would be very interested as my HRT raises my estrogen levels yet I'm on strict low sodium diet.
You are reading it correctly and thats a very good question. "Why?" is actually still open for debate but it is certian that higher estrogen levels do in fact increase water retention. Most believe the mechanism of action is probably direct stimulation by the estrogen on substances called renin-angiotensin that cause water retention in the kidneys. The water retention then causes sodium (salt) retention. Most studies were performed as a result of young girls complaining of weight-gain after starting birth control pills. There are tons of studies on this. Clinical studies show that lower doses of estrogen(lower dosed birth control pills) result in lower edema (water-retention). The weight gain from the estrogen pills had no link to increase fat or appetitie but only water retention.
Hope this helps answer your question.
I think that is a combination of higher estrogen and 17-ketosteroids levels cused by the androgens, they will make your body produce more Aldosterone.
Has anyone done any research on this for bloat? It should help with bloat, and also help keep your BP under control. I've been giving it some thought. Next I'll look at dosing